Hello, is anyone starting chemo in February 2015?

Hi, I’m starting my chemo on Tuesday 10th February 2015. I’m having FEC x3 and T x3. Had a mastectomy on 25th November then after having it found in three out of five nodes had to have lymphnode clearance on 23rd December. CT and Bone scan clear

Hi, I’m starting my chemo on Tuesday 10th February 2015. I’m having FEC x3 and T x3. Had a mastectomy on 25th November then after having it found in three out of five nodes had to have lymphnode clearance on 23rd December. CT and Bone scan clear. Hair cut ready to start but petrified

Morning Ann?
It did make me smile…She does street dance.Her dance troupe are off to Paris Disney land in March for a competition,so proud of her!X
How are you feeling?X

Hello worried sick,
I’m having the same treatment as you, having had lymph clearance and mastectomy at Christmas. Had first round of FEC last Thursday. I was frightened but it wasn’t as bad as I feared and now that it’s over feel as though there’s no ‘unknown’ to worry about for the rest of the FEC rounds.
Keep your hand warm for the cannula and drink LoTS of water today. I felt mildly nauseous for the first three days and then very very tired and low yesterday, (like a post viral tiredness) but much brighter and stronger this morning. Feel as though I can get up and go out for first time.
Perhaps try to eat something tomorrow morning to settle your stomach? I’ve been drinking aloe Vera juice to help clear the drugs and as much water as possible.
We’ll be thinking of you tomorrow. Good luck,

Hi Nattyo, I’m also having my first Fec tomorrow after my bad experience last Friday where I fainted for the pain of the cannula. So scared this is going to happen again tomorrow. Do any of you know if I can take any calming & painkiller before the treatment ?
Thanks lovely ladies

Good advice ladies, we all need to make this as easy as possible for ourselves.
Lots of love x

Hey ladies X
Well 4 the day since chemo and have felt strangely odd today…light headed and tearful,anyone else feeling like this?have eaten little bits,but going off tea(usually my favourite!).Keep swallowing a lot,like I have a dry throat,but drinking lots.
Natalie,is Aloe Vera Juice good?I might try that…think your on the same days as me and hoping by tommorow I’ll brighten up a bit?X
Fralan…you’ll be fine tommorow lovely,try get a good nights sleep tonight and deep breaths tommorow.Talk to your oncologist or nurses before your treatment,express your concerns after what happened last time.
Hugs Rachel X

my chemo was Friday, ended up in A& E kept being suck I think I posted this before, and thanks for kind responses.
I stayed for one night and onoc on duty was lovely will be working with my onoc so she emailed her Saturday night and assured me for the next one, I will get the expensive anti sickness drugs injected before next chemo over a couple of days, (very shocked that she said expensive)
I’m feeling so much better in terms of sickness & holding food down.
But still feel very weak & mouth is starting to tingle had pain in my thighs this morning.
I can taste tea but it’s Yorkshire tea bags couldn’t taste the hospital tea !!
The key is to control the sickness to make whatever follows manageable… I think!
Simone xx

Thank you for the advice. I’m petrified about today and I know everyone must be the same. I shouldn’t have a problem with veins as I had a picc line put in a week ago because of that problem.

Thank you Ann I will look at old comments.

I hear you Sandie on the hair loss & tea…
Thanks for your advice
Simone xx

Me too Sandie…strange taste and feeling in your mouth,but Pineapple good ?X

Oh Simone,just read your post?sorry you had such an awful time with your first chemo.How you feeling now?Im glad they gave you the ‘good’ anti sickness drugs X

How did it go today Worried sick?X
Hugs hope your feeling ok Rachel

Hi Rachel,
I’m doing much better now thanks I’m holding food down… Touch wood!!
Feeling weak though… Just want energy back
Thanks again
Hugs xx

So had my first EC dose and cold cap today. Administration of chemo was a doddle through the portacath but I’m having serious doubts about continuing with the cold cap.
I’m not that fussed if I lose the hair and it was really uncomfortable today for the whole 2.5hrs - in addition to the expected splitting headache, frozen hair and ears it was really uncomfortable to wear and I got a neck ache that made everything worst. I’m interested to hear how others got on and if you plan to continue/stop and what if any benefit you saw from it?
Otherwise I’m a bit nauseous but have managed to eat ok, quite tired and now also got lower back pain.
Let’s all keep positive xx

Dear Ann , what a terrible time you’ve had. You must be exhausted. Thank you for giving us all the details of your experience - we can all all learn from one another. And this is such a steep and strange learning curve, isn’t it?
Get as much rest as possible. Build up your strength again. With very best wishes, Natalie x

Hi all

Had a rotten week, dehydrated badly due to constant sickness and was finally admitted to hospital at the weekend where I just lay in bed while they pumped fluids and potassium into me.  I had neutropenia but thankfully they didn’t think I needed a platelet transfusion.  I’ve had stomach cramps every time I eat as well so they’ve given me buscopan for that along with three different anti-sickness drugs to the first lot prescribed.  I’m eating whatever I can keep down, mainly soup and baked spuds seem to work for me.  My Onc has been informed and I’ve been told that they will give me a different, more expensive anti-sickness drug with the chemo next time.  It does make me bl@@dy mad that we’re tried on the cheaper option first though.

Oh, and I never want to see another one of those spiky fruit that featured in that Elvis film set in Hawaii.  Ever!

Love to all xxx

Hello Strawb, that sounds a really dreadful experience. Get lots of rest. They now know which drugs you’ll need to stay well for the next round.
Take care and keep eating…
Natalie x

Hello ladies:smileyhappy:

Hope everyone is feeling okay today?

Im on day 7 and its been up and down,but improved slightly over last few days.Seem to have these horrible sore spots/blisters on my scalp and a couple on my face,but worse on the scalp…driving me nuts and want to shave my hair on now!..shouldnt say that really as going to lose it anyway,but its so sore,dont know what to use on it.Any other ladies getting this?

Rachel X