How and why we moderate

Comments posted are not pre-moderated, which means that they do not require a moderator to approve before they appear on the forum. We think this is the best way to allow conversation to flow freely.

What we will remove

Our team will remove messages that go against our forum guidelines, such as:

  • comments that are abusive of other users
  • spam
  • commercial advertising
  • inappropriate language
  • information posted that we judge to be misleading or factually incorrect
  • comments in any language other than English
  • links to surveys that have not been approved by our Research team (please refer to these guidelines on research)

We also don’t encourage that users post graphic photos of themselves, or photos of medical documents. Please refer to our guidelines on photography.

What we will edit

We don’t encourage that users post personal information about themselves (eg phone numbers or addresses), or about their clinical team (eg their doctor’s name). We will edit these details out for everyone’s privacy.

We will be in touch with users who look like they are using their full name as their username. We can edit usernames to preserve people’s anonymity.

How we investigate abuse

Our team will investigate abuse reports. This can include going through a user’s public messages to check they have not broken our guidelines.

The platform hosting the forum allows moderators to access users’ private messages in case we receive reports that someone has been harassing another user privately. We will only access these in case of reported abuse.

If you’d like to report abuse

You can help us keep the forum a safe and welcoming space for all by reporting inappropriate messages. Please note that the forum is not moderated 24/7. We will act on reports as soon as we can.

Get in touch!

If you’d like to reach our forum team, you can email us on and we’ll do our best to help.

Welcome to our forum, and we hope you find it helpful!