Hello, is anyone starting chemo in February 2015?

Hey Lou?Thankyou for your info…always so helpful to know about things that someone has has experienced themselves and passes on their hints and tips.I won’t be using the cold cap,but am having my hair cut this week.I wonder how long it takes for hair to fall out after first session?
Hugs Rachel X

Hello lovelies

Well, first treatment’s now under my belt and I can honestly say that it went really smoothly. I can confirm now that the needle really is tiny, after it was taken out I could barely see the mark and it went in easily too. 

I can also confirm that the red chemo does make your wee red - I’ve been drinking lots of water to flush it through and my chemo nurse said that this will also help prevent cystitis due to irritation from the drugs.

Thanks for the compliment Colli on the nail polish, its a favourite of mine and I wanted something cheerful with me.  The room they put me and my partner in was painted a lovely friendly yellow and I had a comfy chair with a pillow to rest my arm on.  She also put a heated pad over my right arm to keep it warm, another chemo effect.  I had eight syringes of stuff put in one by one and I didn’t feel anything other a tickly nose and a prickling sensation in my bum which she said was a common reaction - very strange! :smiley:

If there’s anything else I can help with do ask.  I feel so lucky to have so much support, both in the ‘real’ world and in the ‘virtual’ world here.  I can say things here that I can’t say to my friends and family, and I can be understood without having to elaborate.

Love you all

L xxx

Dear strawb, thank you so much for your reassuring information. I’m so pleased it went smoothly for you. Hoping you manage to get a couple of lovely restful days…

You are right, we are going to get such a lot of reassurance and support from one another here…

Tested frozen fruit pieces in a thermos flask; they stayed frozen all day.

Good luck, Ladies x

Brilliant Strawb,so glad it went okay and you was well looked after?..did you get any sickness at all,or did they give you tablets for that?So do you have your next one in 3weeks?X Rachel

Great Idea Natalie !Didnt think of Thermos flask?X

Hi ladies
Just thought I’d pop in before my first session tomorrow, good luck to any others starting then & know lots of you are beginning this week.
Good news about the flask & frozen fruit, think I’ll try an ice lolly tomorrow & see what happens.
Off to paint my nails & pack my bag, thinking of you all
Alison ? xx

Welcome herewego,
Forgot to ask has anyone gone for the PICC line??

Hey everyone! Nerves increasing! Had a call today to ask me height and was informed il be getting perjeta tomorrow and the tax and herceptin on Wednesday! They hadn’t told me it was gonna be over 2 days! Quite annoyed now! Should find out about my PICC/port after this cycle! Sooner the better of u ask me!! Hope everyone is doing well xxx

Good luck and hugs to everyone starting chemo this week, we can do this ladies!

Lots of love

L xxx

Day 1… Cancer let’s be having ya

Hi Herewego?
Hope all goes well with your Portacath being fitted Frid.i had my pretty chemo today and will be having a fine needed in my hand each time,it’s not too bad as just once every three weeks.How are you coping with things?X

That should say pre chemo lol!!X

Hey Strawb?
Yes I agree with you,feeling sick can be worse that being sick,especially if it’s continuous for hours.I guess we don’t know how we are going to react to the treatment until we have it.Had my pre chemo chat today and blood test,so it’s all go on Thurs!
Take care lovely X

Hey Alison?
Good luck for tommorow lovely…I start Thurs.Have you had your pre chemo already?
Rachel X

Good luck Sandie for tommorow?X
You start Chemo same day as me…we are all going to kick cancers butt!!It stands no chance!
You reminded me I haven’t got a thermometer yet…need to get one before Thursday.
I always worry that if I try false eyelashes,they will just drop off lol!!
Take care lovely X

Hello ladies,hope you are all feeling good,resting well and positive vibes all around you X?
Well was an emotional day…Didn’t start great in the hospital,apparently I parked in the wrong place and got ‘told off’ by the receptionist…so then I said sorry like I was being told off by the head mistress and burst into tears?!Ive held it together so far,but think it was reality really,being there in the Oncology department and taking that next big step.I eventually calmed down and the lovely nurses were so nice and comforting,that I soon was put at ease?.
My treatment plan is FEC-T,6 sessions ,which will be given every 3 weeks,starting Thursday morning.I even got to try some hats and wigs on,as the hospital has a ‘Focus’ centre,which offers lots of help.Needed to book the look good feel better course,as apparently it’s very popular and gets full !
Feeling bit better now I know what’s happening ?
Hugs lovelies xxxxxx

Hey Gill…Thankyou for your lovely wishes?..so nice to hear that your well and still in touch with your friends from the group X

Hey Pjw?X
Bless you ,hope your son gets better soon and all goes well for you today.Hugs X
Rachel X

Hi dennymac, Rachel, Annie,Sandie, strawb, pjw and all the lovely February Ladies,
Thanks for all the good wishes, well 1 down 5 to go! Yay?
Thinking of you all who are starting and welcome Fralan!
Just wanted to let you know everything went well yesterday, the bit I found the hardest was the cold cap and to be honest I’m not sure I’ll keep it up.
The best thing I used from the chemo list on here were the wrist bands, felt very nauseous in the night & they have helped. Infact I’ve only taken them off to get in the shower!!
Now to shop for hats and scarves & waiting for my wig appointment, should I go long, short, blonde, brunette??
As I think Sandie you said, the things we think about???
Well we’re all off on the next part of our journey, hang on tight, at least there’s an end in sight!!
Take care & hugs to all xxxx

?hey Anniegran X
Loved your post,made me smile…especially the bit about taking a selfie if you in your cold cap etc…will want to see that!!
What is Knitted Knockers lol!Will have to google that?
You mentioned Taxol?Im having Taxotere is that the same?Also Fluorourcil,Epirubcin and Cyclophodphamide…flipping heck,sounds like a chemistry lesson!!
Take care lovely, hugs Rachel X