Help! I really need some useful one liners

When I was having rads I was leaving the office early - my various drivers arrived any time between 2 and 2.30. Invariably someone would come through my office en route to the kitchen and if I was still there after 2.10 they would always ask ‘oh, are you still here’… one day I didn’t even raise my head but replied ‘no I left half an hour ago’ …

before I realised i ws gong to keep (too strong a word) my hair if someone from my limited “in the know” group said to me

“it’s only hair it will grow back!”

then I would say “well shave yours off then” …

after that it’s just grunts and apologies … in fact I might put this on the “hair” thread - i think Joanne42 (could be someone else) wanted a hair-one-liner …

lots of love FB xx

apologies - Joanne42 LOVES the attention … it was vodka … anyway - I’ve put it there now!

LOL these are getting better.

I went to the dr’s to get my bloods done pre chemo and I met an old aquaintance.
She was all “hi I didn’ realise you weren’t well until I heard you on the radio” (yeah I know head huge).
I said “Actually I am feeling great at the moment”,
“Oh” she says “I bet that was a big shock for you”
I have to say at that point I looked really confused and sort of stammered and said “well yeah it’s not like I planned it”,
she was so embarrassed and then changed the subject back to me on the radio,
I just smiled sweetly and said I must go have to get my bloods done before the chemo tomorrow and tottered off.

Silly cow

My ex has just sent me an email saying “do not go gentle into that good night. rage, rage against the dying of the light” I told him I’m not dying and not to be so bloody morbid!

Hey Fiz

Its not that I like the attention iam gonna get it wether I wear my wig or go bald so I may as well get some enjoyment out of it lol.

As For saying the one that pisses me off id the one where ou wear your wig and everyone say good it doesnt look like a wig jeez if it doesnt look like a wig why do they ask if it is one.


Has anyone seen the magazine adverts for ginger beer, where beautiful (airbrushed of course) women advertise ginger beer by wearing ginger BEARDS!!!

Well, my lovely friends, who understandably will not be shaving their heads in support, will instead all be sporting a ginger beard! I haven’t lost my hair yet (got first FEC at 11.30 today - eek) but am looking forward to the scene at school drop off when it does fall out…pity we can’t post pictures on here because it would raise a chuckle…

Hayley x

Hi Hayley,
not sure if you know there is a facebook group. breast buddies where there are a few of the ladies from here and some have posted pictures.

My son has auburn hair, it isn’t bright so can’t really say it’s ginger and I have to say I love the colour of his hair, neither me nor my OH have ginger hair but my OH’s family have the ginger gene.


Hi L,

Ooooh, No offence meant on the ginger front at all :slight_smile: Just sparked off from the advert - and a bit of solidarity from my buddies :-0 (my sister’s boy is ginger and neither her nor her husband are!)

Hope you wern’t offended love…

Hayley x

Not at all honey, I have a jibe now and then at the gingers too LOL.

I think it’s cool they are doing something, my OH always wanted to shave his head so i am sure he will use my possible baldness as an excuse to do it.


Hi FizBix

thanks for that comment. Can’t wait to try that one out.

Ann x

love this thread. When I first told people I had several incidences when people just spent well far too long looking at my chest, from one side to the other trying to work out which the lump was in.
So my t shirt would say ‘It’s in this one’ or
‘if you can guess which side correctly, you win the booby prize’
Lily x

LOL love the booby prize one Lily ace

nice one lily

How about

If I lean to the left you dont notice


sorry - Rachy - I put it on but had to take it off as i relised it might upset some people … I’ll thinkof another one soon …

Oh dear FB, Sounds intriguing ? !!! I await with baited (dragon) breath for the next one liner.