Forgot to take mirtazepine so awake at the crack of dawn. Nipped to the loo as you do, just in case you need one! It’s flipping freezing out of the bedcovers!
@salbert I can visualise you on that beach sharing my good news with the elements, your husband, the dog and those fishermen! Thank you 
I’ve been reading the thread since my last post. Lots of new people to welcome and trials, tribulations and much useful information and positivity shared. It reads like a book. Love it and love the glimpses into peoples lives.
I’ve had a busy week. Monday I partially retired which meant I only had to work for 3 days. My working week ended on Wednesday. Bloody marvellous! Tuesday marked the start of my 12th year in my current role and the completion of 36 years in my profession. What an achievement even though I say it myself. Aiming for my 40 years service badge to keep with my Brownie badges!
Had a flurry of telephone calls about me. Never been so popular! Also met up with two close friends. One whose Mum has been in this club in much later life than me and the other who trod the path during Covid. It was just lovely to catch up with them both and made me realise how much work has taken up my life and how much time I’ll have to catch up with friends with working part time and being on sick leave…
I’m having my PICC line inserted next Thursday and chemo etc starts next Friday, the 9th anniversary of my lovely Mums death. I reckon she played a part in choosing the 17th. It is the start of me tackling ‘it’ head on with the help of the toxic drugs, our brilliant NHS, those that serve in it and the love and support from family and friends. I’m feeling invincible!
Yesterday I was called to see the surgeon. I’ve joined the 5% club with @naughty_boob
After jesting about a ‘Tale of Two Titties’ my right one has its own starring role in my story. Thank goodness the MDT decided that although small, those two naughty areas shining their lights on the MRI stage warranted a closer look. Feeling grateful for MRI guided biopsies and the radiologist locating the areas with his grid references. The results confirmed that I have DCIS in the right one. Now I have till spring to weigh up my options. Double mastectomy or one mastectomy and excision of the affected areas of t’other. My immediate thought was they can both go. Don’t want them or need them. Whilst he said outcome was the same my head is telling me that if it all goes there will be less likelihood of recurrence as there will be less breast tissue for it to recur in. If I opted for a reconstruction will I potentially look more symmetrical if they are done at the same time? If I have a single mastectomy and reconstruction will I have an apple and a pear with my maturing body? 
Weird thing is I didn’t feel any emotion about the news. Perhaps a sense of relief as deep down as it was what I had expected because why wouldn’t it be me that has it in both? I never do things by half! Though saying that I do get called ‘half job hill’ at home as I hardly ever complete anything as I’m doing three things at once, which reminds me I need to finish of painting a chimney breast which I started before the biopsies and didn’t finish on account if sore boob. Hmmmm… now why is it called a chimney breast? See, I’ve gone of on a tangent again… can’t stay on task! Does anyone know why it’s called a chimney breast!
So the news meant that for the fourth time on a Friday I’ve had to tell the kids. They were both nonplussed and said get rid of it at the same time as the other one. Think we are all getting accustomed to the bad news and are trying to look at it positively in the fact that ‘it’s’ been found and it’s being dealt with.
On a lighter note I had a delivery of a Limbo in the post. I had to chuckle as it was addressed to Mrs Jelly!
Enough of my wittering.
Happy Saturday. Xxx