Hello, is anyone starting chemo in February 2015?

Thank you Natalie for the up date. I am petrified of having it today after the last time keep crying again. lets hope that this reduction she has given me will help a little then. Can’t see it doing anything for the pain though can you xxx

Thank you for all your support. Had number five yesterday, just have to wait now for side effects, hopefully they will be better this time just don’t want to end up in hospital again xx I hope you are all feeling a little better this week. Lots of hugs to all. Tina xxx

Hope you don’t feel so rough this time. Am up at sparrow-squawk time myself not looking forward to 3rd of 12 weekly paclitaxels this afternoon. Legs are twanging so I started on vit B complex and l-glutamine yesterday to see if it will help with the pain. And used a magnesium spray on my calf muscles in the hope that it will stop the restless legs while having chemo. A day at a time, keep ticking them off, roll on mid July when I can have the picc line out and put this all behind me and just have the herceptin and more surgery to deal with.

Morning lanky lass a nurse when I was in hospital last week told me that quinine was good for restless legs because I get that a lot you can get it in a tablet form or its also found in schweppes tonic water it’s worth a try. I have to go to bed when mine start I just can’t stop them throbbing. I was told at chemo on Tuesday I have my pick line out on the day of my last chemo in three weeks. Must admit it will be nice to get at least one arm back to normal. Big Hugs to all of us xx

Evening ladies,
Well a week after 2nd docetaxel has been eventful! Had a trip to hospital on Tuesday as had a high temperature, luckily no infection and not neutropenia but chose the worst day at my local hospital. ?
Landed up there for 24 hours, little sleep and all in all a very uncomfortable experience. Feeling like a pin cushion and every time a cannula is put in it stings, probably made worse as they can only use one arm.
On a positive I’ve managed an outing today for afternoon tea for OHs birthday.
Hoping you are all surviving SEs and wishing you all a good weekend.
Hugs to all you lovely ladies xxx

Just think worriedsick in two weeks it will all be over, keep going lass just think of the summer!
I’ve spent all weekend in bed too. And my eyelashes have fallen out and I’ve put on 6lb in ten days, my tum is sticking out further than my boob, feel quite depressed and nose won’t stop scabbing and bleeding despite the naseptin cream the onc gave me last week. And if one more person says I look well I am going to … their lights out! Moan groan - roll on summer!

So pleased I’m not on my own. how can people say you look well when we are going through this. I feel and I know I look awful. I had the nurse come in on Saturday to give me those GCSF injections, I felt so ill and she seen me in bed. She said you have gained weight I will have to put it in your notes that you are obese. i know I have gained weight and I was feeling low as it was without this comment. As if we aren’t going through enough. I had a damn good cry to my hubby yesterday. You can read all the comments about T but nothing prepares you for this. Natalie, lankylass and Jan yes roll on summer. That’s all that’s keeping me going at the moment. One more to go and then we can enjoy our summer. sending big hugs to all xx

That’s the spirit! I’m on the weekly lot and a bit behind everyone else, will I be the only one left here in July when everyone goes whoopee and clears off, skipping into the sunshine?

Hi Lankylass I’ll keep you company! I’m having #2 weekly T tomorrow so not expected to finished until late July.
My first week has been ok so far - just low level pains, very dry skin everywhere (even worse than on EC), nails are definitely reacting and my chemo induced photosensitive rash is back after enjoying the sun yesterday. Just hoping to see what tomorrow’s dose will bring.

You won’t be on your own lankylass we will all be here to support you xxx

Yes my nails are sore xx

Hello ladies, I have been following this thread as I was a Feb starter.  My first three FEC were very manageable but last week had herceptin injection on Monday and Docetaxel on Tues. By Friday I was feeling very ill with the Docetaxel and would like any reassurances from anybody still looking on here.  I have no clue how to start Facebook.  Eight days down the line I really hope to start picking up after the Docetaxel. Good luck to all you ladies, would like to know how you are getting on.

Linda xx

Thank  you Natalie for your reply.  You have described how I am feeling exactly and although I am sorry you have had to go through this too it is reassuring to hear it isn’t just me.

Linda x

Had my weekly paclitaxel dose reduced this week by 25% as my feet have gone dead. The 5th yesterday wasn’t too bad although I did get the overwhelming urge to get up and run out of the hospital screaming even though I was connected to the drip. So fed up with it all, but gave myself a good talking to - soon be over, cross another one off the calendar…

The peeling skin and split skin round nails is a real pain. I covered up my thumbs with plasters and the splits healed- and then split again right next to the old splits. Handcream only helps a bit

Hello everyone, I had my last chemo treatment today, Docetaxol 75%. Hurrah.
I hadn’t recovered from the last one and expect to be exhausted for the next month. Looking back I realise I didn’t do anything but stay at home or go to places and sit down. Didn’t manage to walk the dogs once. Husband looking very fit!
I bought some cooling gel packs, theraflex, from physio warehouse online and wrapped them around finger and toe nails today during treatment to try to save nails which are looking bumpy and dark red. Splitting a little length ways. Using coconut oil but think the damage is coming from nailbed
It felt strange to say goodbye at hospital and whilst relieved it’s over, think it’s going to take a while for side effects to manifest and then disappear. We’ve booked a holiday for one month’s time and are very much looking forward to swimming in the sea - my first swim since November!
Best wishes to you all, good luck with all the side effects over the next weeks. Thinking of you all x

Thank you Lankylass.
Look after those feet, you’ll need them for all your wonderful activities when this as all over.
Keep posting whenever you need to talk. X

Thanks nattyoo and pjw

PJW - many thanks for your reassuring words - just didn’t appreciate how much easier I found FEC! And yes think the docetaxel se’s are going to last nearly the whole three weeks! Will certainly tell my onc on Tuesday how this has hit me.

Hope everyone will have a good bank holiday weekend 

Linda x

Congrats at getting through it all! M and S do icelollies in pineapple coconut and lime which just about cut through the tastebuds. Fresh pineapple ginger and lime have been the flavours that have kept me going. M and S stem ginger cookies and Gu keylime pies are what my friends know to bring round when they call!