I am in a really surreal place.........

Thanks Belinda, I have been racking my brains trying to think what it is a need to buy in the chemists…it is the silver plasters you recommended.I have been in the chemits twice recently and couldn’t recall what it was I needed! So writing it down right now and will remember to buy them tomorrow! Love V

Belinda I agree with you about the Crocs. I wore my Crics slippers all the time inside and out when having Tax. I got new black ones from Amazon because my old brown darlings were VERY old and smelly and my pink " best " we’re not quite the normal shade of winter shoes. The fur lining helps keep the feet warm and cushion the Taxed toes.

Clare I hope you sleep tonight I think I am doing my two nights no sleep / one of sleep forever…and tonight is no sleep…blast it is snowing here in Brill so lots of children sledging tomorrow on the Common.

Udderly cream I suppose was invented by Vets for poor cows!!!'n


Hi Cackles my pink Crocs are for best too. Hope you manage to get some sleep…x
Hi Val, I put the silver plasters on first followed by a fabric plaster on top for extra cushioning…x
Hope you too get a good nights sleep Clare…x

Evening all,

I am so late tonight, but I did a very silly thing…In the rush to get to my appointment at the doctors I forgot to take all my pills and I ended up taking my steroid late, hence I am still up kurking :o)

I had a nice surprise today as Mum and Dad came over, they thought in view of the snow forcast that they would come over. Jenny popped in too with her usual fattening treats, it was crossants today :o) She stayed for a bit while mum and dad were here, she’s off skiing tomorrow , so hoping she can get out to the airport.

Dad came armed with his tools and fixed a door that had been sticking, he gets bored if he hasn’t something to do :o) Mum and I just chatted and did a bit of jigsaw, I’m completely hooked, its such a hard one, I have been sitting all night doing it in front of the fire. I was really not on form though, which I hate especially when Mum comes as it upsets her, so I rested for a bit while she fiddled with the jigsaw. She hasn’t cried for the last few visits but she was really upset this time, its so hard for her and me to see her like it as you never want your children to suffer and for her to watch as I slowly go downhill, must be awful.

I phoned her later to tell her I felt fine, it may have been taking the medication late that made me so exhusted or the fact I am back on chemo too.

Well I pick up my sexy (black) stockings tomorrow if I can get out in the snow and some cream for my feet. While the nurse was measuring me she dressed all the cracks too which was helpful, with some moisture plasters and she gave me a supplie too. Though I will go and buy the creams you recommended. I use at the moment Hemp cream from the body shop which seems good for my hands but maybe not so good on cracked feet.

My snowdrops had just poked out of the other days snow and now they are buried again :o) we only have an inch so far, will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings.

Well I shall try and get some sleep as the fires dying down a little.

Hope you all sleep well and don’t have too much of the white stuff in the morning…

Clare xxx

I hope the steroids effect don’t keep you up all night Clare. How lovely of your mum and dad to make a surprise visit, I’m sure your telephone call later to explain your medication and chemo were the probable reason you didn’t feel more lively, will have made them less worried and upset.

Lucky you getting black stockings :}, mine are an unfashionable navy blue! I was saying to my husband tonight ‘why don’t they make them flesh coloured’…but maybe that would be worse, as they’d look like the old lisle stockings my grandma wore back in the 1950’s. Given the choice I’m not sure what colour I’d like, red would be nice and cheerful but wouldn’t go with everything! I find I’m wearing mine more and more, even going out in them but hide them under trousers and boots.

I didn’t go for a walk afterall today, it was sooooo cold and miserable. I’ve had a boring day, but did some ironing and my pile now looks less like a mountain, more like a hill, so felt I at least achieved something. I also caught up on phone calls to friends.

My pansies are no longer smiling, poor things they took a rain bashing and looked like drowned rats, I’ve deheaded and hope for another flourish…flipping weather permitting! Your snowdrops will reappear when the snow thaws, hope tomorrow is milder in your neck of the woods. This cold snowy weather is crazy, in the north of Scotland it was warmer than Milan today! My OH’s family are in southern Italy where snow is almost unheard of except in the mountainous areas, but they have more snow than us, one village in his region looks like a winter wonderland, (very pretty, take a look at the link). ilcorrieredabruzzo.it/notizie-italia/cronaca-nazionale/20031-maltempo-la-neve-arriva-al-sud.html

Well, very soon I’m going to try and sleep. I hope you are now in dreamland and waken tomorrow having had a sound sleep. Nearly forgot, how is Aisling? Is she still off school?

Love and hugs.

Libby xx

I hope St Eroid has let you sleep and you only see this in the morning Clare. We may as well have a competition re stockings, mine were dark green and very comfortable once on. The Tax toes made putting them over them interesting.
I am so sorry your poor Mum was upset. It is so hard for parents as you say. However if is also so hard for you, and you have the Mother Lion instinct to protect your loved ones.
I wouldn’t venture out too far, , the snow has hidden the ice beneath so please take enormous care. We don’t want to hear tales from an Orthopaedic Ward.
I am going to try for a bit of shut eye now, not that I feel the slightest bit tired.
Big very gentle HUG

Well I got 4 hours in, I will go back to bed soon and try again, just finishing my cuppa and biscuits…

My does of steroids is down to one every other day now, so hoping the moonface will go down as my glasses are having to stretch a bit and leave big marks where they have been, not a good look.

