hair loss???

Hi Caron
The cheese souffle recipe looks good, I’m learning all kinds of stuff from this site!
For your survey - & I’m afraid I’m going to skew the stats now - my lump is in right boob and I’m right-handed.


Jo - firstly, please DON’T let my tamoxifen experience put you off as loads of people are fine !!

I was really bad with hot flushes, panic/anxiety attacks, moody, emotional…the list goes on !! I did react very hormonally to it and had it for 7 months but it got worse and I ended up at the surgeon’s in floods of tears - think I was on the verge of a mini breakdown ! Chemo etc no problem, after effects a nightmare. There was other stuff going on as well and I thought I was being a real wimp but all the medical people were very understanding and said these reactions were all very normal and it was just that I had a strong hormonal reaction. There are posts (or were on the old-look site) about it - search on tamoxifen.

Go with what docs recommend, ask for alternatives if you think things are not good and it’ll be ok ! You’ll be fine !


Hi girls,

Well we had lots of snow here yesterday. My pal from Bristol came to see me while in town and ended up staying over because of weather…really good to have a giggle!! fel;t like old times…almost…but had bad nights sleep. Too many dreams!!!

For survey…I’m right and on the right!!!

I go on Tamoxifen too after everything. Haven’t got my head around it yet. Wondering what it will do to me?? I’ve had a couple of periods sice chemo and that’s all. Although seem to have the feelings a bit still.

Sorry you haven’t been well Muv. I hated going into hospital when I was neutropenic, and was nervous for the next cycle…but I got through it OK (touch wood) .

Bright - rhubarb crumble is my favourite…jealous!!!

Love to all,


Just to let you all know, that Shell is having her drain out and going home today!! I think she must be superwoman to be let out so quickly, good for her, I was there for a week!!

Well done Shelly, make sure you don’t over do it though when you get home, you don’t want to end up with a seroma like i did!! Feet up and let eveyone run around after you for a least another week or even see if you can stretch it to 2!!
Take Care
Jo X

Crickey didn’t think Shelly would be home so soon !
Hope everybody is ok ?
Hello MUV thought you’d left us.
I havn’t seen anything on the period side of things ( just the pains)

Yesterday I bought a card for my DS lite ( which incidentally I won on a game of stacker ) If you don’t know what stacker is it’s lights you have to stack up and it goes faster & faster.
Anyway this card has lots of games on it and I have been playing professor leyton ! It’s really good and it’s FULL of puzzles, so been doing that if you wondered where I was ?
Also got Owen & Chloe a card for their DS’s.
Went to bed really late last night as Jordan went to a party and I was doing these puzzles.

Bright have you got your gift yet ? hope so hope you like it.

Love Caron x

Hello all,

The snow is almost gone now - except for some stubborn ice in the centre of the pavements and giant snow balls in some of the local parks. The weather is cold though, so it may take time for these to work.

I am still feeling relatively calm post hypnotherapy, and didn’t wake up until almost 10am this morning, so the sleep exercises obviously worked.

Gail and Muv sorry to read about you being unwell - and do hope you are feeling better now.

I went to Peckham today which is multi-cultural area of London with some amazing wig shops, not only do they sell a vast array of wigs, but there is just about every hair product imaginable for sale. I spent ages looking shampoos for wigs, and various scalp coverers. My own hair is still unchanged - and now day 15… so now entered the period of danger. Still I am used to my wig now if the worst comes to the worst.

There has been a wonderful sunset tonight: real ruby red streaks across a winter blue-grey sky which looked all the more dramatic with a line of skelton trees in front.

Finally tracked down minty lamb in Morrisons - so we are having that tonight together with fantail potatoes and courgette batons! Just a yoghurt tonight as cannot risk a fruit crumble two nights in a row.

Love Bright x

Hi all,
off to bed soon but thought I would report before I go.
we;; I didn.t get up till 10 either never went to Mam’s for coffee as her & dad are ill so wanted to keep away.
played on my DS again made roast chicken roast spuds torkshire cabbage . carrots & sewwtcorn.
late me & Owen ate some of my pickle onions ( that I made ) and now my teeth are hurting ! ( sensitive) so wish I hadn’t eaten then now , but they were very nice.
Just watching brockem arrow now with John Travolta right I will report tomoz lova Caron x

yeahhhhh it’s finally snowning here !!!

Good morning girls

The snow is finally melting here in London. We live opposite a school and where the children had a snowman building competition last week it now looks like a snowmans graveyard. All the snow has gone except where the children made a very good job of campacting the snow into their giant models.

