Hello, is anyone starting chemo in February 2015?

Having had neutropenia with FEC, my oncologist changed the planned three lots of three weekly docetaxel, to 12 lots of weekly paclitaxel. Roughly larger amount, just split into thirds, with less side effects.
I got peripheral neuropathy in fingers and feet anyway, and feeling pretty rubbish to be honest, like I’ve been run over by a bus, nose bleeding etc. So I’m stopping at pacltaxel number 9, which the onc says is cumulatively as much of a dose as a full wallop of docetaxel. Which is next week yay!!!
However, to rain on my parade, the bc nurse rang me and said I need to see surgeon to discuss having 15 daily (over 3wks) rads to axillary lymph nodes. An hour drive either way for a daily 20 min zapp…What!!!
So feeling absolutely flattened (no pun intended) now as I thought I would only need my expander pumped up a few more times, then replacement implant surgery. Oh and 6 more three weekly herceptin injections.
Will post about the axillary node zapping on another thread…

Morning ladies. Sorry I haven’t been on line for a while. My update… Finished chemo on 22nd may???. Had my single mastectomy last Friday. Came out of hospital yesterday. Will get an appointment in a few weeks for my results. Woke up this morning to my little finger and my wedding finger numb, just wondering if anyone else has had this, my arm is a little swollen as well. Xxx

Hi all,
Like some of you ladies it’s been a while finally finished chemo on the 1st June it was meant to be finished in May but due to veins had to have a pic for the last one.
I’m about to start radiotherapy and after that the lovely tablet which my Onc can’t stop praising as she keeps reminding us patients that her mother has been taking it for 7 years and doing well.
I want to copy and say the same words as Alison has just mentioned it’s been a journey and the support has been phenomenal I wish
us all the best and for those still carrying on with chemo. I will continue to post during rads for those who want to share their experiences.
Take care & enjoy the rest of the day xx

Hi all everyone has gone quiet on here so must be feeling ok, I finished chemo on 26th May and I am still suffering water retention it started after Chemo 5 mainly in my feet, ankles. Legs. Is any one else suffering with the same

I got really bad water retention in my ankles and feet at about 4th cycle… It will come and go, it’s a bit of an inconvenience more than anything!

Hello eveyone,
I finished my chemotherapy in May.
Apart from a missing breast, swollen arm and lack of eyelashes, Life is getting a little more normal.
Thank you all so much for being here for what has been the most traumatic six months of my (what I hope will be a long and happy!) life…
Best wishes to you all with your treatment and beyond.
With love, Natalie

Congratulations hope you can start to get on with things now. I had my last taxol 17/6 and three weekly herceptin jabs till October. Then temporary expander implant swapped for permanent one probably November. Still got terribly numb feet and fingers but hey I’ve got a centimetre of mousey fluff on my head now!! Hope everyone is managing to get through the aftermath ok. It’s been quite a marathon but the winning post is in sight somewhere over the horizon!!

Cruise sounds lovely! Was your surgery for reconstruction? Hope your recovery goes well. I’m just hoping my forthcoming final implant surgery lives up to expectations, looking back the expander implant mastectomy was a walk in the park relatively speaking, compared to chemo which was just about the worst experience I’ve ever had (and there’s been a few). When I go to the oncology unit for my herceptin jab the sound of those machines beeping away brings me out in a cold sweat! I’m hoping that numb feet will return to normal at some stage. My hair was a bit of a shock, I used to be a redhead! Now mousey grey with a white Mallen streak at the front.

Still got peripheral neuropathy in hands and feet. Fingers swollen, knuckles shiny, can’t get rings on. Hair about an inch long now, I look like an old English sheepdog that’s had a trim. But I had my last herceptin jab yesterday hurray! See the surgeon end Oct to discuss permanent implant surgery sometime after that and the oncologist in Dec after I’ve had another heart scan.