hair loss???

Hi Andie- when will you get your results from your scans back??
fingers crossed every thing is clear…

Hi- Jackie i hope you have a great response for your skin mets,thinking of you.



I will be going into The Marsden in Surrey on Smithers ward…Please dont snow any more !!! this op has to be done asap…

Thinking of you all


Hi Shell

Good News .Good luck for tomorrow. At the moment no snow forcast for the London area overnight.

The scans are the 3rd lot I have had done since DX to monitor how much shrinkage is happening. Also the surgeon wanted an up to date set done before my operation at the end of Feb. The consultant Radiologist that I saw today has already said that things are looking much better and the surgeon has agreed to operate regardless of the scan results. They needed to be done but I am not worried about the results, they are more for their information than mine.

I still have a large lump but at the moment they are not sure if that is still cancer or scar tissue from where the lump has shrunk. I am having a full MX so whatever it is will be removed.

We will be thinking of you tomorrow.


Andie xx

thinking of you for tomorrow shelly!! mary x

Good evening ladies,

After being confined to the house yesterday because of the snow, I ventured out today, just on a short bus ride to some local shops in Balham, and bought some haddock fillets for dinner. The streets were quite slippery in places, despite wearing my boots (flat brown suede) with the keenest grip. But it was good to be out and the day was actually quite warm, with a few sunny breaks in the weather.

Well just starting to get really nervous now about impending hair loss, no signs yet:day 11, and know I am probably a few days too early before the signs begin.

I have booked an intensive breakthrough hypnotherapy session at a clinic in Chelsea on Friday afternoon, to help rid all the negativity I am feeling at the moment. The therapist seems to have treated many famous people and is listed in a guide in a woman’s magazine in the 150 best alternative practitioners in England. So I live in hope.

Just thinking now about my favourite places. Has anyone been to Babington’s tearoom in Rome, by the Spanish steps? I love it there, so quirky and English - it was opened in the 1890s by two ladies from the UK - who wanted to create a little bit of England in Italy - a place that served tea, only found in those days for sale in pharmacies in Italy. The place is still much like they designed it, and a lovely place to while away an hour or two…

Shelly -great about the appointment, and just after you got back
Andie, Jo - do you both live in London? I wonder if we live near one another…

Caron, what have you got for supper tonight?? Missing the recipes

Love Bright xx

OHHH if only you knew ? ( has anyone read the men with BC section yet ? I strongly suggest you do ! ).

Right on to other matters ! Well Shelly about bloody time is all I can say ! will be thinking of you and praying for you tomorrow , goes without saying GOOD LUCK ( don’t be scared get the blighter cut out !! ).

Mabel … glad you found us on this thread `, good luck too with your mets.

AndieT , good luck with your scan .

Jo are you over this one yet? I am still feeling tired and strangely I have been really annoyed at things that wouldn’t bother me, don’t know if it’s the chemo or what ?

Bright …you will love the Haddock !! the saying is in Grimsby we send the bob to you lot and keep the best for us ! ( soz ) thats why we always have Haddock in Grimsby rather than Cod.
I had for my tea ( supper in Bright’s case LOL ) chilli con Carne with a jacket & salad. ( healthy option !).
I promise I will find that recipe can anyone remember spanish gold?
It was a childrens sweet ( meant to be tobacco ) brown in colour made of coconut ( it was lovely ), they banned it ! ( bummer ).
right all take care holby is calling !

right then ladies here is (as promised coconut ice ) Spanish Gold


4 3/4 CUPS (760g) icing sugar
2 1/2 CUPS (225g) coconut ( desicated)
400g can sweetened condensed milk
1 egg white, lighty beaten
pink food colouring ( or what ever colouring ! )

  1. Line deep 19cm square cake pan with foil.
  2. Sift iciing sugar into large bowl, stir in coconut then milk
    add egg white, stir until well combined.
  3. Press half the mixture into prepared pan.
  4. Tint remaining mixture pink.
  5. press evenly over first layer .
  6. cover refrigerate over night before cutting into squares.

Don’t eat before it’s refrigerated ! ( thats cheating ! )

The kids will love this recipe ( and so will Mums, Dads, Grans , grandads ect ect ect ! ) Caron xxxx

Hi all,
Good to catch up on all the chatting.
Shell- argh!!! Heart went out to you, but thank goodness you have another appointment so soon. Good luck girl!! Much love.

Actually went out to dinner at the weekend. Little monster had his first sleepover. It was such a tonic to feelnormal again and have a glass of wine! Lovely! Also …not waking up the sounds of a shouting 3 year old at 6am.

Bright - haven’t been to the tea shop…sounds fab. Rome made me go a bit dizzy…so much to see…so little time! Let me know how the hypnotherapy goes… I still get too too depresed and lacking in hope.