Went to the hospital this morning for my pre op checks. The nurse seemed quite happy but there was no doctor available to run his eye over the results. They will contact me if there is a problem. That just leaves 3 more appointments this week. Thank goodness the weather has improved. The sister told me that I would probably only be in hosital for 48 hours. That suits me just fine.OH won’t have too much time to wreck the house while I am away. Housework is not his thing without supervision.

I had a nightmare last night that the doctor had changed his mind and had decided not to operate. Even when I woke up it seemed so real that sleep was impossible for the rest of the night.

Caron when is your next chemo? I don’t let OH read your recipes he will start getting ideas that my cooking should improve.

I have a DS and thought about buying the game you refer to. Does it totally absorb you?. It sounds like ideal distraction while in hospital. I am a bit of a sudoku fan myself.

Of to collect granddaughter from school now. Its homework night and she sees it as a bit of fun to see if we can do it before her mum collects her from me. Time to get my brain in gear.

LOL Andie

I love Sokuku too , infact we do a book for charity every 6 weeks and I taught my mam & dad how to do it.
The DS is really good and YES it will be a godsend when you are in hospital but the game you refer to is meant to be for children too but I think it is quite hard it’s all cryptic clues and stuff, but I think for hospital it would be worth splashing out and getting some games, ZELDA (phantom hour glass) is really good too.

What have I donr today?? well tidied up a bit, had a visit from Jam ( my eldest boy Jamie ) then I tried to mend Steve’s Laptop ( as it will not use wireless connection ) but failed !!.

Then was thinking what to have for tea ( supper in Victoria’s case LOL ) and Alan Titchmarsh said it was chip WEEK which made me want CHIPS ! ( no wonder I am piling the weight on ! )so I did chips & minty lamb steaks .

I must say I am really pleased with myself!! as the other week I was feeling down so Victoria ( Bright ) said she would send me something to cheer me up ! so anyway I also know she needed cheering up so I started making a scarf this is not an ordinary scarf it is luxery fabric and it looks like it has been croquet anyway I made it last week but cos of the snow & stuff she hasn’t recieved it (until today) anyway was on the phone to her and she was saying how chilly it was so I said " haven’t you got a scarf or owt?" she told mr that scarfs were her thing ! so I’m thinking OH GOOD ! anyway she loves it so I am really pleased !!!
So am just abour to have my tea now so will write later if I get chance.
Wonder how Shelly is getting on ??? has anyone heard from her ??

love Caron xx

Hello all,

It was rain, rain, rain today in London. So spent the day avoiding pools of water in place of the ice last week. I worked at home today and then went off to the hospital this afternoon for first expansion of tissue expander. There was a tiny amount of discomfort when the nurse injected the saline through the port (under my skin below breast), but after that it was fine.

When I got home I was greeted by Caron’s parcel, I knew it was on its way - and was so pleased to see it as it had been delayed because of the snow. She made me a lovely purple glossy scarf with tiny seed pearl beads and fringing at both ends. She is brilliant at knitting and the work is so fine that it could easily have been bought in a shop. It meant so much more because she had made it. Last week I sent a few things in the post to cheer her up - including some face packs - and loved the picture she sent me back with both herself and two children with their faces covered in chocolate face masks (with a chocolaty smell) and they looked good enough to eat.

I made quick braised red cabbage with apple tonight to which I added slightly to much sugar - though it still went quite well with the steak.

Hope everyone is well.

Bright x

It didn’t taste like chocolate though ! lol
hope everyone is ok today ?

Yes so that made everyone late this morning ! cos Chloe & Owen wanted to see me open pressies !
so we were running round like idiots trying to find Owen’s tracksuit top as he’s doing PE outside, we ended waking Jordan up we’d been looking for it for ages then Jordan pipes up " oh it’s in the bottom of the warbrobe "!!! thanks for that Jordan !

He had his flock (girls) come round last week so he’d done his usual tidy up THAT IS GRAB EVERYTHING AND SHOVE IT IN THE WARBROBE !!!.

I am wearing my wig again today as I wanted to be more normal !!

The weather looks very bleak flood warnings more snow & ice !
We still don’t have any snow ! we must be the only ones in the country!.

My pressies were a diamond encrusted bracelet & fleece from Steve.
A box of thorntons from Chloe (more weight!)
4 pairs of socks from Owen.
A big black cardigan & 3 big bars of choc (even MORE weight!) from mam & dad.
Havn’t got Jordan’s yet he’s still in bed, and Jamie hasn’t been yet either.
Off to make more coffee xxxxxxxxxxxxxx caron

Caron - Happy Birthday to you!!! Hope you are being spoiled. Sounds like you got some lovely pressies!! Wow!! By the way, Your scarf sounds wonderful - you are so so talented girl!!!

