HO HUM its that time again!; )

Hello everyone

Wow…this thread is getting very busy, welcome to LesleyHe - glad you joining us to talk about all our woes and general goings on…

Mel - that is such BRILLIANT NEWS about the shrinkage,hope that does mean u can have your op before Christmas, it would be nice to get it sorted - I am very thankful they are pushing ahead with mine on 30th Nov - gives me a few weeks to recover before the kids are off too. Hope your chemo is OK today.

Dawn - glad you are OK,the sore mouth is such a pain isn’t it? Today it’s in the back of my throat and I have a VERY dodgy taste in my mouth - what the hell do they put in this stuff??!!

Julie - u don’t like champers…omg I’ll take them off your hands, where do u live - i’ll be round!!!

Dilys - woohooo…yay! Last Tax,well done…I am so pleased for you - hope it is not too evil. I’m not far behind you - my last one is in 2weeks time.

Lesley50, hope you have a good night tonight, sounds great - sorry about the hair though. Keep smiling.

I had to take Thomas back to Dr’s this morning ‘cos now he has developed a wheezey chest, bloomin’ Dr’s…they are sooo cr*p - she was so indecisive, what a waste of time. She was dithering about referring to Paed’s at the Hosp, reckoned he might need admitting and that it might be Bronchiolitis now and not Croup - she wouldn’t give him anything though, reckons inhalers/nebulisers/antibiotics won’t help him - funny that’s what they gave my little girl when she had the same thing. Grrrrrr. Anyway he’s been asleep for 2 hours so hoping that will help him improve. Hubs is playing golf,so I have a peaceful house for now…

Anyway, gonna get some lunch - more soup (again)…mmmmm.Hope everyone is OK- u alright Kelly?

Love and hugs

Hi Everyone

I am back. Last tax done and dusted. It is a great feeling. Just need to get the side effects out of the way and then it is onwards and upwards to 15 herceptin, an nflation of the implant, and radiotherapy. What a life!

Welcome Lesley and sorry about your hair. I know the feeling only too well. Can’t wait for mine to start comng back. What do you bet I grow a beard before my head hair comes back?

Ali - sorry about your litle boy. And you are going to love doing your last one. Hugs and kisses all round in the chemo unit this morning and large tins of choccies for those lovely nurses.

Mel - how did you get on? Hope it is going well for you today. Another one down!

Kelly - what news on the house then? We are all on tenterhooks for you.

Julie - can I be first in the queue for you champagne? Where are you???

Dawn - sorry about the vile mouth. I’ll be joning you big time on Sunday, if it runs true to form. Unfortunate as we have friends round to waitch the Grand Prix and I am feeding three hungry men! All the more for them!

Loads of love to all and enjoy this lovely sun while you can!


Hi all,
WOW everyone sounds sooooo positive - a bit of sun and look what it does!
Well 4th chemo went well except on the last little bit vein pops! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr how irratating! but at least it wasnt half way through!
Two more to go!
I had some more good news today gotta share - phone call from tutor I have passed my course with high honours!!! so Im on cloud nine and still climbing (steriods help)
So I hope everyone is ok and all went well with treatments etc…
Proud of you guys on your last ones and nearly there ones!!! I will soon be joining you with the champers - I love pink with strawberries mmmmmmmmmmmmmm followed by ben & jerrys icecream…mmmmmmmmmmm.

Love hugs & kisses


Hi Mel

High honours! Oh that is brilliant. What a superb achievement with everything else going on. So proud of you my darling. What great news. You keepclimbing and be so proud of yourself.

Glad you have the fourth chemo over too. But you have already topped it.

Sleep tight despite the steroids!

Love you and more tomorrow


Here goes, let’s see if I can remember everyone.

Mel great news about your college results, to achieve this through everything else is amazing. I think my remaining brain cells have left the building.

Dilys it must be great to have the last TAX out the way. As you as onwards and upwards. Did you ever find your sleep cap?

Ali you have all my sympathy, been there with the croup thing and doctors who don’t listen. I am keeping everything crossed that the kids don’t get sick for a bit don’t quite know how we would cope with that on top of everything else. Hope you get a satisfactory response from the doctors and your son improves without a hospital stay.

