Healthy diet

Referenced article:

“women with a history of breast cancer who drank 5 cups of tea daily were 50% less likely to have a recurrence”

I haven’t checked the source - but sounds hopeful. Even my surgeon recommended green tea.

Green tea is fantastic - hope you dont mind me adding as this is such an interesting read. I have been doing the carrot, avocados and blueberries and have read the anti-cancer diet by Dr David Servan-Schreiber who had cancer himself and was a scientist. He has a freebie on:

a little booklet that you can download to glance and some interesting basic facts that we could use - eg: I never use plastic bottle water now.

As he himself says, have a look and you just take what you want from it and it can clear up some sayings and just give facts.

I dont swear by it but have found some really good info as I was changing my diet and reading different things. The last pages are really good for daily life.

Anything that helps us hey.
Best wishes. x

I agree, that David Servan-Schreiber book is amazing, I recommend it to everyone, whether they have cancer or not!

If anyone can’t stand the taste of green tea (which I can’t) quite a few health food supplement companies do Green Tea Tablets - which have all the goodness but none of the taste. I have been taking them for about a year. Healthspan (in Guernsey) do them.

Hi everyone

Do any of these books mention avoiding chicken breasts? I read ages ago that they have so much oestrogen in them, that if too much is eaten, if can cause breast tissue to form in men.

As I said on my other thread, there won’t be anything left for me to eat soon. I can’t have lots of veg like brassicas (cabbage, etc), because I have a thyroid problem - I need lots of calcium as my mother had osteoporisis, but now some of you are saying I should avoid dairy. We are supposed to avoid too much soya. I shall be living on fruit and fish!

Ann x

I worked for a Japanese company for 10 years and we always drank green tea; it was the norm to serve it to visitors and it has to be brewed very precisely. However, most of the stuff on the market here is nothing like it. They used to get staff to bring it over from Tokyo as it was so expensive in this country. When I worked in London the only place you could buy it was Fortnum and Mason’s and it was £10 for a quarter pound. I’ve tried all sorts of green tea and green tea bags in the past couple of years, all of them have gone in the bin as I found them undrinkable. The stuff they used to get from Japan looked like dried privet hedge leaves.

I dont think that we can avoid everything and guarantee a healthy life. I know that if we go for chicken make sure that it is corn fed or organic to avoid all the stuff they put in it to make it grow fat.

Organic fruit and veg (be careful with this as not all are what they say they are) are mostly to do with fertilisers.

I do like the sound of green tea tabs but wonder what stabilisers are used.

We cant be perfect on this but it seems we are all headed in the right direction - I have lost weight - yes although on Tamoxifen - my scar has healed very quickly compared and I feel so much better than before BC. Less stress is a big contributor for me and exercise.


Can’t believe my luck! There is a Japanese supermarket just about to open right opposite my house. Just bought a cute little teapot from the local Chinese foodstore and a bag of green tea for about £3. I love oriental food, and lots of it is cancer-fighting foods :slight_smile:

Hi, i was reading in one of the books that i got that japenese tea is better for fighting cancer because it is higher in EGCG. I have been looking online but its very expensive, especially if its going to be something to use on a daily basis. Lucky you have one so near though thats great.

Hi all
I got some Sencha green tea in Sainsburys and it wasn’t that dear…
Have just used the juicer for the first time, broccoli and apple. It was really nice but only got a tiny amount of juice from about a quarter of a head of broccoli and one and a half apples !!

Have received my copy of Susannah Olivier’s book and it makes very intersting reading. Quite a lot of in-depth science about all aspects of nutrition and BC, but not too preachy.

Have a healthy weekend everyone,

Anna x

Hi Anna, I will take a look in sainsbury’s. I got foods to fight cancer, the science is so interesting. It does make me wonder why certain foods arent promoted by the hospital. Its also nice to think we are doing something positive to fight this thing.


The conventional medical professionals seem very reluctant to talk about diet at all. Maybe they’re not allowed to ? I asked my BCN about diet when I was first diagnosed and all she said was " well some people think there’s a link to diary products and try to aviod them…" and she seemed not to want to pursue the conversation at all.

I feel much better after eating healthily for a week( for the most part…I did have a small portion of chips on Wednesday!); calmer but with more energy on the whole. I think the psychological benefit of actually doing something positive is probably helping me as much as the food itself !

Hi, yes i have found they have said eat healthy, but no cancer busting food advice. In fact i was even encouraged to eat diary, but then as my tumour is negative to hormones maybe thats why??

Hi all

Here’s the link to the BCC booklet on ‘diet and breast cancer’ which you might find interesting:-

Kind regards
Sam (BCC Facilitator)

My BCN did offer diet advice, but only when pushed! And my onc. rather cryptically told me to ‘rediscover my kitchen’ - how did she know that I never cook I wonder!?

But I do really wish the conventional and complementary sides would speak to each other a bit more.

Annalou24, I agree re the psychological benefit. Look how effective placebos can be… positive state of mind is probably as medicinal as the food - which makes it doubly good :slight_smile:

Hi this is posted on behalf of a user, June, moderator

I advocate the wheat grass juice. Has all the minerals and vitamins. Need to have it on an empty stomach. Made a big difference with my skin and energy.

No side effects and helps the immune system. More details read about it on by Ann Wigmore. Best to grow it.

My diet consists mainly vegetables and fruits. Wish you all well


i have another silly question (im good at these)

when i first started chemo, i asked the nurse if i could take anything extra to boost my immune system etc. She said not to take anything as it hasnt been proven not to interact with the chemo drugs. My question is, is it safe to take things such as green tea whilst having chemo??
I have just bought some sencha green tea, im sure thats its ok just wanted to check.


Sorry for butting in.

I understand that a number of products, including green tea, are often not advised during chemotherapy as they can interfere with the action of the drugs. I think the same applies to vitamin pills.

You might need to check this out with your onc. I was always told to eat healthily, but lay off the so-called ‘superfoods’ during treatment.



Yes I was told to stay off green tea whilst on chemo, must be powerful stuff!..the green tea aswell as the chemo!

Thanks for the replies, i guess i will leave it till the chemo finishes in december,

