hair loss???

Night Night all (first time I have started like that!)
Does anybody know how long to keep nails painted for?
and also can everybody write if they have lost their nails (thanks).

Bright I am a little confused as to why you say 10 years from meno but the purpose has got to be to stop your periods?
As if they don’t stop (like mine havn’t) I was told they would do an injection into the stomach, which will shut down the ovaries, It’s all very confusing isn’t it.

I have noticed that under my affected BC side (leftie remember!lol) that my armpit is quite swollen, I know they can’t feel them or that they couldn’t find them on the scan but I am now even more worried!
I don’t think it will be from the biopsy not all that time ago.

Nomore news on Mabsies but like Victoria said Chloe’s hamster has had babies tonight I think there are 4 but there may be 5 they will be really good because both parents are Teddybear hamsters!!
This means they are a certain breed and they will be either champagne colous ( beige ) golden or lighter and they will be long haired have a look at the (google) they are really cute, not like normal hamsters, we thought Champas (daddy) didn’t have it in him as Chloe tried to breed Champas & Lily several times and she has only tried once with Champas & Honey, so she (chloe) is basking in motherhood tonight!!
Does anyone know how Shelly got on?
love to all love Caron xxxxxxxxxx

just found Shell under triple negative, thread is ‘my onc has given up on me’ you might like to contact her on there. How’s Mabs?

Hi everyone,

Sorry to go quiet. Have been a bit down, partly because so tired (not sleeping)and partly because can feel strange lumps and bumps around mast site. Am going to see my bcn today as worried. I wonder how I’ll be when my treatment finishes…will I search for every lump or ache??

I’ve not been myself since that second stay in hospital really. But my pal came at the weekend and it was wonderful to see her …almost like old times!! her Mum has just died from Ovarian cancer at age 72. Because of this my pal has been offered a mammogram every year. I’ve been told that when I get past all my treatments and first checkups, I’ll be on mammograms every 2 years. Doesn’t seem enough to me, expecially as I’m high risk etc etc…

Can’t remember who said what…buit remember some of the themes!
I’m trying (unsuccessfully) not to let my Oncs get to me anymore. My bcn and the surgeon were all positive when I saw them, but my Onc was less so. She is absolutely lovely and wonderful, but very safe and scientific in her approach. I don’t think they realise how much what they say and how they say it can effect us!!! She also suggested I didn’t look at stats…I suspect because it wouldn’t look that good and would throw me into depression and because we are all such individuals in our reactions to treatments. Have meeting with the radiography Onc week after next and guess will know more then about when rads will start etc. Hope they are nice.

Re: Tax. I found it better than FEC and got less emotional on it. I gave up on nail varnish and still have nails at the moment, although they are weaker. I wonder about my eyes though…don’t seem as good!! My hair is awful. It didn’t fall out on Tax…actually think the patches are growing. But it’s very Very Frances Rossi (Status Quo) before his hair cut. Very weak. Long at back and shorter on top. Thinking of cutting it all off to give it better chance of growth.

I am getting hot flushes and haven’t had a period since Jan so suspect things are shutting down. I too was told about injections if things didn’t stop working!!

But… Spring came this week and gave me a bounce. It seems to have gone today though. Sigh!!! May venture to town and buy something I don’t need!!!

My little monster has been playing with the big children as his nursery runs a holiday club. he has gone all grown up this week!! Very chatty too and full of beans. Lovely! Lookign forward to the weekend!

Love to all,


Hi ladies

sorry havnt posted for a while, i do read through all your threads though, some times i just dont know what to say as you all seem to be taking this cancer journey together and i feel my journey is coming to an end.I cant have chemo and other drugs like herceptin as im triple negative so i feel a little out of touch with you all at times…Im still having rads at the mo which is making me extreamly tired…Or could be the 3 hour round trip i have to endure every day…

Any way enough of me moaning on…
I went to the Marsden in Surrey on Weds and if my tests,biopsies and scans are all ok and im still feeling fit i can go ahead with a Phase 1 trial…Hope at last…
I will be having all my tests done at Surrey on 29th April once my Rads are finished.Then the docs will do their things on my results to see what dose i will need to take.This will all take place whilst im on my holidays in May,so when i return early June i should be able to start the trial. Bit scary but i think its worth it…