Kelly, total admiration with the house hunting, we were considering this before dx as my eldest is due to start high school next year. We have taken the easy route and decided to stay and extend next summer. Fantastic news that it looks like the price will be right to. It’s great when a plan comes together.

Dawn, sorry to here that the TAX floored you, that must be really hard with the kids, hope you have lots of help. My 2 daughters also both have birthdays coming up. One will be 8 in November and my eldest 11 in December, 6 days before Christmas. That one is always a nightmare. Will just need to be really organised this year, as if that’s likely!!!

Lesley50, so sorry about the hair. Realise that everyone is different but I found that bizarrely taking control and shaving it off made me feel better. It stopped it feeling so sore and the kids started playing collect the hair in the house. They used to have a competition to see who could make the biggest pile. This stage does really stink though, moan all you like.

Lyndsey, hope the veet worked and your leg hairs are a thing of the past, its strange how it works. I have a few stragglers on my legs too. It’s my eyebrows that I have noticed really thinning. I have bought one of those SHAVA kits so we will see how it works.

Apologies to anyone I have left out and my spelling. On leave this week form work as kids on half term so don’t know what hubbie and I will do with them today, but the sun is shinning and that’s a great start. Talk about prompt service saw my onc on Wednesday, who decided that as the ultrasound didn’t show anything again. (Neither the mamo or ultrasound showed anything on dx) I was to get an MRI before next chemo and one after it. Phone call yesterday got MRI next Wednesday.

I am a really happy bunny today when having a bath yesterday I noticed that my nipple is no longer inverting. Not quite sure what it means but have convinced myself it has to be good news.

Anyway enough about me hope you are all well and the sun is shinning where ever you are. Eldest has just emerged from her pit, off to make breakfast round two.




Hi Everyone

Wow Lesley, what a memory. Not sure I can be as good. I am still fine today and the sun is shining again. Had a celebration of the last tax yesterday and found half the pub garden joining in! We clearly chat too loudly! ice of people to care tough and better than skulking pretending it isn’t happening. Sleep cap has never turned up but my new headbands finally made it through the post strike this mornng and they seem very comfy.

Sorry to be so brief! Love to all


I am with ya mel… me got sum shrinkage 2 !!! I just got back from having my scan… I have 2 tumors in breast and then a node… soooo 2.4cm has shrunk to 1.6… the 6mm was not detected…and the node has shrunk to 9mm…sooooo I was thrilled too. I have not been online this week because for some odd reason I was afraid of getting this scan as silly as it sounds. I was afraid he would say…sorry it’s not working …even tho I could tell by the feel of it that was not the case.

I hope all of you have a wonderful week… I am excited about the rugby…even tho I don’t really get it… I have lived here since '99 and still have some problems with understanding all the sports…hehe but it’s fun…(well do we have a choice…these men are gonna watch it anyway!)

Take care everyone…

Hi everyone

Hope you have all been enjoying the Autumn sunshine today, it has been so lovely here in Norfolk today, my hubby is off for a few days now and so we went to Norwich, did some shopping, had lunch - and that just makes everything OK. I STILL have a yakky mouth, but I reckon the worst is over now and Thomas better too. Something very odd happened to me today - I very randomly (and without warning) burst into tears in the Disney shop…Hmmm…I think that counsellor is a good idea somehow. They had the cutest Winter Ice Skating Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse, and when I picked them up it just reminded me of taking Emily to Disneyland pre-dx this year, and our hopes that we can go Florida next year…I just lost the plot for a few minutes (whilst my husband stood there wondering what was gonna happen next!). Dunno where that came from - what a sad cow!!!

Mel - FANTASTIC NEWS, well done with your course - that is such an achievement
Dilys - glad you had a celebration (even with random people too!) you deserve that after the long slog.
Lee - Great news about your shrinkage too, gosh everyone seems to have much better news this week. I’m excited about the rugby too, I am learning the rules too!! Where did you live before here?
Lesleyhe - glad your Onc team are on the ball,that’s quick for an MRI appt, takes alot longer round these parts!!!
Dawn - how ya doin?

Anyway,hoping you are all OK and not bursting into tears in shops today!!!