Had Hercetin and Tax Chemo number 2 yesterday. Onc was quite smiley and thinks I have very slight shrinkage - 2 mm!!! Doesn’t seem much, but at least it seems to be reacting a little. Bit scary though as had reaction to the Tax. After about 10 mins, went red, got chest and back pain and suddenly was surrounedd by 6 nurses and 2 drs!!! Lots of medication given and then Tax given more slowly and OK. Phew! In for 7 hrs again though!!!

Hubbie has had photo taken lots. Is in local paper and The Sun today!!! All for taking a photo of a burglar we interrupted next door before Christmas. All very exciting.

Off to Docs now … Speak later and love to all.


Hi all,
Bright, I live Epsom, Surrey so no not too far from you!
Rome, favourite place in world, went there for 30th birthday and was hoping to go back this year for our 10 year wedding anniversary, but we’ll see how i am, treatment depending. Threw some coins in the fountain last time so who knows maybe that means i’ll make it again later this year!

Caron. Thanks for recipe, sounds yum.Gotta make cakes for school on Friday, do you think they will do instead of cakes, look really easy and i’m not in the mood for baking! Also, after your lovely chocy cake the other week for my husbands birthday, I can’t stop eating rubbish. I’m piling on the weight and it;s making me even more depressed, worked so hard last year on weightwatchers, and now my size 10’s are pinching like mad, really need to give in and move back to my 12’s! Not good when only half way thru chemo and steriods then 5 years of tamoxofin to go. does everyone pile on weight with the menopause do you think?

Gail, Interested in your comments on TAX. I’ve got my first one coming up on 16th Feb and i’m beside myself about it. I’d heard about this allergic reaction, how terrifying for you. did u feel ok afterwards and why did not that not happen on your first one? have you got all those other nasty side effects i’ve read about? Just been out this morning and bought myself some black nail polish to try and preserve those! Where you on FEC before TAX, is it very different, I so don’t want it, I’m like a nutter I can’t stop banging on about it, sorry!!!

Just wanted to let you all know, i’ve just got a text from Shelly to say she’s arrived safely at Marsden, Op scheduled for this afternoon, and she’ll be in for 5 to 7 days depending on recovery, so will go and visit when i can dig my car out of drive and report back!

Take care ladies
Jo .

Good Morning everyone.

Well we still have quite a bit of snow but the sun is shining which makes everything seem bright and happy.

So glad to hear that Shell is finally in hospital and the op is only hours away.

Bright I live in south London in Anerley which is at the bottom of Crystal Palace Hill before you get to Beckenham. Where are you?

Caron I like the look of that recipe- I will save it for half term to let my grandaughter try it out when I have her and she is bored. I will make sure all the ingredients are in the cupboard.

I have kept my nails painted with very dark nail polish and kept them short since I started on tax. They are quite tender but seem to be intact at the moment. I am having more of a problem with my toes and fingers feeling numb.I hope that goes away quickly I nearly fell over getting out of the bath last night - not a pretty sight.

Take Care everyone

LOL Andie xx

I had a left masectomy last sept no probs no pain apart from uncomfortable under arm only had 1 pain killer after op and back to work following week with my drain in my rucksack that the kids lent me having cemo now 4th lot on monday but feeling very lonley need to talk dont know where everyone is on this site but nobody has answered back on any forum yet begining to give up now I am 42 with 2 kids 10 and 16 married with own business my hair has thinned after cemo but cold cap has helped but i hate it

Hi moocow

Please feel free to call our helpline on 0808 800 6000 for a chat to one of our team who can offer you support and we also run other forms of contact with others which you may be interested in and find helpful. The line is open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm.

Hope this helps.
Take care

Hi Moocow
plenty of lovely peeps here going through the same, so don’t feel alone! Caron’s yummy recipes will keep you going! I had my surgery in Nov and had 3rd chemo last week (FEC), i go over to Taxotere next time on 16th FEB which I’m terrified about, what cocktail are you on and how are you finding it?. I must say i am struggling, I’m 37 andmy kids are 2, 4 and 6 so Im tired ALL the time!
Jo X

HI Moocow
I did reply to your earlier post but it was just before the site was changed so you probably did not see it.

The nature of my BC is such that I have had to had my chemo first which I have just finished. What chemo regime have they got you on and how are you coping. It is a very personal thing and we all seem to have reacted differently. Ask anything you like, if I can help I will. I had 4 x AC and then 4 x Tax. My surgery is scheduled for the end of February so you may be able to advise me.

On this thread we are all over the country. I am in London but some girls up in the midlands and a bit further up. What area are you in.

Read the thread back a bit and you will find receipes from Caron who is trying to make cooks of us all. She makes us laugh as well with tales of her family.

Don’t be alone - we are all in the same boat

LOL Andie

hi moocow - just sent a pm and added you as contact…I’m 43 with 2 kids too - 10 and nearly 16, just had surgery last week…mary x

Good evening ladies - and welcome Moo

I hope everyone is well and recovering from surgery and chemo. Jo - I often go shopping in Dorking on Saturdays - love Haskets for lunch (just below Waterstones bookshop and Waitrose).