Im thinking of you all and sending you all loads of…




We are ALL on the same journey. We started together… and the route for all of us has many twists and turns. Andie has had her scares - the prognosis is not great for at least Gail and me - and in my case the oncologist will not even now tell me the stats for cancer returning… my problem is the number of nodes infected - five nodes puts me in a danger group. And treatment stops and starts for all of us. The phase 1 trial for you is another kind of treatment - based on trying to stimulate your body to generate antibodies to attack the cancer, to turn in on itself and see the cancer as a foreign body - a bit like the way auto-immune diseases operate. Phase 1 - offers hope yes. Because if the results are good then the treatment will be opened up to more sufferers and if the results had not been encouraging in rats - the medics would not be progressing to trial on humans.

I had my first tax today - and cannot believe that the nausea is back with vengeance. And because as yet I have no new tumours present (at least at detectable levels) I really have no idea it is even working. Wish I’d been one of you ladies who had been through chemo first… and one for whom it had worked. Still we all have to find our own little highs in this fight… for me it is knowing that I’ve really gone off chocolate - cannot stand the sight of it, and being able to store up a few precious memories like walking along Hadrian’s wall last week, knowing I was treading the path of those Roman soldiers from some 2000 years ago - and now with simply the sound of birdsong and the wind through the grass, and still the absence of modernity.

Take our hands Shelley - virtual as they are - and walk with us along the journey…

Bright xxxxx


Just a quick post tonight. Had my rads planning today and am now sporting 3 tiny little tattoos ready for the real thing. I don’t know the start date yet - it will come in the post.

Yesterday I had a bone density scan and had to be weighed and measured. Although I put on about 1/2 stone on chemo I am now back to the weight I was when I was dx(Probably cheating a bit because along the way I had 2 boobs removed, don’t know what they weighed.) Also much to our surprise I am now 3/4 inch shorter than I have been all my adult life. The radiographer says that as you get older fluid reduces between the bones in the back( can’t spell Vertebrae) which makes you shorter. She did know how to make me feel old.

Take Care everyone


Good evening Ladies!

Shell, Lovely to meet you yesterday, and you really do look so well, I was so delighted to get your news that you are suitable for the trial and as you say, hope at last! hopefully we can meet again on 29th as I’ll be there for Rads! X

Bright, glad you had your Tax today and I’m surprised you felt sick as that was the one side effect I really didn’t get. Wish I’d gone off choc, but no such luck. Desperate to start my diet and shift a bit before Tamoxifen starts in a week or so, but it’s not gonna happen with all these blasted easter egg hunts that the kids keep getting invited to, I never had them when I was a child!!!You mentioned about rads that standard practice is 15 days but I’m having 20 so does that mean mine is more likely to come back then???

Caron, My chemo nurse told me that nails can still fall off some 6 months or so later, so I’m gonna keep mine painted black for at least another year! Haven’t lost any yet but they do feel very weird!My Onc is recommending that I have ovaries switched off,(think they’re called xelodex injections)(in stomach???) my periods haven’t stopped at all thru chemo, infact they’ve been the worst I’ve ever had. Michael really wants me to have these imjections but you all might think I’m mad, but I’ve begged Onc to let me wait a while until I’ve got used to taking tamoxofen first. I’m just so terrified about a massaive onsalught of meno symptons and not being able to cope with them aswell as SE’s of tamoxifen.

Gail, excuse my ignorance, but why has your friend been offered annual mammograms if her mother had ovarian cancer??? Does ovarian start in the breast then? I don’t know much about ovarian apart from reading recently that there are no signs or symptons?

Katemate, is Bonjela once the thing that looks like a cotton bud? I’ve just been using normal bonjela in a tube and it does seem to help a bit. I’ve never in my life expereinced ulcers like this though, so so painful that it hurts to talk, eat and drink and now it seems to be going down my throat. How many days did your ulcers tend to last during your Tax cycle? Mine have already lasted about 3 days!

Andie,I,ve got my rads planning next week. does the tattoo thing hurt? You,ve done well to only put on 1/2 stone thru chemo and to have lost it so quickly as well. I’ve put on over a stone!!!

