HER2+ and need some buddies

I’m pleased you were able call your breast care nurse, mine is an angel.

I can understand it’s another spanner in the works hearing they want to do another biopsy. I had to have a second biopsy on my left boob after the an area of concern was found on the MRI. It’s not unusual, they want to get the full picture, as much as they can, as surgery can find others things.

As I was bilateral (both) which is quite uncommon, about 5%, I was referred to genetics and it was negative. I was just unlucky. My surgeon to,d me that a lumpectomy/ wide local incision had the same outcome as a mastectomy and I keep my boobs. I agreed with a lumpectomy knowing that if my genetics was positive I would have a double mastectomy and ovaries removed, but I didn’t need to go there. I need annual mammograms for 5 years and of course be breast aware. I don’t know what the future holds but know that if I get a recurrence, mastectomy is on the cards, but that’s a what if and I’m trying hard not to do that anymore. Having a mastectomy isn’t always plain sailing, I only know this from Dr Liz O’Riordan who has had recurrence on her chest and had her implant removed. She’s full of great information that is PIF ticked meaning it’s reliable.

Obviously speaking to your surgeon, who will have discussed your case with a MDT and probably done hundreds of operations will have a good idea what will work for you. But it’s also your choice to decide what is right for you.

We are here for you on the forum as well as all the other great support on the BCN website and the nurses helpline.


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@naughty_boob - I’ve had three biopsies so far , she said on the letter that they wanted to biopsy the nipple area only if I decided on lumpectomy .
In the appointment she said it wouldn’t change my outcome or treatment if I had lumpectomy but she warned that with cancer in all four quadrants , they might have to remove a lot of breast tissue , so I opted for mastectomy because she said I ran the risk of several ops to get clear margins and ultimately a possible mastectomy in the end .She said my breast was “riddled with cancer “
She seemed to support me choosing mastectomy and didn’t make any attempt to persuade me otherwise .
I’ve just got to wait to see the surgeon now .

Cancer in both breasts - that’s just rubbish :cold_sweat: we’re both HER2 ?
I do follow Liz on Instagram , I like her videos she’s warm and reassuring ,
it shows you that even breast surgeons are human and not immune from cancer I
must admit reoccurrence scares me too especially as I suspect they’ll have to give me a gentler chemo due to my heart . However I need to get through this first before I find something else to worry about :see_no_evil:

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No just HER2+ in one!


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Hi @arty1 , as @naughty_boob said the chemo is tough but definitely doable, I tried not to expect to much of myself and took it one step at a time, I kinda found myself in auto survival mode…but seemed to tolerate it all ok-ish .
@naughty_boob have actually planned a few days away to Torquay as a little treat before surgery, so really looking forward to that​:blush::two_hearts:
Strangely the last time I went to Torquay was in 1985 with the school hockey team​:joy:, I’ll definitely not be playing hockey this time :joy:.:heart:

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@specialk2 Having a break before your surgery is a fantastic idea. I did the same, I felt ‘normal’ before everything started. I also had a short break after the surgery before chemo. Torquay is lovely and the surrounding areas. I haven’t been for over 10 years so somewhere I need to go back to see how it’s changed.

1985 the year I finished school! Remember the music, clothes and hairstyles we wouldn’t be seen dead in now!

Have a lovely time🥰

Hi everyone - I’m back!! As I thought, my work email inbox was bursting at the seams so I need a break from it and so here I am.

@specialk2 Of course we don’t mind when you join us. We are happy to hear from anyone at anytime. I love that you have found hope and positivity here. That fills me with happiness. Maybe our strap line should be ‘Positivity with practicality’. Well done on finishing chemo and I hope 1st October is here before you know it. I’m an old hand at surgery now. I had my mastectomy on 7th August and as you know, I have just got back from my holiday and walked miles every day. I’m not bragging, just wanting to reassure anyone who hasn’t yet had surgery that it is everyday stuff for the teams of surgeons. You will breeze it, I’m sure.

