Hello, is anyone starting chemo in February 2015?

Evening Ladies,
Been enjoying my first two days of feeling normal!! Hooray!! ?
Hope your all getting on ok, think I maybe losing hair from my nose as have a constant runny nose. Headaches have gone & stomach & appetite almost normal.
I’m hoping my veins continue to take the meds as don’t like the sound of what some of you have gone through. Headstrong appointment on Monday & planning a fun trip to the wig shop with my friends (plus afternoon tea ?:coffee:).
I have felt very tearful and struggled to keep positive during the last week but was good to hear many of you are the same, keep strong ladies, there will be good and bad days but remember there’s an end in sight!
Hugs to all, thinking of each and everyone of you xxxxx

Trying to catch up on all that I’ve missed!!
Herewego- I tried cold cap (3 1/2 hours!) not going to continue it as I found it too stressful & gave me headache.
Simone- sorry to hear you’ve been having a tough time xx
Rachel- hope you are doing well, I’ve moved on to a blanket for Barbie & Ken ?
Sandie- I’m with you on the coffee (pure evil)
Annie- hope you are feeling better x

Alison so happy for you, glad your feeling better.
Hope the same for the rest of the February starters!
I’m not doing to badly either sickness tablets at the side!!
Hope all’s well with Fralan let us know how’s it going
Big hugs!
Simone xx

Hey everyone looks like you’re all coming out the other side now! Day 10 post first tax and my temp is starting to go up… Starting to worry! Xx

Hi everyone. Pleased to see that we are starting to come out the other side of the first cycle. In the end, I spent nearly a week in hospital. Here’s hoping the new tweaked cocktail of drugs means a less bumpy ride next time.

I agree with Sandie, it helped enormously having this community and thank you for being brave enough to post your experiences over the last week or so. I have found this time very isolating, despite support, and to know I’m not alone in this terrifying journey has really helped. One star for the chart - five to go! Hugs xx

Good morning everyone,
I’m day 8 after 1st FEC. As we’ve said, we’re all on different cocktails (my choice would usually be a mojito !) and experiencing different side effects, but it has been fortifying to travel through the last couple of weeks together.
Just to know the nasal drip is international is reassuring!
So sorry you’ve been in hospital pjw - take it easy and rest as much as possible.
Hoping for a day with friends and some normality today. I’ve cleared the bedroom of all my being-in-bed/lounging around stuff ( except the trusty thermometer), washed all the clothes I’ve been cacooned in and packed my bag for the next chemo. Brought out some pre- surgery clothes and planning to make the next two weeks as good and normal as possible. We need to be ready for the next round - like boxers!
Has anyone noticed an effect on their surgery scar after chemo? I had node clearance and my underarm and chest have gone back to being very tight and sore. Will phone bcn this morning.
And is anyone losing their hair yet?
Lots of love and thanks everyone, for making this all a little more bearable.
Natalie x

Just got my appointment dates for picc line insert and chemo start. First session on 24 feb So scared.

Thanks Sandie and pjw.
Very reassuring (if sad) that you are experiencing the same.
Have arranged to see an osteopath who does lymph drainage massage to see if it helps. Will let you know how it goes. Our breast care physio at the hospitals can help too, apparently.
Have good weekends xx

Hi herewego?
Thankyou for the info on the bio oil ,you can use that on the scar too I think?
Cut my hair short today,so takes a bit of tension off my scalp,feels nice and light!
Has the Piroten worked?Xx

Hey Alison?
Good to hear your having a few good days,it’s nice to feel a bit normal again isn’t it?
Sounds like you have a good day planned for Monday, trying on wigs with nice afternoon tea,lovely and you can have fun too ?.
Have a good weekend
Hugs,Rachel X

And Allison…I hope the blanket for Barbie and Ken is pink?!!X

Dennymac,was your temperature okay lovely?X

Sandie ? the photo idea sounds wonderful…memories and photos of things you’ve gone through and come out the other side,I think it’s lovely.Ive taken photos of having my hair cut short and may be brave and get one or my scar too?.
Did your temperature settle down in the end?It does make you worry though and yes just like when your children are poorly.
Thankyou for being there too,we all are a good comfort to each other? hugs Rachel X

Hey Natalie?
Your on same day as me,day 8 too!hope you had a nice day with your friends?Im planning to do something tommorow for Valentines…but as I’m single I’ll have to make do with treating myself to flowers lol !!
I’ve not noticed any change to my scar area,but my arm is sore again like it was after surgery.
I agree with you on the Cocktails,I think I’d rather have a nice ice cold G & T Thankyou very much!?
Have a good weekend lovely,Hugs
Rachel xx

Hope I’ve not missed anyone out,as wanted to wish everyone a good weekend and if your in a relationship I hope your man spoils you,but if your single like me,treat yourself to a lovely bubble bath,glass of something nice(unless your like me and totally gone off alcohol!) and buy yourself some pretty flowers,as you deserve it?
Love Rachel X

Hey, cool,think I’ll get some tommorow?
Yes they do say when your scalp itches or feels tight,the hair will start to come out,which day are you on?A lot of ladies say it starts coming out about 14 days up to 2nd chemo?X

Hey! Well my temp spiked to 38 during the night so ended up in A&E and now am an inpatient being treated for neutropenia Grrr xx

I’ve ordered a headscalf off AnnaBandana too?..got a wig ordered through the Focus center in the hospital,but not sure if I’ll wear it yet.I don’t think many ladies liked the cold cap much?X

Oh no Dennymac ?so sorry to hear that.Did you get an infection?Are you home yet?X

My infection markers ain’t massively high but standard treatment is IV antibiotics and fluids. Been given an injection to boost my White cells and won’t get out until my neutrophils are above 1.0… They were 0.3 on admission lol so couple of days in I think xx