Healthy diet

Juicers are different from blenders, in that they extract the juice and discard the pith instead of just blending the whole lot.

I’ve bought a good juicer from Amazon:

Seems to have gone up in price suddenly, I bought it a couple of weeks ago for £66! It came with a free recipe book by ‘The Juicemaster’ which was helpful for ideas. I now get organic (seasonal) fruit and veg boxes delivered to my door by Abel & Cole, and just chuck it in whole, raw, peel and all. Apart from stones of course. Juicer seems to cope as it has a big feeding tube, and it’s easy to use and clean. Red cabbage makes a lot of juice, doesn’t taste as bad as it sounds when mixed with kiwi, apple etc! I would never have eaten cabbage before but supposed to be v good.

Green tea is supposed to be excellent for fighting cancer, especially the Japanese ones, like Sencha. Thing is they do contain some caffeine, so can’t drink it in the evening. I’ve also heard it’s best to let it steep for about 10 minutes and use water that’s slightly cooler than boiling (add a bit of cold).

Re treats, organic dark chocolate I have read is an anti-cancer food, just get the high cocoa content ones.


Have been reading your thread and ust been out to buy a blender. However i now think i should have got a juicer. I know this is a stupid question probably, but what’s the difference? And what can i do with my blender?


Blenders are great for bananas, peeled fruit etc - they’re for making thicker ‘smoothies’ or soups where everything you add is kept in the mix, yogurt, milk, icecream etc.

Loads of stuff you can put in both. But bananas don’t seem to make any ‘juice’ - juicers literally separate the juice from the flesh of the fruit/veg, so the quantity is smaller and more easily consumable!

Hi everyone,

i have just bought my juicer and went straight in and made a broccoli, kiwi fruit and apple smoothie. I intially put a little too much broccoli in, but once sorted it was actually rather refreshing. My partner drank half a glass so doesnt agree, great for getting that cancer fighting goodness though.
Can i ask how you freeze berries?? or is it as simple as just putting them in the freezer??
I am going to make sure that i have a smoothie every day, bought a smoothie book too, one recipe in there is for broccoli and grapes, will try that tomorrow.
enjoy your smoothies

Thanks everyone
This is great,lots of ideas for juices and thanks for the info about which juicer to buy.
I feel inspired!!
K x

Get yourselves around the local hedgerows ladies! There are loads of bushes in and around the park near me and I have been going blackberrying when I’m out for a walk. I’ve been coming back with lots every time I’ve been out and the best bit is they are free - all you need is a pair of comfy shoes or trainers and a few containers to collect the fruit in. I’m going off to get more at the weekend as I’m planning some jam and will maybe freeze some of the fruit for the winter. People passing look at me as if I’m a bit daft but I don’t care. Some free fruit plus a nice walk can’t be bad.

I’m on a diet programme via my GP surgery and have been given loads of info, I get weighed every couple of weeks and it’s all about healthy eating, exercise and a slow loss. I don’t eat many cakes or things, but when I do it’s only if I’ve made them as I can control what goes in. We also grow veg so I make and freeze loads of soup, veg curries, ratatouille etc as it’s all organic.

I worked for the Japanese for 10 years and they have much lower incidences of breast cancer; my colleagues used to say they had difficulty coping with the diet in this country because of all the dairy products, so I have always believed there is some connection there.

Hi, im getting good at asking silly questions but will carry on anyway. When freezing all these fruits and soups etc, and particular prep needed or can it all just go straight in the freezer??

Hi Anna,

When I make veg soups I let them cool a bit then blend then until smooth using a stick blender or the liquidiser. When they are really cool I pour them into Pour 'n Store freezer bags (available from Sainsbury’s etc) which are the type of freezer bags that stand up and have a zip top. I find them the best as they are like pouches and they stand up in your freezer baskets or drawers. You can defrost the contents in the microwave if you open the top, but you can’t heat things in them.

When I freeze veg from the garden, mainly beans, carrots and stuff, I prep them for cooking, then I blanch them in boiling water for a minute. Drain them and when they are cool you can bag them up and freeze. Rhubarb from the garden is stewed, then put into plastic freezer containers when cold. I use this for puddings during the winter.

With fruit like blackberries you have to rinse and dry them. After this put them on a baking tray individually so they are not touching or lumped together. Freeze them on the tray (there is a freezing shelf at the top of my freezer), then store them in rigid containers.

Hope this helps.

thankyou for that, thats a great help, i have always wondered how to freeze various items and so will start doing that from now on. I made my first home made broccoli, potato and cheese soup a few weeks ago. I ended up wasting some because it made so much, but will freeze it next time. Kinda going a bit mad on broccoli at the moment, i bet broccoli shares have gone up.
many thanks

I love purple sprouting broccoli and the tender stem stuff. OH grows it in the garden and I can’t believe how much they charge for it in Sainsbury’s and M and S when it’s in season. We always laugh when we see shops selling 5 sticks of rhubarb for a pound as well - we have such a glut of it every year that we have to give it away to friends and neighbours!

Hi, how different in taste is the purple variety?? i dont think i have even seen it.


I’ve never juiced broccoli, but I have found that putting some ginger into juices that contain veg such as cabbage, broccoli, sprouts etc makes it a lot more pleasant, I still add plenty of apples etc but it kinda adds a bit of a zing!

I use ginger too, love it. Sometimes raw garlic as well, it’s the ultimate medicinal food apparently! Boyfriend NOT impressed - despite being French he insists that garlic is “poison”…

With regard to freezing fruit - I wash the grapes, dry them and stick them in a foil container or a bag. I just take out a few each time I do a smoothie. I have a big bag of frozen cranberries that I bought like that. The blackberries I’ve been picking I wash dry and have put them in a foil container. The cranberries and blackberries last ages like that. The grapes I don’t know as this is something I’ve only recently started doing.
I think it makes the smoothie so much nicer have something frozen in it. I always use a very ripe banana as well because it counteracts any sourness of the other fruit.
Elinda x

Hello everyone

I have never posted before but I love this thread. I was diagnosed in December 2004 and I changed my diet…very radically at first.I did not eat any dairy,ate loads of fruit and vef,regularly juiced,flaxseed green tea etc. I always allowed myself soya ( and still do…ooo a soya latte…mid afternoon…yummy)…now almost five years later…I still do most of the things I started out doing but am more relaxed…some weeks my diet seems more full of wine etc and I have a pudding if I fancy.but the principles I follow are still the same…I have never felt better…

I hope this helps…


Feel so inspired by this thread I have just ordered a juicer from Amazon (though might need a science degree to work it!) Just the thought of all that healthy food makes me feel fitter. It actually sounds delicious too.

BTW try adding fresh mint leaves to Sencha green tea, makes it taste nicer! Ooh and I’ve lost another pound of weight, hooray :slight_smile:

well done GB for the weight loss!!
where do you get your sencha green tea? have been looking for some but failed!

You can get Sencha tea in any chinese/japanese food store, pretty cheap. Health food stores usually do it in teabags but apparently the loose tea is a lot more potent. Any green tea good but Sencha the best for cancer fighting I have read.

My accupuncturist has just recommended this:

Bloody expensive but worth a try? I’ve just ordered some. I’m thinking, well I used to spend that on a few pints of beer on a night out anyway! And I don’t do that anymore so now I’ll spend it on tea :wink:

And green tea is supposed to have lots of health benefits as well as cancer. Lets get slurping!

tempting because worth it if it works, after buying the smoothie maker and books i think its a tad pricey for me this month, good luck though