
Got great news today, they’ve got all the cancer and i need no more treatment except going back next week ect for my balloon tissue expander to get filled again then onto operation number 2. I’m so happy i could cry,the last few months have been terribly worrying. Thankyou to you all for all your kind words of support. I’ll still keep reporting back from time to time. Is there any of you from the Derby area? If so do you fancy meeting for a chat and a cuppa sometime? Hope you are all doing okay? Please feel free to inbox me and i’ll do the same with you. Thanks for being there,your all brilliant people. I’ll catch up with you soon off to get some tablets then a cuppa and some rest :slight_smile:
hugs and kisses
Dee xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

So glad to hear it was good news today…:smiley: Hope that you now get a good night’s sleep tonight…:smiley:

Theresa x

Hi Theresa, hope your doing okay? its been a nightmare trying to get comfortable,wether its day or night. I cant stand any clothing touching my skin,its so sore. Can only hope it gets better with time. I’m at hospital again next thursday to start the reconstruction process of inflating my tissue expander,so that should be interesting.

Roll on summer time when hopefully it’ll all be done and dusted. And i get a proper night sleep,forgot what thats like these days. Time for more painkillers and a cup of tea i think,i’m just so grateful to my good man running around after me and looking after me. Bless him,he’s looking so tired. Hope you have a good weekend whatever you get up to Theresa,i’ll inbox you in a couple of days time. Take care of yourself
hugs and kisses
Dee xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Girls, i was at hospital again yesterday, 2 weeks ago i developed a rash across my chest and around the scar, the district nurse thought i was allergic to the dressings that were on me,they came off but still 2 weeks on the rash is still there??? The doctors gave me cream to put on,so i’ll see how i get on with that. Because the rash is still there they wont start the tissue expansion due to high risk of infection,im gutted,this is holding back treatment for now,then i discovered that things will not be moving as fast along as i would have liked, i feel in despair with this,the pain is always there and its extremely uncomfortable since i started pysio,under my armpit they saw yesterday i’ve got cording,so continuing with execises and rubbing cream into the cord to try and get it to snap. I’ve felt so down today with the pain and skin sensitivity,i feel like ive got such a long way to go yet altho getting the great news i should feel on top of the world but i dont? and i dont know why? Sorry for coming on for a moan probably the last thing you all need right now. Thanks for listening.
hugs and kisses
Dee xxxxx