Hello, is anyone starting chemo in February 2015?

Hey pjw?..great idea with the chart lol!
I’ve found loads if videos re doing eyebrows etc,so will give that a try.Have you ladies looked at ‘Look good feel better’? It’s great for us going through Chemo,a local course that they hold usually once a month and it’s free?..you get free makeup and lessons on applying it.My local is near Oncology dept Cheltenham ,so yours should be nearby too Xxx

Did make me giggle thinking about the pink Barbie stripes!X
Know how you feel with the crying…I’ve been like that lately,just burst into tears at the slightest thing?..this morning was ironing my daughters top for a dance comp she has this weekend,burnt a flipping hole in it,so sat there and cried my eyes out!Don’t know who I’m worried about telling me off,My daughter or her dance teacher!!Xxx Hugs

That should say ‘Hey Sandi’?

Ann…my worry too about losing the wig,headscalf in the wind!!?Xxx

Hey everyone I was diagnosed on 12 Jan and start chemo on Tuesday 3 Feb! Whirlwind isn’t even the word. I am 32 and single with no kids but a bunch of awesome friends! Got my pixie cut yesterday in prep and still undecided about the cold cap since I am a migraine sufferer anyway - dunno if it’s worth it! Need to get my pre chemo shopping done (pineapple and ginger nuts) lol xx

Hello again Dennymac?X
It is a whirlwind isn’t it!Thats quick though from diagnosis to treatment…but good to get it going.Im single too,but have a teenage daughter,who keeps me happy?.Great to have good friends.
Your hair sounds great,getting mine done next week…if you can bear it,try the cold cap,but I’m not using it.
There’s a great list on the site to use for hints and tips for Chemo,have you seen it?
Rachel X

Yeah the tips are great!! Why aren’t u trying the cold cap? I’m meant be getting a Portocath but won’t get it until after my first treatment xx

I don’t actually think they use it in my Oncology dept,and also 2-3 of the Chemo treatments I’ll be receiving on the mobile unit,so they don’t have it available.I don’t mind though,got my head around it now that I’ll lose my hair…be cool to have a new look lol!?
So what is a Portocath?X

It’s like a port they put under your skin on your chest which is really good to give the chemo through. It’s practically invisible and in that way better than a PICC line xx

Oh yes,think I know what you mean…I don’t think I’m having that,the Oncologist said that I’ll just get a fresh line in Everytime I go in?Does the needle go in your hand or arm do you know?X

Hmm depends on your veins, I was told likely in the forearm where it’s harder to knock etc xx

Okay,guess I’ll find out on Tuesday!
Be great to keep in touch on here?as we are all starting next week by the sounds of it?X
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,take care lovely X

Hi folks,
That sounds like some ordeal Sandie. Well done!

So, do we all have our tickets ready for the roller coaster ride? Somehow can’t remember signing up for all this…

I’m trying to get ready by doing lots of laundry and having stuff I’ll need to hand. Been using the digital thermometer each day so it becomes habit and getting a baseline temperature to work from.
A friend recommends taking frozen fruit pieces in to eat throughout chemo. She says it preserved her sense of taste and she didn’t get a sore mouth.
good luck next week, everyone.

Well, tomorrow is looming closer for me and my first dose of TAC.  I’m going in armed with all the lovely tips and advice I’ve got from my fellow warriors and hopefully I can let you all know (tactfully, I promise) how it went if you’d like?

I haven’t had any kind of port fitted so my treatment will go in a vein in the back of my hand (they told me this is to do with it being easier to control leaks if there are any) but they were so reassuring when I had my chemo talk that I feel fine about it, especially since they use the same size needle that they use with premature babies.  I hope this helps reassure anyone who, like me, has a needle phobia.

I also wanted to pass on that my chemo nurse supports the practice of painting your nails (both fingers and toes she said) with any colour that blocks the light, so it doesn’t necessarily have to be dark.  She said that she could only go on what she’d seen herself and that it does seem to make a difference.  So I’m painting mine today a bright turquoise! :smiley:

Sending love and luck to all my fellow February friends xxx

Hi All ,
So nice to know I’m not alone for this crazy journey, will be painting my nails tomorrow thanks for the advice.
Going to try cold cap & just see what happens though I’ve booked a wig appointment as well.
Good luck ladies, February is here and as we start on our journey at least we can see an end.
After this week 1 down only 5 to go…???
Take care ladies, big hugs

Hi Ladies,


I am just popping in from the January 2015 starters to wish you all luck as your treatments start over the next few days… my first FEC was on the 15th January and I had a portacath fitted on the 14th.  I know the waiting is horrible but you will feel better once you are getting on with it.

I cold capped and intend to carry on, I have had my long hair cut to collar length and am shedding a little bit (but strands rather than clumps) but no-one else would notice as yet so for me it is worth the discomfort as I know many of the ladies on our thread have already lost most of their hair. I won’t lie though - it is blinking cold but the first half an hour or so is the worst.  It also makes treatment take longer as depending on your regime you have to leave it on for 1-2 hours after the chemo!


Good luck ladies and stay positive

Lou x


Hey Sandie…glad you are feeling a bit better and got some nice bras?..I saw some Masectomy bras in M&S the other day,pretty ones and £16 for 2,thought that sounded good?The queue was too big to try them on,so will go back when it’s quieter!
Does the Portscath feel funny under your skin?X

Hey Natalie…think I’ve joined the roller coaster ride…any chance it will come to a stop ?!?X
Great idea with the thermometer…didn’t think of that,I’ll add that to my list?..
Frozen pieces of fruit is good too,I usually keep frozen blueberries,pineapple and mango in freezer for smoothies,so could take them in with us to sessions?May need a cool bag though to keep them from defrosting?Take care Rachel X

Hello Strawb?X
How did yesterday go?Hope your feeling okay.I like the fact the the needle is small…as I’ll be having the same.Had it in my head that it would be big!
Thanks for the advice about painting our nails,yours sounds nice colour?.
Take care lovely,rest well X

Hey Sandie…how are you??X
Was confused when I read your message,as couldn’t work out why your girls had just finished their summer hols…then realised where you live lol!!?..took me 5 mins to work it out!
Has Mike brought the ultra modern thermometer yet?!
Hope it all went well with your Oncologist.Thanks for the good wishes …Hugs to you too Xxx Rachel