My ex boss was talking about taking me out to lunch over the weekend but she has a cold, so avoiding this for a while, not sure what to do as she wantss to try a particular resturant and I’m not sure its ‘Clare’ friendly, I will have to check it out before to saave embarassment when trying to get up from the table…Vera is 80 and very tiny, so she wont be much help lol. I have worked for her for 8 years and she has become a great friend over the years, we often used to out to the garden centre and then have tea and cakes afterwards, she’s a love :o)

I have an Aisling and me day tomorrow, so I think i’ll load up some girlie films, not that she’s much of a chick film person, I’m sure we can find something. She is on the big snotty stage of her cold now, so hoping it will clesr up as I miss my hugs :o)

I hope you ladies have hit the sheets now and ZZZZZZZZZZZ beautifully :o)

I think I will too, although don’t feel that sleepy now…

duplicate post…silly me :o)

Hi Claire - Just wishing you a ‘happy friday’!! I know what you mean about how difficult it is for Mums to watch their child be poorly. Ive seen it from both sides - my son was very ill for a while and died shortly after, and now my Mum is watching me be ill. Im doing OK at the moment - but with secondaries you just dont know what is round the corner. It is hard as you know you are upsetting them - but they would not wish to be anywhere else!!

Warm hugs,

Sadie Xx Xx

Thank you
Been felling down about my chemo but you have lifted my spirits
Hope you are having a good day
Freezing here in Nottingham
Been on webiste and ordered myself some night sleep caps and some to wear under my hats
With love

Hiya all,
Just a quicky, as off to bed in a minute.

I didn’t get much sleep last night and its my steroid day off, so more tired than usual. I have had a mixed day, never did get my film in with Aisling…just pottered, did some washing and of course, fiddled with the jigsaw. I am truely hooked, even XOH goes out and does a bit during the adverts, so its keeping him out of mischief too.

My friend Helen, from the village kindly picked up my sexy stockings, not a bad service, just took a day :o)…she is so good, stays for about half an hour and then she told me to rest and boy , was I tired. I told her not to bring anything but its like talking to a brick wall as 2 lovely ‘Posh’ cakes arrived with her too. Not sure I care about weight control any more lol.

I am feeling very breathless today as everything seems to be bunched up and pushing upwards. So I guess I will sleep sitting up more tonight, which is not the most comfortable position I can think of. My feet are positively disgusting… It seems that the pad of my foot is totally lifting off, not sure what to do with it, so will leave it and show it to the nurse on Monday. So off to bed feeling a little sorry for myself, totally exhausted…roll on a good day…I shouldn’t complain really as I have had so many good days ;o)

Chemo is rubbish Rosie, so I believe everyone has the right to have a good old moan, so I hope i haven’t made you feel down with my moanathon!!! Freezing here too but they do say it will warm up a bit during next week.

I spoke to mum again this morning and luckily I was up beat with her, so hopefully she fell for it and her mind is more at rest :o

Warm Hugs is what we all need tonight

night all

Clare xxx

Just having a quick read Clare before I go to bed, hopefully to sleep though not particularly good at that lately either! So I stopped by your post to offer WARM FUZZY HUGS for you :). I worried about your poor foot when I read about your pad lifting. Have you got a macmillan no. you can call to ask rather than wait till Monday? If you are feeling rotten and a bit sorry for yourself then you have every right to have that good old moan. Don’t see how you can sustain ‘cheerful’ all the time you amazing woman :slight_smile: God bless and sleep well.


Wow, what a chilly night! I was standing outside my son’s school for nearly an hour last night waiting for his ski trip to leave. When I drove home the temp was reading at -10 and that was at only 9pm. One of my friends later posted on FB that her car had been displaying -11.5!

I hope you’ve managed to keep warm Clare - this is all a bit extreme really. I think it’s supposed to warm up a bit in the next few days so I hope they’re right. I still haven’t managed to plant out the snowdrops I bought over a week ago - everything’s been covered with snow since then.

Your poor foot! That sounds really nasty. You have an absolute right to moan you know. There are no prizes for keeping a cheerful face ALL the time and if you can’t complain to us lot, who can you complain to?

I’ve just been out to refill one of my seed feeders. I really feel for the birds at the moment. Most of their wild food is covered with snow and the things that aren’t are frozen solid. There’s a robin and a greenfinch there now and a blackbird hopping about below. I’ve got them all carefully positioned so that I can see them from my favourite spot on the sofa; I could watch them for hours. They don’t seem interested in the suet balls at the moment - maybe they’re frozen too hard!