Well today I braved the elements - and nealy went on all fours to get across the pavement outside the house - to the bus stop as it was solid ice. I bought a copy of the Sun Newspaper at the railway station newsagent - as I spotted the awful story about Jade Goody on the front page. I just feel so sorry for her, and hope that something can be done to at least slow down the cancer.

The trains were really erratic this morning and it was nearly 10.15 before I finally got into central London and then the bus and short walk to work. I was suprised to see that some of the roads even in town still have some signs of ice.

I rushed to get my wig on this morning, and was conscious it wasn’t quite as centrally placed as it should have been, but no one noticed, or at least no one seemed to looked at or comment on it. I am currently using the odd grip to hold it in place over my hair, rather than gluing it down as reccommended. All of which is still swept back under scalp coverer untouched from first chemo, on the Friday before last.

I sent OH on a long mission today to track down all butcher shops in the local area for the minty lamb Caron mentioned. I just thought all day - there is nothing more I would like to eat for supper… than the lamb dish Caron described. But OH was defeated - no trace in the area. So we are settling instead for lamb cutlets with mint sauce, roast potatoes and brussel sprouts.

Looking forward to watching Masterchef tonight.

Love Bright x

Oh Bright, I love Dorking. Go there quite a bit recently so I can avoid people i know, it’s the wig thing, made me become a bit of a recluse! ~Still it’s good to go to different places I guess!

Gail, have brought the Sun today, especially to see your hero! Wow you must be very proud, Gotcha! Love it! Well done him!

Hello again ladies,

so pleased Shell has finally got confirmation and had arrived safely at the Marsden. Hope all goes well.

I’ve had a grotty day today, dealing with the London Marsden!
Seem to have been landed with a stroppy trial nurse as Mine is off sick. This lady is obviously stressed by her extra workload but was actually quite unprofessional in my humble opinion. Not quite sure why she felt it was okay to let off steam to me, the patient, and add to my stress levels! Grrrrrrrrrr Talk about center of excellence!!

andie, my skin wasn’t as good as they’d hoped at the end of chemo. It had improved but my breast was still swollen and kind of ‘mottled’ in colour. Like you however, I just wanted it removed. I didn’t really think about losing a breast but rather getting rid of the disease.
Jackie x


Other places I like to go to not too far from you (and kind of drawn to in chemo state) are:

  • the Silent pond (near Gomshall)
  • village of Shere and the circular walk starting on the right by the stream with ducks
  • the grounds of Polesden Lacy even in the winter - love the views
  • Godalming - and the pub near the railway station with the summerhouse in the grounds
  • Painshill Park - with all its wonderful follies, Cobham

Bright x

Hi girls

Well we have lots more snow here in Oxford today. Hubbie is at home though and is getting a small award today for his photo of the burglar!!! Jo - glad you saw his Sun moment! The jade story in same issue was so so sad though.

Hello to MooCow. I am 42 and have one little monster aged 3 3/4!!! I am having chemo first. Done 3xFEC and just had Tax/herceptin number 2 this week. Don’t feel lonely - join us!!

Re: Tax. I am finding it very different to FEC. I hated the nausea and sickness with FEC (and the emotional down I had) and I don’t have that with Tax which is a huge relief to me. But I did get about 2-3 days of flu symptoms (muscle ache) and expect that to hit tomorrow, plus a very poorly tummy and associated grottiness. Plus…am much more tired so have to make allowances for that. Toe nails are sore, but still there! I don’t feel so much in a fog though. The reaction was weird. Apparently, can happen second time as your body remembers it doesn’t like it!! I didn’t really get what was happening…the nurses were so good and quick. Didn’t feel scared as all controlled very quickly. Next time they will give me extra medication before it. They will do it much more slowly I think!

Well that’s me done for now.

If anyone is in touch with Shell…send her lots of love from me.


I have sent you a message basically saying how wondeful we all are !
Have just recieved a pressy !!! from Vicoria !!! ( ner ner ner ner ner!) lol
It’s lovely I am not going to take the bracelet off!!! and the lip balm !! (how did you know?)my lips are dry.
Funny thing about the face mask though as the other week I said to Steve I need a face mask, so off he goe’s!! he comes back many hours later ( don’t know how it took him soo long?)anyway he gives me this face mask!!! …
I said " isn’t that a feller?" on the front???
He’d only got one for a bloke !!! ( I ask ya ! ).
Another funny thing you know I said on here that the moderators never helped me (get an account for this site) well I had a message from moderator Bertie b!!!
So he says " why wasn’t we helpful to you "
so I said “it doesn’t matter now cos Ive done it”
so he says" thats ok then"
so i sent him a message (a bit cheeky really,but I am!)
so he sends me 1 back and says" I am from France originally, I will have to Wikipedia this MR. Bassett !!!

Today I am going to make quiche (frozen) beans & plum tomato’s and I am making cheese souffle , we love it but it takes ages to make!!
So I better get on with it then ! write later LOVE CARON XX