How to Look Good Naked!

Hi Dowey, In case you have not managed to locate the programme you can view it NOW if you put in “How to look good naked” into your google search. The programme is there but you will have to watch the adverts first!!!
Dear BCC Thank you so much for telling us that the programme was coming on because I would have missed it.
I did enjoy the programme and it was lovely to see the transformation the Gok helped to make by giving the young girl some confidence as well as showing her what clothes she COULD wear. She looked fabulous. And I am pleased she is helping others now.
Unfortunately there are many of us who have lost our confidence but will never be able to look as gorgeous as that young girl did. I am sure it was an inspiration for women.
I am now approaching 60, was diagnosed at 39 originally. Secondaries were diagnosed 10 years later. I enjoy wearing nice clothes and try my best. But the fact is that not only is your confidence altered when BC is dignosed but my whole life has been. My hair is a problem, my weight is a problem and as I no longer work, money is tight and there is no way I could afford all the pampering, haircuts, styling, clothes etc. (I would love to). I buy many of my clothes from charity shops, or Tk Max and a neighbour has a hairdresser at her house every 6 weeks and she cuts my hair too.
But I am not sad, or unhappy about all this but just want to point out that to HUNDREDS of ladies going through BC, this pampering treatment and transformation will never be possible. I do have more time to enjoy life. I am not complaining…but just want to speak out for many of us who are living with BC who will never have the opportunity to do this. I would not go on a programme like this. But I did enjoy it and like the Gok. I just wanted to point out that this “Story” is not realistic. Having BC is a long and difficult time for most of us. (I hope I have got over to you what I am trying to say). I think it is good to give confidence and show you can make a difference to your life. But BC is not like this for everyone. It is a difficult time for many. thanks, from Val

Val, many thanks for that information - I’ll view it now x

I don’t now whether the star of the show comes on this website (I mean Kelly, not Gok!) - but just wanted to say - she looked amazing! And not just afterwards - she really was gorgeous before - just needed the confidence to realise it. Total star - Kelly - if you ever do come on here - Well Done you, girl!

And I would really like my own Gok - he is bl**dy good!

Gok is fab! the programme was so good he treated the issues so well and Kelly looked beautiful. xxx

love Gok, maybe the NHS could provide a doll of him, so when you come out of theatre with ur knickers in a plastic bag and all your bits and bobs well tucked in , he could provide inspiration for the future

take carexxx

Like you all I enjoyed the programme but agree it was a little starry eyed in places. The difficulty is when making a programme or advert about people with health problems (as my organisation does)you have to find a fine balance between reality & producing something people will want to watch.Inevitably many of the problems get glossed over & I felt this programme did a great job in bringing the issue to a frequently ignorant public.Evidently Kelly had benefitted enormously, lucky girl, & yes many of us could wish we had the opportunity.It struck me that given our body image does inevitably get so distorted & that we all seem to agree that help would be very well received perhaps its a specific area to campaign for? Many carers for example(I mean Carers of non BC) , get access to alternative therapies, Confidence building classes etc but I havent heard this offered to us with BC. Has anyone got better experience or have views?
Love to you all
Grace x

Excellent point Grace. I work for an organisation that looks after cardiac patients and their carers. There is a lot of emphasis in providing facilities for the carers. They are offered pamper sessions and courses to boost self esteem etc. It is quite right that this should happen but I haven’t heard of anywhere where I live that offers any support to bc sufferers.

After my treatment had finished I felt like I had been whirled around, thrown up in the air but then there was no one around to catch me when I fell back to the ground. A friend of mine commented on how surprised she was by how little support I had been given.

I have got more information from this forum than anywhere else.

Maude xx

Hi All

Just to mention the excellent LookGoodFeelBetter workshops. I did one while I was on chemo and it was great. For anyone in London the Haven in Putney has a great reputation. I do remember seeing on these forums a place that organised free holidays for bc patients at virtually any stage. Just can’t remember the name but someone will! And if you search this site you will find endless support groups listed.

And Kelly you were indeed beautiful!



i must admit i enjoyed the programme. i could relate to alot of what she felt and at times it made me cry. i felt it was HER personal story and NOT a programme about breast cancer.
i did however gasp out loud and looked at my hubby in amazement when she said she wouldn’t change having breast cancer! Since i have been diagnosed i have learned to enjoy life ‘in the moment’ and i do think that is a ‘positive’ thing… a ‘silver lining’ as it were, but i’d never, never, ever say i wouldn’t change it. at the moment i have a primary diagnosis and i’m trying to rebuild my life, i think if i had a secondary diagnosis and heard her say that i’d have felt terribly insulted.
but, everyone’s story is individual to them. well done Kelly, i really wish you well and you did look beautiful.

Hello all,

This is Kelly from the show. Thanks to all those that have posted such lovely comments. I have received amazing feedback from the show but am also very concerned that some of my comments may have upset some of you.

I benefitted hugely from the original show and took part in the revisit programme because I hoped it would raise awareness (particularly that breast cancer could affect young womem) and give hope to those in a similar position. I am devastated that my comments have upset anyone and it has taken me a few days to get the confidence to post my response.

I did say that I would not change it, and by that I meant my journey. What I have learnt from it and the people I have met. I have tried to turn the complete devastation left behind by this terrible disease into a positive. I feel that it has given me meaning to my life in that it is my number one goal to try to raise money for Breast Cancer Care and to do all I can to raise awareness. Incidently I only agreed to do the revisit programme on condition that the production company made a large donation to BCC, BCC were involved to ensure that all the facts and figures were correct and that they put a link to BCC on their website.