Night Night Ladies, hope I haven’t forgotten anyone!
Jo x

This is quick as already posted but Jo was posting at same time luckily I had sense to copy it all!!
JO Bright was told 15 was standard for rads.
And I understand that Ovarian cancer & breast cancer are linked but why she would get yearly mammo’s ?? and some of us only 2 years something wrong somewhere!!
Also Ulcers tend to last up to 10 days (sorry for bad news!)and hope your throat isn’t like mine was last time? love Caronxx
(now I will post what I wrote earlier)xxxxxxxx

Shelly you poor thing , I wish there was something we could do for you, but it’s this bloody horrible disease dont turn away from us even if we can cheer you up a little, I know it’s hard , I feel like crap !
I won’t say my odds as I have no idea as I am a mushroom (kept in the dark!).
Hold on to the hope they havn’t given up on you and the more you shout the more you will get noticed! ( I was told that by a nurse today ).
I feel awful for you and can’t imagine what you must be going through (and ur family & friends).
I just hope you have a really nice holiday try to forget this crap for a while and enjoy yourself and worry about this bob when you come back and hopefully they will have some good news for you? and hopefully the trial will kick ASS !!.
Your not on your own Andie had some not good news, and we all have this crappy disease when it comes down to it none of us know what will happen to us ??.I know your a different kettle of fish but I have recentley been told by my chemo nurse that she thinks the EC had stopped working on me ( I told her that after the second lot, but she insisted it was, now last week she told me that she thought the EC had stopped workiung LIKE I SAID !! )
I have had hardly any shrinkage just 2cm thats it so it is still 9X7, infact last time she told me it was 9 X 8 1/2 !! so has it grown then??? I don’t know but I feel I am not in good hands with the chemo nurse examining the wrong breast !!! she hasn’t had my notes to date !! and another girl who got diagnosed just after me ( Diane ) they told her at her scan that her tumor is dispursing! never told me nothing like that just said it has got less blood going to it!!.
Now I have noticed my armpit is swollen quite a lot going to say something next time.
So please don’t think you are alone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I still feel not very good my arms are aching when I walk anywhere I go cold and just feel crap really.
I am quite worried about my teeth I look at my gums and there is a white film covering them this is after brushing my teeth!!
I havn’t been sleeping too good it was 1/2 3 last night so I am really tired, but can’t seem to sleep.(even with the nytol!).

I promised I would make some hot cross buns today as the ones in tesco and asda (I think) havn’t got any glaze on!! mine are better anyway but it has taken me all night to make them and I really don’t feel like baking!.

Marble:: we rang up today and the receptionist said she thinks she has some good news she just wanted to double check, she came back she said yes good news Marble has had a poo and everything has stayed intact so she said fingers crossed if she is ok on Saturday we can pick her up !! I can’t wait poor little thing she won’t be allowed out for a while as she has had major surgery again, I think they were thinking of things they could do for her as they had never come across one that hasn’t worked so she is a guinea pig (lol) so to speak!!.

Hamsters are all doing well and chloe is still bathing in motherhood but she can’t touch them as Honey will kill them if she does, we have bred a hamster before it was quite funny really we had a male hamster called MR and Steve was on his way to work (asda then) he came running back 5 minutes later!! with a hamster in his hand!! he found it running in the gutter and he thought it was a rat at first, We ended up calling her MRS ( very original I know! ) and they had 4 babies one was all white (snowey!) there was one all black ( sooty!) then there were 2 like their parents grey & white.(can’t recall their names as we gave them away to nephews & neices).

I think Bright is having problems with her connection, but I do know she has been quite sick.
Right thats me done need some sleep! I am stopping in bed tomorrow for deffo, as Steve thinks I got up too early and still don’t feel good.
night night everyone love Caron xxx
ps Pray for Mabs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Just a comment on ulcers - a nurse friend of mine recommended breaking a capsule of high dose Vitamin E and then using a cotton wool bud to treat the ulcers with it.
Worth a try?
Recently registered on this site and finding it very helpful. I start FEC-T on the 23rd April - 6 doses and then rads.
Apprehensive as you can imagine but reading your comments have helped.
Good night and thanks,

Hi all,

Shell - I get what you’re saying, but am so pleased about the trials. In a way, I feel we are all going off in slightly different directions now. Chemo did bring us all together (what a wonderful club!!!). But bright is right…we are all journeying together even if it’s in different ways. I love all the girls I am journeying with here and couldn’t make it through this without you all. Hope you get some rest this weekend!

