hair loss???

Hello all,

I am home from work early today as originally planned to take the afternoon off to visit Shelly but got a text from her this morning to say that she was going back to theatre to have fluid drained off. She just texted again and seems much better now, and flying high on her pain killers!

Things have not moved on much here on the food front - we got stuck on one of Caron’s earlier meals, which seems to have programmed OH to keep shopping for steak and mushrooms… which we have again tonight.

Hair still in situ, no signs yet. But I watch and wait. Just ordered another wig today with ‘virign hair’ which is meant to be the highest unprocessed grade, just as it was when it was cut. That arrives in four weeks.

More snow due in London tomorrow, and streets here still icy. We expect 4 more inches tomorrow.

Strange the press with Jade, yesterday was bleak - and today there seems a new cure - I hope it works for her.

Having a rest at home now watching Deal or no deal.

Thinking of you all.

Bright x

Just a thought - what about our strand putting together a recipe book for bc charity. We could each contribute 2 to 3 favourites and what they mean to us. Things we have eaten and kept down on chemo etc. Caron to send in extras. And one of us could write the foreword? I don’t mind doing this if others think booklet is a good idea…

Bright xx

Hi Bright

Really good idea for you girls who like cooking. Anything from me would probably scupper the whole scheme. Cooking is not my thing. Good luck though.
Andie xx

well I don’t mind that idea Victoria Ive got loads of recipe’s !
how do we start ? you start it then I will add my recipe’s !!!
I’m surprised you haven’t mentioned my cheese souffle !! it has taken me ages to do ( all afternoon ) but it’s worth it , this has to ONE of our favourites because it reminds me of when I was at school ( school dinners ) my Mum never ever made it but when I left home I made it and it has stuck with us now forever !.
I have recived my appointment for my scan it was meant to be before my next chemo but it is just after, I also have a appointmen soon for my ears too which is the day after my next lot of chemo so I am hoping I will be ok for that?

I have noticed that alot of women have a LEFTIE breast cancer !!
this has made me think WHY ???
Victoria (Bright) told me she was a Rightie!!! but then she said " THAT SHE IS LEFT HANDED"
so I am thinking that ( from what I have read ) that more people have a LEFT BC ( take into consideration that most ppl are right handed ) and when Victoria told me she has a RIGHTIE and is LEFT handed (only goe’s to prove my theory).
So I want PLEASE if you would tell me if you have a leftie (lump) or rightie (lump) and to tell me if you are left handed ??? or right handed???.


It may not be nothing but it seems I have read alot about lefties which makes sense as most ppl are right handed.

Hope I havn’t confused you all??? Love Caron xxxx

hi,i’m a rightie handed and b.c

Funnily enough I noticed that every one of the 6 women who had their op on the same day as me had their bc on the left.

I’m a lefty bc and right handed.

Oooh i’m going to make sure I check everybody out when I go in for op… Im right handed and b.c in right breast .

I’m leftie lump and right handed!

Had a text from Shell to say She’s very sore, got drugs pump for pain and had a lot of fluid collecting and swelling and that they’d considered her going back into theatre but have now controlled it with pressure bandages! Hope she’s ok! I had said that i would try and visit her tomorrow but that’s the only day her other half can get down to visit. Hate to think of her on her own so Bright are you thinking aabout going to see her another day, maybe we could work together so that she at least sees somoone most days! Let me know wot you think. Obviously it’s a bit weather dependant and i think more snow is forecast, and I haven’t even been able to get car off drive since first snowfall on Monday, but if no more tonight, should have wheels again tomorrow as seems to melting at last!

Caron, great idea about recipe book, but with my cooking not sure if’t a good idea to recommend any of my dishes I think all those ladies out there are poorly enough as it is without me adding to their problems!

Left bc, right handed.
No lump though as IBC!

Jackie x

Jo - just sent you a message about visiting Shelly.

Just another thought on the recipe idea. For those ladies who do not think they can cook - how about a couple of short paras on favourite food experiences e.g. a meal out on holiday, somewhere for afternoon tea, - the kinds of things we do as treats during treatments, or fond memories of places we have been that involve food in some way. Once we’ve got the experiences, all we need to do then is find a good recipe to match. Chances are if you put down what you like to eat - one of will have cooked it and have a reliable recipe. I have a lot of cookery books - used to be made on Prue Leith and even dip in to Mrs Beeton occasionally… And as for Caron she is the queen of cooks with dishes coming out of her ears…

Writing of food just off to grill the steak and mushrooms now!