Of course I would change the heart ache that it brought to my family. I would not wish this on my worst enemy but if this is my lot (after all 1 in 3 of us will get cancer) then I will try not to complain but to make the most of things and do what I can to show others that there is life after this terrible disease.

I understand that not everyone can have access to the makeover and pampering that I had during the original show but my journey on Naked what not so much about the hair or makeup but about how I saw and felt about my own body. I applied to the show because I was desperate. I could not see a way forward. I barely left the house and was extremely depressed. The process of filming the show made me confront how I felt about my body and made me realise that I should be proud not ashamed. I want everyone who has been on the painful journey of breast cancer to have hope and confidence in themselves.

I have my bad days … health wise I am not out of the woods yet but I am trying to enjoy life and move forward day by day just like everybody else.

Wishing you all the very best

keep well
Kelly x

Hello Kelly,

I don’t think you have anything to apologise for and sorry you had to pluck up the courage to post.

We are all unique and the “journey” is different for us all and feelings can even change day to day.

I watched the prog and had not seen the original… well breast cancer meant nothing to me at the time of the original show…

I was very emotional watching the start of the show and so much wanted a really happy and positive outcome for you.

I don’t think how we cope is all about clothes and make up. They can help but they are superficial at the end of the day. However I always feel better with make up and wig!! I am only ever asked how I am when I don’t have make up on. Otherwise people tell me how well I look! Therefore how well I am!

I think the make over was brill and I do like Gok because he is not about cosmetic surgery and aims to raise the “victim’s” confidence. I think you are very brave to do the naked thing! At that point I would have said “Do you know, I feel absolutely fine now!”

Thank you so much for doing the show and for raising awareness of our rotten disease and raising funds for the charity.

I hope you continue to feel good.

Love Sheila xx

Thank you Kelly. You were brilliant and brave and it was amazing to watch your journey and to see the fantastic results. You’ve been able to take some positives out of the process (of course the negatives are there and will remain) and are fortunately able to do something with them. Well done honey!

Kelly - I remember sitting watching the first show and being amazed that they were showing “someone like me”. You were then, and are now, an inspiration to me and many, many others. Because you were brave enough to show your own despair and share some of your journey from then on, it made me feel less alone in the emotions I was going through at the time and it was a very real account of facing up to things and doing your best to move forward. I understand what you say about not changing things and suspected that might have been what you meant. It’s difficult in tv conditions to always get everything across in just the right way so please don’t dwell on this. On the whole the show did a really good job of presenting things in a much more real and accurate light than many other programmes that try to tackle bc issues. Well done and the very best of luck to you. x

Hello Kelly

I really enjoyed the programme, you looked fab, and it was so good to see you get your confidence back. I have just finished chemo, now awaiting surgery then radiotherapy. As a “bald,fat minger”, I can certainly identify with your loss of confidence in your body, and having watched your “journey”, am hopeful that I will in time regain what I have lost.

I think I understand what you meant when you said you wouldn’t change anything. For sure, none of us would choose to have BC or any other cancer. My perspective on life has changed dramatically since my diagnosis, and I am determined to get whatever positives I can out of it. I am determined to enjoy every minute of my life and not waste any of it.

Good luck to you, you are a beautiful person - inside and out, so don’t be hurt by any comments on here - none meant maliciously I am sure.


Hi Kelly,

Now I get what you mean about “wouldn’t change a thing”!!!

Thanks for your lovely post. You were so brave to do the programme and you looked fab. Hope you’re keeping it up and not letting Gok down !!LOL

Take care

Anna xxx

Hi Kelly

Please don’t feel you have to apologise. You were so brave to go on the programme. It was obvious to everyone how much you were hurting at the beginning of the programme and it was wonderful to see you emerge from that unhappy person into the beautiful, relaxed woman you were at the end.

Maude xx

Please don’t apologise Kelly!!
I loved the programme,and I know just what you mean by not change a thing. I view life very differently now and “Would not change a thing” Thanks to you I’ve looked at my scar differently this week,and remembered to enjoy life.
Good luck to you
Love Jellylegs xxx

Hi - i have just watched the programme - i recorded it!!! I remember watching the orginial feeling like i need to stop moaning about my fat body look there is someone with bc! Now i am in that position and it was lovely to see the confidence that Kelly had at the end. I know for myself i want this horrific experience to make a difference in my life and in others - i want to raise awareness, to do charity stuff, do do something different, but do not know where to start and it so great to see programmes like this using us ‘normal’ woman making a difference. Well Done to you Kelly, keep fighting! xx

Hi Kelly

You were so brave to do what you did. Most of us wouldn’t have done it. Good luck to you my love and thank you so much. You were and are just great.

Love you and thanks for coming on here. Need more like you.

Much love


Hi Kelly
my friend and I were just talking about you last night- we have both had bc and I’m currently being treated for a recurrence of it. We both felt that the courage you showed, letting the world see what a bleak and dark place you were in, at the beginning of the show was wonderful. The transformation we saw, from that point to your glowing confidence and real beauty on that catwalk was very moving, for both of us.
This is a bleak and dark illness and none of us want it, but having to live with it, many of us work hard to still have a life that feels positive, and a lot of us have achieved things that we wouldn’t have otherwise, because we have to take on board that life is short and precious, and ‘go for it’ in a way we wouldn’t have done otherwise.
I was sorry to read that comments made you feel unsure, I feel that you have raised awareness not only that young women do suffer from bc, but also that the treatment of it and the implications can be utterly shattering. My oh found that element of the programme moving and illuminating, and its 12 years since my mastectomy - we are close, but you made the point to him in a way that I hadn’t.
Thank you for your courage, and please don’t feel the need to explain yourself
monica (and my matie Sue!)