So just level 1 nodes?
Yes I think so but will know more when pathology results are ready
Hey July starters. I just finished my chemotherapy this week I was a September starter. Anyway being a bit cheeky, already thinking about hair regrowth. How long did it start for you to really start noticing your hair to grow back. I have very sparse but hair nonetheless and already getting excited about hair growth. Wondered how quickly hair started coming back for people that didn’t cold cap. I had TC Phesgo
I have finished most of my treatment except my phesgo injections. Currently my mind is doing overtime regarding what I want out of life. I’ve worked my whole adult life and have always loved work, I can’t afford to give up work but my mindset is such that I am questioning if I’m just working myself into an early grave and not really living my life. Is it just me or do other people feel the same?
@louc Not you’re not the only one and my breast care nurse said many ladies who have had bc think the same.
I’m 55 and had 16 months of treatment with Herceptin and now Letrozole and Zoledronic acid. I had been teaching in a primary school covering classes and I just couldn’t do the job anymore. The hot flushes, aches and pains, fatigue, lack of sleep not to mention brain fog. I couldn’t give it my all, there is nothing less than 100% when you have 30 little people for 6.5 hours. I took redundancy and using the money to do what I want when I want. I will decide a some point what I want to do for the rest of my time and will probably work but unsure doing what. Stress is not good for us and I’d had a couple of family deaths and stressful job with other health issues and I needed time for myself.
Not everyone can choose to not work. I do volunteer on here several hours a week as well as local foodbank.
Is there an option of a short career break or be signed off to take some time mentally and physically for yourself? Employment and Support Allowance is an option if you are signed off and not receiving statutory sick pay. It is means tested but there is a contribution based option as well.
I notice you are on Phesgo which can last another 7/8 months after chemo and can weaken your immune system (not as much as chemo). I was signed off for all my Herceptin plus a couple of months to build up my immune system as working in school was not good for infections and bugs. There is a thread of HER2+ buddies that you may like to join for your ongoing treatment. Many in this thread continue work but it depends on where you work and the type of role. Link below
After 2 false starts resulting in 2 extra planning scans and delays, I finally had my last radiotherapy treatment today - 24 days later than expected!! It’s been incredibly stressful and upsetting at times with all the issues. But for now I’m just incredibly relieved it’s done. Onto the next treatments now!
@louc I feel exactly the same as you about work.
@ldm congrats! How are you celebrating?
I think you have done tremendously! It is so unnerving lying there arms up boobs out for all that time. I found it more difficult when it was two male radiographers. Just think you have done it!!!
Have you had 15 sessions? How are you feeling? I’m currently on 12/15 after the machine broke down and had to go to another site on Friday and today . roll on. Friday for me xx
@Kerrylou Im not sure yet how I’m going to celebrate. I think I’ve been that stressed about something else going wrong that I hadn’t thought about that bit! I think I might go out for a meal with the hubby and kids at some point this week.
Yes I had 15 sessions and an integrated boost. At the moment I’m feeling very tired, I think it’s a combination of a number of things. I’ve also a skin reaction/ kind of burn that I need to keep an eye on to ensure the skin doesn’t break.
Lots of luck for your final ones - very nearly there xx
Same !
I’ve been working throughout (of course off for surgery / flexi during chemo) but god what I would do for a sabbatical
Have a daughter starting uni in Sep (and youngest 2 yrs later ) plus my eldest (19) still at home
I just want a few months to reset (esp in my new menopausal state) x
@kerrylou1 @ldm
Glad radio is nearly done / done
Going in daily is a slog !
I had 19 sessions& by the end was looking forward to the break
I kept my gown as a keepsake though
@ldm hope your reaction calms down soon with the moisturiser. Thanks for the reply.
After 12 my boob is starting to look a tiny bit pink! I’m just wondering if they boost every day or these come at the end?? Will have to ask! Am Slapping on the moisturiser! X
My original site (before the machines broke down again) was quite easy to get too and ran on time although the site in the city centre was busy and always late! Glad to be going back to original site tomorrow (doorstep parking and only two machines so much less busy!)
Never though of the gown as a keepsake - maybe we should have them made into cushions
Been on my tamoxifen for 4 weeks now and feeling fine (for now). Third zoladex on Thursday. Don’t really want to change to an AI at next onco appointment whilst also starting abemciclibab! Will discuss at next appointment ,
Are you feeling any better on the AI @idcand49
Can’t wait to get radio over and plan to go back to work - been off since May! Xx
@kerrylou1 my boost was integrated, I think it was prob a bit every day as the patterns of the treatment never seemed to change.
I think some people have extra sessions at the end just for the boosts. I believe it’s dependent on the machines your hospital has xx
Honestly if you’re feeling ok with tamoxifen maybe ask to stay on it?
I’m not the best poster child for Letrozole but just started my 7th week so maybe I will turn a corner
I did change brand and it helped a bit
Not sure what I will do with the gown but a cushion sounds cute lol x
I only worked part time. But it was getting too much for me before my cancer diagnosis. Ive rhumatiod and osteoarthritis ive decided not to go back. Can just manage financially. But yes it does make you think about whats important. Look after yourself love. X
@ldm well done on finishing the sun bed yay!!!
I’m four weeks on after finishing mine and I ended up more ‘burnt’ than I’d anticipated- keep a good eye on it and you’ll be fine. I wore a white t-shirt every day with no bra for 3 weeks, (did the same after surgery too when the confounded dressings wouldn’t stick to my skin) figured if there was any break in the skin any weeping or anything would show up on the white cotton. Wore latex gloves to fair slap on the moisturiser at every opportunity , I’m a bit strange, I can’t stand getting lotions and stuff under my fingernails! I’ve peeled this last 7-10 days and it’s now just looking like just that part of me went on holiday and had a wail of a time
Enjoy your celebration, whatever you do and enjoy the relax of not going to hospital every day, it’s great! Xx
This is my hair growth after finishing chemo 18th oct. It’s darker than before but lots of grey mixed in more on the top which i didn’t have before either lol. I don’t mind though. X
Congratulations on finally finishing radio hun. Xx