Sore mouths - I took that Diflam mouth rinse stuff before symptoms developed …all the time I was on chemo. I think it really helped! Also used a normal non alcohol mouthwash.

Mushroom (alias Caron - you made me laugh). I don’t think i ever really knew the size of my lump. MRI and ultraound and physical exam all said different things. path report said it was 4 cm at it’s biggest…which is what the MRI said it was at the beginning!! But it felt physically a bit smaller when I was examined! I had areas of DCIS which don’t respond to chemo… you mighthave that too. My surgeon also said that not all lumps change size. Some are attacked from the inside out. I found my nodes felt swollen in my armpit. Again different opinions. My onc thinks maybe there was cancer in them and it went from chemo (as only one node infected at end). Ultrasound docs said nodes can get swollen through chemo and may not indicate anything nasty.

Andie - is a bone density scan part of the rads planning or because of Tamoxifen? You must be pleased to be moving forward now. My seroma does not seem to be growing at same rate(touchwood) now…much relief!!

Well I went to BCN yesterday. I had actually found a pea size lump above my mast scar and got into a panic. She wasn’t sure about it although thought it was innocent. More worriesd about my anxiety levels I think. Anyway, she was a wonder. She got me into the afternoon breast clinic where i saw a consultant and got a biopsy and the results . All fine. It was a fat necrosis or soemthing. Just very grateful that they managed to smuggle me in. Amazing really!!

Yes bc and ovarian are linked. Pal is on yearly checks because of perceived family history with ovarian. But why would that be worse than having had bc already?? Seems mad to me. may differ though across trusts I guess. They def said 2 yrs to me, but that may change after I’ve been for my genetic meeting in May.

Hope people are feeling well today. Much love to all.


Hi Gail

The bone density scan is for the tamoxifen, it can affect your bones and they need to know if there is osteoporosis there before they start. Its not a problem they just need to give you a bone strengthening drug as well. The seroma was a problem but seems to have sorted itself out now. It was not mentioned yesterday and I was seen at a different hospital by a completely different team of people. My notes all say that rads should be started 5 weeks after surgery, but because of the seroma I am already 6 weeks past. I hope the appointments come through for a quick start.

Caron the tattoos are tiny. One in the middle of my chest between where my boobs used to be and one either side. Its all very technical, lining you up with lasers.The ones on my sides I did not feel at all because the skin is still numb from the surgery(I understand that that may never go away) The one in the middle of my chest did hurt at the time because there is no fat at that point only skin and bone. Within minutes the pain had gone and I have not felt it since. Some years ago I seriously considered having a real tattoo on my foot. Thank goodness I changed my mind. There is no fat on the top of the feet and that would have been very painful.

Bright You have been so unlucky to feel sick on Tax

Shell Enjoy your holiday, you all deserve a break away from all the doom and gloom although the Marsden do seem to be tring their best.

Kathy I have sent you a pm. Hope your rads planning went OK

Love to everyone


Evening all,
I have realised my posts are much longer than anyone elses I do tend to waffle on but as I think I write!!.

SHELLY: I know you are in a dark place but I just wanted to say that even now 6 months later I still don’t know if I am triple negative?
I was told I was oestrogen - and progesterone - but not about the her2 also I have seen on a thread that being just her2+ can be worse than being triple - as it’s much more agressive so really I feel whatever I am in a no win situation, just don’t feel you are alone.

It’s quite annoying not knowing what I am I wonder does she (BCN) not know or doesn’t she want to tell me???

Steve looked at the swelling under my arm today and he thinks it is water retention I must say it is the whole armpit not a little bit like a node, but I will mention it next time, probably get told a load of bumken??? (rubbish Bright LOL).

These hotcross buns took me forever to do as everything took 4 times more effort to do!!
Anyway they were very nice (I only had 2 I made 30!) there are still some left but not for long with Jordan around!

Marble: couldn’t ring up today as it’s good Friday but they said if she is still well Saturday we may be able to take her home, I just hope if she does come home it is for keeps this time do you realise how long she has bee in the vets since 12th March !!
Can’t wait to get her home !!!