@naughty_boob Did I mention how jealous I am of you not going back to work today? :wink:

@arty1 That’s great that you have had time to start to absorb and accept and make peace with your decision. Cry your head off and get all that angst and upset out. I believe that is really healthy. Your diagnosis sounds so similar to mine. I wish I’d had a mastectomy right back at the start and not operation number 5. My implant looks great and I’m due to have my first pump up of saline this week so it will get bigger. I honestly think I am going to end up with a better pair than I started with once I get a lift on the other side. You saying that your boob is trying to kill you reminded me of this T-shirt that I saw and love. I attach a pic.

@specialk2 and @naughty_boob I was also at school in 1985 and have the funniest school pic of me with my flicked hair thinking I looked amazing. It’s so funny that I will try and dig it out to give you all a laugh. My mother bought it on hilarity factor alone!! But then she would, if you remember, it was she who gave me the ridiculous headgear for fun in advance of my chemo!!

I have no food in the house after a week away so must brave Morrison’s later. Talk about coming back down to earth with a crash.



I found it! 1985 school photo. I think the caption should be “I look good and you know it”. Oh, I was insufferable. :laughing::see_no_evil:


@salbert - the joy of returning home to a load of emails :see_no_evil: I’m impressed that you are doing so well after your mastectomy !
I’ve actually bought that same t shirt believe it or not !
The hospital rang and my appointment has been brought forward to tomorrow , I’m seeing Anushka Choudry who has been on Dr Liz’s podcast so I feel confident I’m in good hands - breast nurse said it’s still not cut and dried on the chemo front as most of my cancer is DCIS and the invasive is small , she said they’ll decide after surgery .
My HER status was discussed in the MDT on Thursday and the plan is still surgery first .
I don’t want to end up with lots of operations so felt a mastectomy was better , I’m pleased to hear the implant is good so far . I’ve been told they’ll start it off small and” pump it up , “is that what they are doing with you ?
I’ve got huge boobs ,they been the bane of my life tbh , not in proportion to my five foot frame , so I’m anxious as to what I’ll look like after surgery
I just hope I’m suitable for an immediate reconstruction , but if not , it is what it is , my priority is to get that cancer out of me .

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@specialk2 , I’m glad you found it doable as it were , I think when you start the chemo it’s a case of having to , each session brings you closer to the end of it and that light at the end of the tunnel gets bigger . My mum tolerated chemo really well and didn’t feel at all ill but I think she’s the exception !
A short break sounds like a great idea , time to decompress from everything that’s happened and recharge ready for the next stage x

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Did you also use masses of hair spray?

I love that Tshirt, where do you find it? I hope some donation goes to breast cancer charity?

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Hey everyone!
Just want to ask a question. After your Chemo when did you have your stomach injections? Two consultants have now told me it should be the next day after chemo but on the directions on the box it says to start on day 5 of treatment… spoke to the Dr saturday and he said to follow what it says on the box. Thanks Jemma :heart_hands:

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I was told to start them 24 hours after chemo x

Are you also HER2 positive?

Yes x

I think i need to call them tomorrow as im having my third round on Weds… so 2 rounds i have not started them injections until day 5 of treatment… its a bit worrying.

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Yeah defo worth calling to check. Although they’re just for white blood cells aren’t they? So presumably they’ve worked ok for your other rounds? I’m sure they’ll be able to clear it up quickly for you so you know what you need to do after round 3 x

Mine was 24 hours after chemo too. But they are to boost your white blood cells. If you had chemo then your white blood cells must have been high enough so ehatever day you had thr injections they did their job.

Oh i felt fine for 2 week after… they defo did the job. Just worried though incase i been doing them wrong. Will call my consultants reception tomorrow. My chemo is every 3 week x

@naughty_boob I just got mine from Amazon .so I don’t think so … but
It was my birthday a week ago though so I did an online fundraiser and raised £122 for BCN instead x


Happy Birthday for last week.

I still might buy one as it really resonates with me. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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