I have posted a link below to our new resource pack which you may find helpful, it has been designed for those newly diagnosed, just click on the link to access the order form. You can also order more information publications on the same page by clicking on the links on the same page under the ‘quick order list’.
If you would like to speak to someone in confidence please do call our helpline on 0808 800 6000, the line is open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2, our team of specialist nurses and trained helpliners can offer you further support and information. Hope this helps.
Hi malina – good you’ve found us but sorry you’ve had to!
I’m having 2nd chemo tomorrow (AC) but no experience of FEC, so this is just to say hope goes well as poss
& sending love n hugs jk
I had 3 x FEC last year, and had very few side-effects with it. The anti-sickness meds provided by the hospital worked brilliantly and, apart from being very tired for the first few days after each dose, I was able to continue with normal life for the rest of the time. Not everyone is so lucky, I appreciate, but I think it’s important you hear a spectrum of views on the subject.
If you are progressing to Taxotere after the FEC, then let me know and I can share some tips on that one as well.
I had my first of 6 FEC on friday. I’m glad to say that I’ve had very few side effects so far…no nausea/sickness…probably thanks to the anti-sickness meds they gave me to take. Like Rosie, I’ve just felt a bit tired and headachey yesterday and again today, but nothing worse than a hungover feeling.
So it really wasn’t as bad as I’d been expecting and I have to add…the nurses are brilliant and really put me at ease.
Good luck tomorrow
Oh - and forgot to say…I drank loads and loads of fluids from the night before, during chemo and 24 hours after. That might have helped avoid some of the side-effects.
Hi, It might be better to ask your chemo-nurse to give you >100 ml saline-solution flash your vien after the Chemo-solution finished which might help to protect your vien. Take care.
Sorry you’ve had to join us. Wishing you lots of luck for tomorrow. I had 3x FEC then 3x TAX and coped okay. As others have said, drink plenty of fluids starting the day before, I’m sure that helps. The main problem I had with FEC was nausea but the anti-sickness meds they gave me were very good and helped a lot. You’ll be fine. Sending big cyber hug ((())),
Hello Malina, had 6 Fec - finished last year. Found it very do-able carried on working etc. You will feel tired tho. If they give you steroids take them before lunchtime or else you have trouble sleeping. Be prepared for hair loss - doesnt happen for everyone but mine fell out on day 17 after first blast - good advice to drink loads of water. So, best of luck, deep breath and go for it girl - you WILL be fine x loads of love to ya x Debbie x
Good luck for tomorrow hope everything goes well. Had my first FEC last Monday, was ill on Tuesday but i think that was because i took my steriods on an empty stomach as i didn’t feel like eating, but will know better next time.
Hi Malina
I finished 6xFEC last month and found nausea the main problem, plus tiredness. Most of us on FEC have lost our hair although some have had success with the cold cap.
I hope tomorrow and all of your chemos go well and that you have minimal side effects. The first one is the scariest because you don’t know exactly what you’re facing (and how lovely the chemo team are!) but once you’ve done one anxieties are much less.
good luck - will be thinking of you tomorrow (I’m having rads no.3)
love monica xx
sorry your joining, had 3rd FEC last wed and each one seems to be following the same pattern. Yes as others have said drink plenty, take steroids before about 2pm so you can sleep, anti sickness meds have done the trick for me(only slightly sicky) but they do cause constipation so get the senna ready. there are times when you feel tired but just go with the flow and if you need to sit down(and watch jeremy kyle)go with the flow.
Good luck for tomorrow to you, and anyone else starting out.
I had virtually no SE’s on FEC, except slight mouth ulcerage (soon sorted with mouthwash and Squigle toothpaste and constipation caused by the anti-sickness meds.
Do ask that they flush with saline and don’t insert it too quickly, as it can make your arm a little sore/feeling bruised, but otherwise, I was hyper for a few days afterwards due to the steroids and had no days off work because of it.
Hi I started the chemo last week on the 25th. Am having x3 FEC and x3 TAX. Thr side effects for me have been tiredness and a felling of a hangover without the fun. I do have a two year old and 5 year old so they are aslo keeping me o9n my toes.
i would aslo agree with the drinking of plenty of fluids. and when u are having chemo drink lots of fluids and some sherbert lemons to suck it isn’t
pleasnat but it is doable.
Good luck for tomorrow