Tax has effected me a bit last couple of days - just really tired an d living on a diet of cornflakes!!! Have got a cold again too…which seems to be the norm for me. Took a happy pill last night to get some sleep and ended up with floating fairy cakes in my head all night!! Is that normal do you think???

Snow melting away now. Hubbie back at work. Trying to organise a birthday party for my little one. He will be 4 about the time I will have surgery…so trying to sort something out before. He is really into parties this year!!!

Seeing nutter doc tomorrow and breast care nurse on Friday to talk me through surgery etc and try to get my hospital phobia in hand. Today will, therefore, be my lazy day!!!

Love to you all… Hope you’re doing well Shell…


just spoke to her she’s got a infection and has tonsillitis.
So she’s staying in bed to recover, and she can’t lift her arm up .
Poor her ( I bet she’s glad that bit is over though?).
love Caron x

Gail ( thanks for birthday wishes )

If you get any tips of hospital phobia please pass them on to me !

How annoying, just lost my message again! Aaaargh!

Start again! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the lovely Caron! Hope Steve Spoils you today, will he be cooking you a lovely dinner this evening or is he a Can’t cook,won’t cook like my man? Have a lovely day anyway!

Gail, know wot you mean about kids parties, I find them stressful at the best of times. my kids are April, may and June all a few weeks apart, but luckily the the two eldest, the boys, have their 2 best friends who’s birthdays are the exact same weeks as them, wot are the chances of them both falling like that? so this year my friend has said we’ll do 2 parties and they can share them, so she’s an organizer, not like me, and she’s doing the whole lot, venue, food, party bags everything, all I gotta do is pitch up on the various days with cheque book, hurrah!!! This illness has it’s advantages!!!
Just got do Princess party in June then and hopefully I’ll be feeling a bit more normal by then although will be having rads by then so don’t know how normal that will be???

Shelly, poor you with tonsillitis, like that’s all you need?? Rest up, don’t worry about the arm, I couldn’t lift mine for ages afterwards, but each day it get’s a little easier and if needs be, they’ll offer you physio once you’ve recovered a bit after the op. I’m still going every week but then again, I had complications with mine, so you won’t need it every week. Just take a day at a time and just think, the bit you’d been dreading, the op, is well and truly behind you! onwards and upwards, stay positive!
Lots of love everyone
Jo X

By the way Caron, just to let you know, after my rant and rave the other night, I’ve taken positive action and have started back on the dreaded weightwatchers!!! how realistic that is on chemo, we shall see!
Jo X

Hi Girls

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARON. Enjoy your day. Sounds Like they are already spoiling you and its not lunchtime yet. Make the most of it.

Gail do you have a date for your surgery. Mine is 26th February. Came home from the pre op appintment yesterday with a whole sheaf of papers to read, and instructions. I forgot that with surgery they make you wear surgical stockings - they reckon for 2 weeks. Mmm we shall see - not the most becoming of items and I suspect quite hot to wear. At the moment I am not really worried, the general opinion is if you have had chemo, surgery is relatively easy. I just want this cut out.

Please could someone pass a message to Shell that I am thinking of her and send her my love. Thank You

Right now off to the vet with cat for annual check up and innoculations, and probably a big bill.

LOL Andie

caron - happy birthday to you girl - have a good’un!! Shelly - hope you’re pecker is still up and thinking of you xx
Andie - it’ll be here soon and then you’ll be sailing out the other side of surgery…Jo - I agree parties for kids = hard work fullstop, stiff drink needed after…
keep well everybody and take care, mary x

Hi again,

No - I don’t have a date yet. After 18 March sometime! Gulp!!! I’m so scared I haven’t allowed myself to think about it at all. When I get nearer… I’ll be on here for reassurance!!! New cancer centre opens here mid March. so not sure where I’ll be either. Bit down as Lump still feels very big and am worried that chemo just isn’t working in my body!! I know she said it had dropped a couple of milimetres, but the way they measure just seems so haphazard. I think If it had shrunk considerably like they said it might at the beginning, I would feel a bit more positive going into surgery!!

Re: party. I know!! Argh!!! Last year we had a great one (with booze for the adults), but I just won’t have the energy…so we’re going to have it at one of those hideous kids places (here its called Jambinos)… I can just sit and eat cake hopefully!!!

Poor Shell. Please send my love to her.