Bright x

Hi Caron

IBC left breast - right handed


SOO then even though this survey isn’t finished (not by a long way)
Seems to me most ppl are oposite sides ??
Keep telling me if you havn’t already.please xx

Cheese souffle recipe ( 4u!! U no who u r !)

first you have to make roux sauce.

30g marg (or butter)
30g plain flour
500ml milk

  1. melt butter in saucepan over gentle heat add flour stirring all the time slowly add milk stirring until it thickens.
    Leave aside to cool.


2oz rice
2oz cheese (stronger the better VINTAGE)
2 eggs
salt n pepper

  1. boil rice for 8 minutes rinse in cold water then drain.
  2. Grease a 750 ml souffle dish
  3. transfer sauce into souffle dish
  4. seperate eggs & add yolks into roux sauce
  5. Add cool rice & cheese
  6. season with salt n pepper
  7. whisk egg whites until stiff then carefully fold into sauce mix

Bake 1/2 way down oven gas mark 4 / 180c (350f) for 35-45 mins.

enjoy xx

Well I know what we are going to have for supper now! Thanks Caron

Bright x

morning ladies hope your all well today?

I had terrible period pain this morning could hardly stand up straight, but it’s ok now , just got me thinking I wonder if it is anything to do with the chemo???

Well today is grey it is like living in a milk bottle ! or a lightbulb !.

I do all my magazines today I do all the competitions in them so I will be busy until 4ish.

I havr sent Shelly a text wishing her well and a speedy recovery.

still no snowflakes here, nothing.
write later love Caron x

After my last (4th) cemo tax i have not had a period. I am 42 and not even a period pain, has anyone out there also exp same thing?

Moocow - I had 4 cycles of Ec, then 4 lots of taxol and gemcitabine. First chemo Aug 07, last period Sept 07 and none since. I was 42 as well. Went on to tamoxifen but changed to arimidex after 7 months due to side effects. Blood test at time showed I was still pre-menopausal so I have to have a monthly zoladex injection to stop ovaries working or something like that. In the words of my oncologist, you’re just at that wrong age and a bit of both !

Caron - Left/right survey. I’m right handed with cancer in left breast, mum’s the same as is her elder sister but mum’s identical twin is right handed but had it in right breast as did a friend of mine. Think I read somewhere 60-70% of cases are on left side but then suppose the same applies to the proportion of the population who are right/left handed…Interesting idea though.


Hi, haven’t been around for a while, problems after 1st chemo, FEC. Neutropenia last week and since discharge temperature and boil like lumps (no heads though)over legs and arms. Onc said she had never seen anything like it before! At long last after having biopsies am on antibiotics, and will hopefully feel better soon.

Hair almost completely gone, got OH to chop off remainder Wed, so look like Victorian convict now! Wearing wig (real hair) but so selfconcious, took girls to school today 1st time in over a week, some mums said “You’ve had your hair cut again, looks good” They don’t know I have breast cancer, family all say “It” looks good but think everyone is being kind.

I’m 52 and my youngest children are 15 (boy) and three girls aged 10, 8, and 4.

For the survey my cancer was on right side and I’m right handed.

Love to all,


Muv sorry to hear you,ve not been good on your first FEC, are they going to change your chemo then?

Liz interested to hear about your reaction to tamoxifin as i have to start on that once chemo finished, just done 3 FEC now go over to 3 TAX. what happended to you on tamoxifin. I’m 37 and so far chemo hasn’t really affected my periods so no doubt i’ll have the problems with menopause not kicking in, i’m dreading them say i’ll need surgery to have ovaries removed as that’s what happened to a friend of mine.


Dear all,

Just reporting on my day, whilst quick and easy dinner is baking: fish fingers and baked beans, followed by homemade rhubarb crumble and low-fat custard.

I was at work this morning, and this afternoon went for intensive breakthrough hypnotherapy and NLP session at a clinic in Chelsea. I have never been put in a trance before - but it was all quite theraputic, and I do feel very calm now. Spent first hour talking about my life and various issues, then learned some self-help techniques followed by the hypnotherapy session. Therapist is phoning me on Monday to see how I get on. So good aftercare. I think I benefited from it and would consider a follow-up session.

Now day 14 and hair just the same, but know I am now entering the danger zone.

Heard from Shelly by text and she says if her drains are clear tonight she may well be allowed home tomorrow.

Sorry no individual comments here, laptop is being a bit temperamental.

Have a good evening.

Bright x