Anyway we have been on about meeting for some time now and if we don’t make dates it’s not going to happen so we were thinking what about the second week in June???
say 12th (thats a Friday ) or the 13th (Saturday) I will be able to make it as I will have finished my chemo then my last one is on 13th May and my appointment to see surgeon is 2nd June so I won’t be having owt done that week not unless they are miracle workers and have loads of theartre times!!(don’t know if I spelt that right?)
But everyone let us know Victoria said North London as that is easier for Gail and I know Andie and Jo (don’t know about anyone else cos I don’t know where you are apart from Shelly she is in Lincolnshire like me).
Anyway it’s an idea let us know how you are fixed.

We have had news on Marc yesterday my sis went to see consultant he said they are not worried by his tumor they are worried about his heart as it in enlarged and also the right chamber is also more enlarged, he said it’s not connected with his CP or his tumor and likewise the tumor isn’t connected to any of them either.
He said it’s a condition that men in their 50’s get and sis said he could only live months!!!
Poor sod he’s had a terrible life can’t even eat.

Also my sister in law’s sister (Gillian) died unexpectedley the other year of a anurism.
Sister in laws brother was rushed into Hull Royal Infirmitory on Wednesday night with the same thing!!!
Don’t know if he will be ok they were both in their early 40’s.

Hope you like my pic of my hotcross buns got to go now tired.
night night love Caron xxxxxxxxx

Guess what???

MARBLE IS HOME !!! she has lost loads of weight!!!
Marble is in her shnugg (it’s a special cat bed), all my cats have got one.

I think the tiredness has come back! I really could easily have gone back to sleep!! I feel really tired I had 9 hours last night actually the only reason I got up was because the littlt darlings opposite (not) nearly put out patio door through! we have an alarm on the door if someone hits the glass hard the alarm goes off, I was upstairs in bed and I heard it! it was their ball (as usual).
Steve went round as they have a massive trampoline (it’s that big they can’t use their back gate now! anyway they have 4 children but they are not responsible for them just chuck them outside in all weathers and invite all the kids from the neighbourhood to go on the trampoline (really annoying as all they seem to do is look into our house!) we hired the fence even more cos of them.
Enough already Caron stop moaning!!.

tonight we are having chicken breast (skinless) in white wine sauce (I never made it I bought it).
My eyes keep watering today and my gums are still swollen it was really hard for me to brush my teeth I had to change to a sensitive toothbrush.
Did I tell you that where the white moon thing is on your nails just above that is all purple??.
I will write in a while cos bright wanted me to put the hotcross bun recipe on. bye Love Caron x

Caron I had terrible problems with my mouth during Tax, tried all sorts of toothbrushes even a baby’s one. My gums really bled so in the end I used to mouthwash with bicarb and warm water.
I’m making this quick as I’m off out, but Jo, sorry to tellyou that my ulcers didn’t clear up until after the Tax. I hope you get some relief from difflam. the hospital gave me some thick mouthwash stuff to coat my mouth with. When I asked my gp for some they looked it up and it wasn’t available for them to prescribe but the nearest thing they could suggest was Gaviscon!
Will catch up with everyone soon.
Happy Easter,

Bread maker hotcross buns recipe

Milk 1 cup
Butter 1/4 cup
Sugar 1/4 cup
Egg (beaten) 1 large
Salt 1 tsp
Plain flour 3 3/4 cups
Cinnamon 1 tsp
Mixed spice 1 tsp
Nutmeg 1/4 tsp
Sultana’s 1 1/4 cup
Dry yeast 2 tsp
Setting 9

1/2 cup plain flour
2 tsp sugar
1/3 cup water (approx)

1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp gelatine
1 tbsp water

Follow standard method ensuring milk is at room temp, until dough is ready, remove from pan.
knead lightly for 1- 2 minutes knead it’s lightly & shape into rounds
divide dough into 8- 12 pieces
place on greased baking tray allow room for rising

combine flour & sugar in bowl, gradually blend in enough water to form a smooth paste.
place paste into piping bag and pipe crosses onto buns.

brush with glaze (apart from crosses)

cover and allow to rise for 30 mins (or until doubled in size)
bake into preheated oven 375 F (190C) gas mark 5 for 16-18 minutes
or until golden brown.

dear all,

Feeling a bit like Darth Vader tonight - or perhaps Jeff Goldblum in the Fly - something is happening to me, and not quite sure what. Feeling like the real me is very small now in some part of what used to be my body - and this strange robotic/insect-like state is taking over. Transformation… hope whatever it is… is doing something about sucking up stray cancer cells.