Love and hugs

Hi all

Sorry I have not been on earlier but it has been a totally mad day!
Critical ilness are paying up!!! Yippee.
On a total steriod high after nealry throwing up on the chemo nurse yesterday! goodnes knows where that came from!
Been accepted for my next course with a prospect of work within the college at the end of it - more money!!!
Best mate been round (the choreoprationer) hope I spelt that right! cracked and clicked my back!!!

Anyway lets see if I can remeber everyone!!

Ali - Soz to hear about he yakky mouth, As for the sudden on set of tears from nowhere That happened to me in the supermarket because they had not got the bread that I wanted! I felt so stupid!

Dawn - soz to hear that you also have yakky mouth - have you tried chilled pineapple or kiwi. I get a foul taste in my throat and the pineapple really helps.

Julie - How are you??

Dilys - One stop at one celebration - go for it gal you deserve it and have one for me!!

Lee - Isnt is so nice that we know it is working! congrats on the shrinkage…

Lesley - hair! well what can I say I decided to have mine shaved after the second one as I found it more distressing watching it fall out in clumps, blocking the hoover, the plug hole. hated it! It felt liberating as it was something that I decided when should happen not like this horrible disease! Yes I did cry but I soon got used to it and the kids were ok! My daughter even helped shave someof it off!!!

Lyndsey - I have got a few stragglers on my legs so may also give the veet ago this weekend! I have also been told that I am menopausal! I’m 34!!! Well at least I have got my family and it will happen at some point!

Kelly - Cant wait till next Thursday! I’m the bald one lolol sorry daft sense of humour! Hope th house is what you really want - go for it gal if it is! I was in Telford on Monday seeing my nan god the place has changed!

Well I think I remebered everyone!

Off to go and have a nice hot bath as arm is aching!

Love and hugs to all


Hi Mel
What great news money education job and even sunshine today things aint that bad… enjoy it is your positive attitude today that has got me up and running … thanks - I’ve decided hair doesn’t matter today…


Dear All

Struggling to get on line today and have been runnng up and down the stairs unplugging, plugging and trying again. PC running very slowly. AARGH! But what a lovely day? I even decided to do some shopping before the GP qualifying and the rugby.

How is everyone? Lee - that is great news about your shrinkage. Goes to show chemo has to be worth it. Mine was the other way round! Mastectomy and lymph nodes and then the chemo.

Ali I am so glad Thomas is better and you have some time with your hubby too.

And Mel - the payout! How did you manage that then? And more good news about your course. You must be feeling great.

Lesley - hair doesn’t matter! I am getting quite used to it now. But I wll be glad to see it coming back at some point hopefully soon. kelly’s sories of going commando were sooo funny. How goes it now Kelly?

Lyndsey, Lesley and Dawn - how are you?

I am ok after last Thursday, though the yukky mouth is kicking in today. I don’t think I am going to be able to eat with my guests tomorrow which will be a bit embarrassing. Also the explosive stomach - lovely! So far no bad aches and pains though so fingers crossed. Think I will try to lose as much weight as possible before I start eating like a horse again!

Much love to everyone and enjoy the sunshine while you can.

Love to all


Hi All

Dilys sorry to hear that your yukky mouth is setting in, mine is just getting right again I think now, not sure if clears up completely before next chemo, but we shall see. Very unpleasant though. Hope you are OK apart from that though. Sure your guests will understand too, although have to say, i have still eaten well after my chemo even with sore mouth.

Lee, as everyone has said, wonderful news about your shrinkage, am hoping to get good news like that on Wednesday when see onc, but not holding my breath. Although since having my first tax, the lump in my right boob seems to have shrunk loads, as can hardly feel it now. Maybe wishful thinking.

Mel, CONGRATULATIONS on your course work - brainy mare … you most be so proud of yourself. And well done on your critical illness paying out. We got ours too and have put into high interest esavings accounts. Also I have got DLA payments, my car tax paid now and a blue badge … maybe you can get these too.

Ali, hope you are OK and that Thomas is behaving for you … how are you feeling as well.

Kelly, what is happening with the house front. I have not seen any posts about it since Tuesday unless i missed it, and hope that all went ok and you are now moving!!! Let us know.

