Wire Guided Lumpectomy and Sentinel Node Biopsy

Hi @krissykochanski

So sorry to hear of your diagnosis and you find yourself here but rest assured you will be supported.

I had a bilateral lumpectomy in July 2023. I needed guided wires in both boobs with a transponder in one as the tumour was deep into the boob. I had these inserted the day before my surgery using ultrasound and mammogram to ensure they were correctly inserted. They were covered and was told to keep them dry until the surgery which was the next morning. I have heard of many having them done the day of the surgery. I think my health boards are now doing this as the breast unit is now based as the same hospital that they perform the surgery.

I had a pre operative assessment a week or so before the operation. At this we completed a long form of health and previous operations, they took bloods and swabs for Covid and MRSA. It was just to see if I was fit for surgery and was totally separate from the wire insertion.

If I was you I would give your breast care nurse a call and get clarification of what is happening when. It is so overwhelming getting this news and listening to all the medical terms nd information it’s so easy to get muddled. I made a point of writing notes so I could look over them after the appointment if I needed some clarification but if I was in any doubt I would call my team.

You could call the BCN nurses but they may not know your hospital and procedures but will have an overview of the situation.

Helpline: 0808 800 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm; Sat 9am-1pm). Speak to our trained helpline team. No questions are too big or too small

Hope you get some clarification or explanation :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thank you @naughty_boob. I had just decided that thats what I was going to do - phone my BCN in the morning and find out the order of things.

I was under the impression that my consultant appt on 5th was to tell me when the surgery was going to be. Now im wondering if its a post surgery follow up.

You’re completly right. It’s a crazy confusing time. I thought id got it all worked out but this set off a panic in me that theyve got my lymph node biopsy and HER2 results and have brought the surgery forward because its all worse than originally thought. So, I’ll check tbis with the BCN too. I just don’t think they would leave me with a guide wire hanging out for a period in excess of ten days.

I thought I was well ahead of time buying comfort bras etc but maybe not. I just dont know what to think any more.

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You’re very welcome. Let us know how you get on.

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Perhaps clarify if it is actually a wire - I had a radio frequency tag inserted a week prior to my lumpectomy instead of a wire which are no longer used in my Trust . If you have a tag or radioactive seed implanted it’s standard for that to be done a week to 10 days before surgery . Like you I have only ever heard of wires being inserted on the day of surgery and I’m wondering if they have sent you to a different hospital to get a seed or tag inserted instead of a wire . I think this is something you need to clarify with your BCN particularly as you are unsure of your surgery date . Xx

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I had my pre-op and a magseed (stainless steel magnetic bead the size of a grain of rice) inserted 11 days before surgery, if this helps.

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Thank-you all for your experience stories. I have spoken to my BCN now and she confirmed it is a tag rather than a wire and its normal to have it installed up to 2 weeks in advance of surgery.

She also said my surgery is likely to be the 2nd week od September and now I know that, things feel a little bit more under control. (Or less out of my control). I’m a control freak and a planner so not knowing what’s going to happen when is a biggie for me.

Hope you are all doing well. I do appreciate you taking the time to answer my question.



I’m very well thank you , the lack of control was something that I really struggled with as well at the stage you are at and I’m glad that things are a bit clearer for you now . We are always here if you need us. Xx


So glad your mind has been put at rest (as much as it can).

This forum will be here for you.

Take care🥰

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Thank you. I’m having a bit of a down day tbh. I’ve been all jokey and positive in front of family and friends but today… can’t seem to do it. I know we’ve all been in this boat and things could be so much worse but, I don’t know, just having a downer today.

I do appreciate your replies and those of all the other women who’ve responded to me. When I’m out the other side I hope to be as helpful and supportive to others as you are being to me now



Don’t beat yourself up about having a down day sometimes it’s easier to be jokey and positive or even dismissive of it in front of others but most of us don’t really feel like that all the time . I hate this construct of the happy or even warrior cancer patient that has appeared - if you feel like that or it helps you then fine but if it doesn’t then it’s ok xx


Hope you are feeling a bit better today. I know it’s hard and if you’re not it’s ok, you allowed to feel anxious etc, it’s totally normal.

BTW your name is it from Red Dwarf?? I love that programme. My husband had just rewatched it while exercising and I could hear him laughing out loud so often. That’s definitely something we all need.

Hi again.

I think Ive been coping quite well. I’ve been to my local Maggie’s for support, done a prehabilitation workshop, a Tai Chi class and a yoga class.

Then I got a call from my BCN - HR2 positive so chemo will be involved. I was hoping to avoid that so thats another piece of news to absorb before my full results appt on Thurs.

Yes! Red Dwarf fan here. I use her name as my user name all over the place - she’s a great alter-ego lol!

Hope you are having a good day x

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I’m glad you’ve been doing ok, Maggie’s is great, it’s a shame mine is over 30 miles away, not so easy to pop in for support. Love Yoga and Tai Chi.

I’m also HER2+, there is a thread /group that was started in Dec 2023 which is very popular as our treatment can last longer than some others.

Having Herceptin/phesgo means chemotherapy and each month there is a chemo starters group. They are really supportive and friendly groups while you’re all having treatment, albeit on many different regimes. I joined two as I thought I was having chemo first and then the tumour was smaller in an MRI so it was chemo afterwards. Unfortunately the MRI found another primary in my other naughty boob.

I’m doing ok, thanks for asking. My daughter has just turned 27 and I officially finished work after taking redundancy on the 31 August. Doing voluntary work for now. I have my last cycle of 18 Herceptin injections next week and it will be a year since I started chemotherapy. It’s be a long year but I’m here and had a clear mammogram.

Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Wow. Yes, such a long treatment plan. You sound like you’ve navigated it so well - hope i can do the same.

Thank you so much for pointing me toward these groups and threads. I will be delving in tomorrow when my mental dust has settled.

Maggie’s has been brilliant. I’m very lucky to have one so close.

Just need to say “wow” again. I’m a bit overwhelmed. SO much to take in and surgery next week too.

Thank you for your help. It’s very much needed and so appreciated x

Gina a.k.a. Kochanski :wink:

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I also clocked the name but didn’t want to ask in case I was wrong . Love Red Dwarf just reading your alias made me smile :blush: xx


Hi Ladies,

It’s 3.20am and I am in hospital following my the 2 procedures. I was supposed to be a day surgery case but I didn’t get to theatre until 4.20pm after being admitted at 7.30am and fasting since 7pm the night before. By the time my turn came I was dehydrated, clammy, dry heaving and shaking and had a horrendous headache. This is all related to another health condition so any new ladies reading this don’t worry - it’s nothing to do with the cancer.

So I woke up a bit unstable at 7.20pm and as an inpatient. :roll_eyes:

My wounds pain is being well controlled and the staff are exceptionally caring.

Can’t sleep but that seems to be my new normal.

Hope you are all doing well x

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Hope you feel better this morning.
Sending love :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m doing well thanks and am home x


Seems an excessively long time to starve . I stopped eating / milky fluids at about 9pm the previous night but my Trust allows elective patients to drink water ( not flavoured or sparkling ) up until 7am on the morning of surgery which I’m sure helped me .

Glad that you’re home now and hope you have a better night xx


Agreed. If I’d known I was last on the list I could have had breakfast at least.

Thank you. I had 3 full hours sleep this afternoon and it was lovely!