Tax feels very different from FEC. That’s all I can say and I haven’t even entered the official 3/4 day starting period for when the side-effects begin.

Somehow I went out from noon to 5pm today to Cobham in Surrey with my parents. I’m staying with them over Easter. Managed to get around Waitrose and chose some things I may feel like eating over the next two days. Almost fell asleep over lunch - and I sort of ate half a jacket potato with beans, but it all felt a bit like I was in a dream-like state. No real symptoms - except for being spaced-out. Problems with heartburn though and swallowing which have only come on over the last 24 hours.

I feel tired, but I don’t want to sleep. I want to read, but I find I cannot. I can write a little and am doing so now.

Hope everyone is okay.

Caron the hotcross buns look stunning. And so glad Marble is home again.

I can make both those dates in June - 13 or 14 - for our meet, if others can.

Still on the same journey.

Love Bright x

whats the state of your gums now? I have got a detist pick thing and have been using that more than ever now but boy did the bleed!!
I think the swelling in the gums has gone down a little??

Talking of nails!!!1
Right did I tell you all the other day that I peeled some of my black nail varnish off? and it was all purple just above the white moon shape? (I think I did?)
Anyway so Caron thinks to herself yes Victoria’s consultant was right the varnish won’t make one iota difference as it comes from within.
So I decide to just use diamond strength clear varnish anyway my nails was quite long (not talons but not short) so when I took the dark off you know the top part of the nail that is white?
well that had gone really far down my nail!
If I did bit mine I wouldn’t be able to bite them much as it gets painful but now they are much further down than this border!!
So I have cut them as far as I dare as I think what will happen is the bottom (purple bit) will meet the top bit and just come off???
I wonder if you girls kid yourselves into thinking your nails are ok because you can’t see whats going on??

Also looked in the mirror today (scarey it was!) and no eyebrows again!! also to top that off my eyes have been streaming all day as I noticed no eyelashes!
So now all this is happening again (not my lashes 1st time ive lost them today) I wonder will my hair start to fall again??
It’s only bum fluff as it is!.

This is like a recurring nightmare! nevermind the FLY!

I have got the biggest ulcer anyone ever did see on the roof of my mouth! (quite strange really it doesn’t hurt that much)
Ive been up and about today giving the bathroom a good clean after Steves efforts last week! (don’t know how he’s got the nerve to say he cleaned it didn’t look like it).
I made the first meal for the family today (not counting hot cross buns).
Right must go to sleep it is now 4: 15 AM! no wonder I don’t get up till dinner time.
Did I tell you we are having haggis tomorrow (well today now).
love Caronxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi all,
Caron, my gums are fine now. They stopped bleeding a few weeks after last Tax. Howevr I need a trip to the dentist as a tooth broke. I’m sure it has weakened my teeth. The state of my mouth was one of the worst side effects for me. Especially a huge ulcer. It was excruiating!
Iwore black nail varnish also and it didn’t work for me either. My nails haven’t gone manky but very ridged and I think I’m going to lose them.
My eyebrows thinned during Tax and I lost my eyelashes completely. I just put on thicker eye liner. But both are back not quite as thick yet but enough to apply mascara. The doctor will give you meds for your streaming eyes.
Good news about Marble, I’m so pleased she’s back with you.
John had to leave Bertie in kennels the other day for the first time

Don’t know what went wrong there but I’ll carry on…
He absolutely adores the dog. They sit and talk to each other, I’m excluded from the conversation as I don’t talk doggish. I like dogs and we’ve had standard poodles since we got married, Bertie is a cross with a weimeraner. He has the intelligence of the poodle and the strength, scattiness and wilfulness of the weimeraner. He has the looks of neither and he moults terribly which infuriates me as I’ve never had this problem before with poodles. However he loves my grandchildren and they can do anything with him.
We had a good day yesterday with about 30 turning up for the Easter Egg hunt. But it was tiring as my friend and I did most of the catering and clearing up afterwards. Really don’t know why I’m wide awake at this time of the morning.
Love Kathy