How to look good Naked


Paula43 - Kelly’s a friend of a friend, so I haven’t met her but heard a lot about her through our mutual friend - I certainly will be passing on everyone’s comments to her - I watched it too and have to say blubbed a fair bit - I was so happy for her at the end - she looke amazing in that bikini!

I though Gok handled it really well - nice to see he has such a sensitive side.


wow how amazing was this programme .she looked fantastic and so beautiful in her dress,wish i had her confidence now to wear outfits like that .i find it very hard to get underwear to fit properly . heres to more programmes like this that handled the subject so well and with so much dignity . lynn x

Just wanted to say i too loved the programme.
Cried and Cried at the beginning, she said exactely how i felt after mastectomy and chemo.
What an amazing figure she has so slim.
What a stunner in her wedding dress. Her boyfriend was so loving.

Well done to her.


I too cried when I saw the programme and I’m over 3 years since dx. I guess it brought back so many memories and touched a few nerves. I thought Kelly looked beautiful and has an amazing figure.

It was interesting to see her realisation that other people don’t see us as we see ourselves. I am much better now but there was a time when I only thought of myself as a woman who’d had breast cancer and only had one breast. I did a couple of self portraits (which helped with my body image and actually helped me come to the decision to have reconstruction). One was as a result of a project set in my art class. We had to do a picture with a mirror in it and there had to be something that you could only see in the reflection of the mirror. I thought at the time I would be a good subject but hadn’t got the courage to take photos into the class! So I did it at home. The pic is of me standing naked next to a mirror with my ‘good side’ facing the viewer, and you only see that I’ve had a mx when you look at the mirror part of the pic. I took it in to show the teacher and somebody got it out of the bag to look at it! 1 or 2 people in the class knew what I’d been through so realised the point of the picture. The rest saw what they wanted and expected to see and it had to be pointed out to them that I only had one breast. It made me realise that to the outside world I am who I am, unless I tell them nobody knows I’ve had BC, had to have a mx, have since had a recon etc. It was quite liberating.

Back to the programme - I too am interested to know what type of prosthesis Kelly was wearing in the wedding gown and the bikini - was it a stick on one? I used to use one and found them more comfortable.

Good luck to Kelly and her fiance and I hope they have a wonderful wedding day.


Hi I feel that I want to contact the TV channel to thank them for this programme and to emphasize how much it meant to so many women. I’m not sure how to go about this. Perhaps if enough women contact them something else positive will happen. Any ideas how I can do this?

thankyou for your response. It reinforced my feelings after watching the programme. You are so right, I have taken what you said on board and made an appointment for a fitting.

What a strikingly beautiful woman! - and that red bikini…well she looked absolutley bloody gorgeous!!

I loved the way that the wonderful Gok boosted her confidence and made her see and believe how lovely she is, I found it very inspiring to watch and am going to get my mitts on a bikini like that whatever it costs - wonder if they have one similar in Primark?!!

Tracy xx

The program was fantastic, I only had a partial and have little difference but I watched it with awe and had a tear or 2 in my eye too at the end. Fair play to Kelly for having the guts to do it and Gok is a legend. It just goes to show that with the right fitting prosthesis and undies we can all look fantastic.

It was so good to watch a program with someone going through the same emotions as us and also that she is the same age as me.

I hope her wedding went/goes brilliantly she is an amazing lady.

Thanks Channel 4

It is Maverick TV who make ‘How to Look Good Naked’ this is the link for their website They are making another series of the show and you can find info at I happened to notice this at the end of last nights show, they are also looking for ladies who have the WOW factor, in that they are beautiful but not necessarily in the normal sense. Check them out


I’m joining all of us who sobbed through Kellys progress. What a lovely girl and what a beautiful figure she has. It’s fantastic that she can now realise that and feel good about herself. I wish you all the best for your wedding Kelly, you will look wonderful!