Everyone else that may have missed. Hope your weekends are going OK and everyone is feeling well.

I have had yet another 4th birthday party this morning - and was up and down like a yo yo as little Jack was everywhere, and there were lots of little boys running riot, so had to keep an eye on him.

Catch up soon

Hi Girls

Firstly, well done on your coursework Mel - you clever girl ! And Lee, fab news on your shrinkage ! I love reading good news !

As for the champagne, I live in Peterborough, and you’d better start forming an orderly queue, coz there’s enough of you that want it (I’m very surprised Kelly hasn’t turned up already, knowing how much she loves her champers !)

Anyway everyone, have a fab weekend and will catch up with you again soon !

By the way, I’m doing ok after my op - looking like Dolly Parton (only on one side though due to the tissue expander - LOL) and finding it hard to keep my balance - ha ha !

much love

Julie xxx

Hi Julie

Blow it you are too far away from East London for the champers. Well done after your op. What happens next then?

Halo again Dawn. Such energy you have. I am impressed. My mouth isn’t really sore. But everything tastes so vile I just can’t eat it. Have to keep checking with OH that I am not serving him rat poison! Won’t do me any long term harm and it was getting better before this last chemo so it will again I am sure.

Didn’t Lewis Hamilton do well? 2nd on the grid. Can’t wait for tomorrow, eating or otherwise. Off to watch the rugby shortly. Fingers crossed.

Much love to all



Hi Everyone

I am having a crap day today, my hair is coming out in handfulls, in my dinner and everywhere else I look, I went to the hairdressers yesterday and had my wig trimmed ( it looked a bit fake and looks better now) I also had my own hair cut short. I am waiting for a couple of scarfs to come, I have 1 and today bought a beanie hat.

Thanks for all your comments it really does help.

Love to you all



Hi Lesley

Sorry about your hair, it is hard to deal with and I hated it when it was coming out in handfuls, which is why I shaved it off. Very emotional it was and I got really upset that night. I am ok now about it (should be it was yonks ago now, well about 8 weeks I think). I still hate looking at myself in the mirror without hat or wit, and avoid doing it, but the wig is good (had another hair wash tonight), and I am doing fine.

Think it is a hurdle we all have to cross when we are ready and in our own time.

Dilys, just wanted to say i don’t really have lots of energy, but it has to be done. I must find it from somewhere. Come on ENGLAND … lets hope they stuff SA.

Take care

Hi Lesley, Dawn and All

Oh Lesley that really is the worst stage. Lke Dawn I felt better when I grabbed the scissors and chopped it all off. I couldn’t bear the constant shedding. nd you do get resigned to it, even if you don’t get to like it. And it saves hours in the mornings not having to wash and dry it.

Shame about England last night. Let’s see what Hamilton can do!

Loads of love and hope everyone is well this sunny morning


Hi all,
Poor England! Lets hope the Grand Prix is better!!
Had a crap day tired, no energy even the steriods were not helping! Son got sickie bug now so up most of the night with him!
Well still feeling drained today got horriblr taste in mouth that just wont go!! I tried everything!

hope everyone is ok and enjoying the sun! but still chilly!

Well better go a see to son! and drink lucozade!

Love to all

Thanks everyone for your comments.

Today we went to friends for dinner, she did beef and a nice selection of organic veg as she thought they would be good for me!!

Although I had my hair cut short Friday my friend will probably of hoovered already as I was shedding each time I moved!!!

I have 2nd chemo on Wednesday so will probably be bald by Friday

So from the pending bald one

and love to everyonhe


Oh bless you Lesley !

I know it’s awful when you start losing your hair, but I promise you, you will get used to it. On a bright note, just think how much you’ll save on hair products and trips to the hairdressers, and getting ready to go out takes no time at all !

Sorry, I don’t mean to make light of it, but in time, I’m sure you will do too.

Lots of love Julie (who currently resembles action man) xxxxxx

Dilys - Thankyou for your comments re. my op - I’ve got about four saline injections into the tissue expander to go, then after a few months, will get my permanent implant in (well, implants - as I’m going up a size in both!) xx

Hope everyone is having a good weekend - given up watching the Grand Prix as doesn’t look as if Hamilton is doing very well !