Look after yourself and stay cosy,


Jane xxx

Jane I am glad to find someone doing the same as I am. I don’t usually feed the birds cos where I am there is just so much natural stuff around. But one of my staff bought me a bird feeder for Christmas and I have loved watching the birds. I positioned it close to my loung windows so I could sit and watch them. So far I have a regular Greater Spotted Woodpecker and he loves the suet squares. Then my other regulars are 3 varieties of tits - the little bluetits, the great tits -very smart birds :slight_smile: and the tiny coal tits. Then I have lots of goldfinches, feeding under the bird station is just one beautiful grey wagtail and one chaffinch and a robin. Tossing up the leaves in another part of the garden are a few redwings. Then to my amusement there is one (thankgoodness only one) ring collar dove and it sits for hours on top of one of the flat mesh plates. Also I have 3 or 4 blackbirds being very territorial. I find it so exciting when a new ‘variety’ turns up.


I feed the birds too. I have the some of the birds you have Dawn (not the woodpecker or wagtail but I have seen them in the garden in the past. Our weather is warm…we are in a very warm area right now due to the atlantic I believe. But we have regular goldfinches (8) and siskins, a wren, many blackbirds, greenfinches, chaffinches, dunnocks (does anyone have them as not sure how common they are), long tailed tits, blue tits, great tits and coal tits. I buy my birdseed by the sack!..from the RSPB at Vane Farm near Kinross. The better the variety of food encourages different birds. I won’t tell you how much I spent up there this week…it is more than some human food bills! But not sure when I will get back up there as starting chemo on Friday.
Planning to bake today but just not sure what I fancy baking so going to study my cookery books which I collect and have many many of them. Have to hide them sometimes and pretend I have had them for ages! Love Val

Like you Dawn, I rarely feed the birds as a) believe that it’s important for them to eat what nature intended as long as it’s available b) all my neighbours have bird feeders by the dozen it seems and c) didn’t want them to be encouraged into my garden too much because of the cat. Since she died in December and with this cold weather i have though been putting out some stuff for them, but today went to the Cat rescue place nearby and have adopted another cat, due to arrive next Friday so poor birdies will need to watch their step again!

After staying away from the forum for a while I logged in about two weeks ago and came across this thread - and find myself returning almost every day…I don’t want to be a “lurker” so just wanted to send you a big gentle hug Clare. I am still waiting for the flowers to open on my snowdrops, and every day when I look out to see how they are doing I think of you. xx

Hi Clare,

Don’t you worry a jot about feeling sorry for yourself, as others’ have said you have every right and your foot sounds very painful and uncomfortable. Tell all your troubles here Clare, that’s what we are here for - to support you. I do hope your nurse can offer a quick remedy, and give you something to hold the pad in place …so to speak, it’s late and I’ve chemo brain …don’t think I’m articulating very well but think you’ll understand what I’m trying to say.

I went to visit my brother and his wife today, quite an event for me as since my chemo started I’ve cut myself off from the world, can’t explain why, I just didn’t want to see anyone apart from my husband and our two dau’s. Think I’ve turned the corner now, and will be more sociable from now on. It was lovely seeing my brother and his wife, we had a good chat and caught up on our lives over the past few months. We did email each other, but when they rang to see how I was my husband always took the calls, weird I know but I didn’t want contact with anyone. Am I alone in this I wonder! Last week I made a start on ringing family and friends, but I still have so many calls to catch up on -next week my ear will be stuck to the earpiece.

I’m pleased you were able to put your mum’s mind at rest, it will mean you feel better too knowing she’s not fretting.

The weather forecast for tomorrow is better, we are to have higher temperatures thankfully; it’s been bitterly cold today.

Wishing you a long sound sleep Clare, and a more comfortable day tomorrow.

Love and hugs.

Libby xxx

Libby I don’t think you were. I too loved my " nest" and more or less put myself into voluntary semi isolation for much of my chemo. I am glad in some ways that I did. I have never had fewer bugs. As soon as I circulated along came a cough which has lasted since Christmas and is only going now.
Clare I had a lovely walk around a beautiful lake today. It was so tranquil and crisp with a warm sun making the snow twinkle. There were frost flakes on blades of grass which made them look like flax flowers. The lake was frozen over so thickly you could skate on it if you were light ( I am not). They were playing ice hockey on Portmeadow in Oxford on Tuesday , but the water is shallow there.
Sleep sound

Just checking in… I have a really rough day today amd yesterday…I have unfortunately caught Ashy’s cold which has gone straight to my chest, so really having trouble brathing T the moment, so much so it I didn’t sleep at all. OXH kindly said he would sleep in the other bed to help if I wanted help during the night. I was so aware I would wake him) that I gave up bed and decided to sleep in the chair I usally sit in. I was so wheezy that it didn’t have the desired effect.

It was really frightening, not being able to breath in whole breaths so much so that I calle out the doctor, at 3am. She checked me over and
gave me some antibiotics and said not to take them till today. I was worried again for the night time all of today so i called anothe doctor again who put me on a nebuliser and gave me a fresh in hailer, so I should be sorted, if fact I will try and sleep after tea, which is just about to be served.

So I’ll bid you all a good night and all get some rest

Luv Clare xxx