Hi all,

I missed the programme, but my daughter tells me you can view it online on the Channel 4 website.

Hope that’s right!


Well I cried my eyes out throughout the entire programme and my partner joined in too bless him! Guess it’s still very emotionally raw. Congratulations to Kelly for her bravery and for highlighting this damn disease. She looked absolutely stunning and is an inspiration to us all. Well done to Gok too!
Do you think the dress was made especially for a prothesis as she certainly wasn’t wearing a bra?!!

Love Gill x

I have only just watched the programme on catch up and it was fantastic. I wasn’t sure if i would really relate to it cos i haven’t had a mastectomy but it also dealt with the fact that Kelly didn’t recognise her face in the mirror let alone her body and that is exactly how I feel. She looked so amazing on the cat walk, her hair looked fabulous, her eyes were shining and her smile was beautiful.

I hope she continues to feel more confident everyday and is looking forward to her wedding.


Hi Paula

I was the one with the cold sore and jelly belly on the far left of the line up. Had a great Gok birthday party with 14 of my nearest and dearest, there were lots of tears and total admiration for Kelly and the message that she conveyed.

Thought that Kelly looked amazing especially in the red bikini!


Seems to be having a wider effect than I thought.

A friend who knows of my diagnosis stopped me in the village today and was really sweet, he commented on how suprised he was by the statistics they mentioned and how he thought I was really brave to face all this like I am, and it seemed genunine, not the normal “You’re so brave” comment that people seem to say like “Good morning”. It obvisouly made him think about what I’m dealing with and he didn’t pity me. This makes me happy.

Having just got found time to watch it, I agree with all of the above.
What a bikini!!! Mind you, I couldn’t have worn one like that before the mastectomy, well, not for a few years anyway.
I think/hope she has got across to the public just how we all feel: however strong minded we are about our surgery, we all have days just like she was at the start.

Now I think we should all get on to the “Famous Designer”, I think her name was Amanda Wakely or similar. who was Chairman of the Fashion targets Breast Cancer group, and get her to do something about the clothes out there! If not all summer clothes plunged to our navels we might have more choice and not at such risk of feeling bad about ourselves.

Hope she has a brilliant wedding,

i catched up with the program by using 4 on demand, so was able to make my mum and dad watch it, the bits where kelly said she hated looking at herself really hit home, ive only had a lumpectomy, chemo and rads, but when she said she could only see her body had betrayed her and about her hair was as if i had said it myself! There needs to be more similiar programs!!!
Well done kelly! your a superstar!!!


Sorry love but didn’t see any jelly belly and cold sore just saw 5 lovely looking brave ladies…!!

Glad you had a fab birthday…

so were you stood next to the lady with blonde hair? Was your hair brown?

Good for you Becks

Love P xxxx

Don’t put yourself down you looked fantastic. A star.

I watched the show with my daughters (unfortunately OH disappeared) - my elder daughter came up and gave me a big hug afterwards. I had tears in my eyes a lot of the time.

I thought Kelly looked fantastic, and her increase in confidence was heartwarming. I was so delighted that Gok did this show. It gives us all hope that we can still be beautiful.

I was frustrated that they did not explain how she wore the dress with no back. Was it a stick on, or was there a pocket in the dress itself?

Yes, I wondered what she was wearing underneath, both dress and bikini. Perhaps Breastcancercare can ask her! Also, could she actually have swum in that bikini?
I went onto the Fashion Targets Breast Cancer site in the stupid idea it might have really lovely wearable clothes … I think we ought to start nagging them: OK the primary aim is to raise money for research, but the M&S input was a couple of Tshirts with logos on, a pair of flipflops, and of course their latest couple of bras and swimsuits with pockets. Wow thanks, NOT ENOUGH!! How about some more clothes that we can wear, they are missing out on a pretty big market here. We all want to look good, and the fashion industry isn’t helping. Any campaign leaders out there looking for a soapbox?