How and why we moderate & forum guidelines

How and why we moderate

Comments posted do not require a moderator to approve before they appear on the forum. We think this is the best way to allow conversation to flow freely.

What we will remove

Our team will remove messages that go against our forum guidelines such as:

  • comments that are abusive of other users
  • spam
  • commercial advertising
  • inappropriate language
  • information posted that we judge to be misleading or factually incorrect
  • comments in any language other than English
  • links to surveys that have not been approved by our Research team (please refer to these guidelines on research)

We also don’t allow users to post graphic photos of themselves, or photos of medical documents. Please refer to our guidelines on photography.

What we will edit

We don’t encourage that users post personal information about themselves (eg phone numbers or addresses), or about their clinical team (eg their doctor’s name). We will edit these details out for everyone’s privacy.

We will be in touch with users who look like they are using their full name as their username. We can edit usernames to preserve people’s anonymity.

How we investigate abuse

Our team will investigate abuse reports. This can include going through a user’s public messages to check they have not broken our guidelines.

The platform hosting the forum allows moderators to access users’ private messages in case we receive reports that someone has been harassing another user privately. We will only access these in case of reported abuse.

If you’d like to report abuse

You can help us keep the forum a safe and welcoming space for all by reporting inappropriate messages. Please note that the forum is not moderated 24/7. We will act on reports as soon as we can.

Get in touch!

If you’d like to reach our forum team, you can email us on and we’ll do our best to help.

Forum guidelines

Our team is here to make sure that our forum is a safe, supportive space for all users. We want it to be an environment where people feel comfortable returning to, and where they know they can post thoughts in a friendly space.

Who this forum is for

Our forum is here for people affected by breast cancer – whether you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, or whether you are supporting someone living with breast cancer.

Please only register if you are at least 18 years old.

What values we encourage

  1. Be kind to each other

Many people using the forum are going through a challenging time. A few words of kindness can go a long way. Be especially nice to new posters – it can be nerve-wracking to post on the forum for the first time.

Give each other the benefit of the doubt. It is easy to misinterpret other people’s comments, especially when read or written in haste. Sarcasm and humour are easy to misunderstand.

Please don’t post comments intended to annoy or inflame other users.

  1. Celebrate different opinions

A wide range of people with very different experiences use the forum. Debate is welcome, but personal attacks are not. Please make your points politely and respectfully. Equally, be prepared for people to disagree with you. Do not take it as a personal attack when it is not meant that way.

  1. Mind your language

Breast Cancer Now celebrates difference, and doesn’t tolerate abuse towards any minority or demographic.

Don’t post content that treats anyone unfairly because of their sex, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, ability or disability, religion, gender identity/reassignment, marital status, family circumstance, or age.

  1. Keep it legal

Only post your own content, otherwise you could be infringing copyright. This may include poems, stories, and photos. If you wish to share something that someone else created, it’s nice to acknowledge them and give them credit.

  1. Keep it useful and honest

Sharing experiences is at the heart of the forum, but please do not give medical advice. For reliable medical advice, please speak to a health care professional.

Conversations on the forum can be wide-ranging, but if you post something that is unrelated to the original topic, we may remove it or move it to a more appropriate area.

Do not create multiple accounts, or pretend to be someone else.

This is a support forum, so please do not use it to try to sell things to other members.

We are not able to verify the legitimacy of links to fundraising events, so please do not post fundraising links asking people to donate, even if the funds are meant for Breast Cancer Now.