I am in a really surreal place.........

Hello Clare,
how incredibly thoughtful of you to ‘check in’ when you feel so rotten. Please, please look after yourself… we love your postings but your own wellbeing is even more important.

Hope your tea is something scrummy and easy to eat. Rest well and wake refreshed and - hopefully - feeling much better.

Prayers ‘n’ hugs ‘n’ good wishes


Sorry to hear you’ve had a rough couple of days and hope that the antibiotics and the nebs do the trick.

Have a good sleep…


Laurie x

Hi Clare,
You poor thing not good catching a cold but it happens! I hope that the neduliser helps and the inhaler! Don’t wait to take it if you can’t breath its there to help you! I really hope you get some sleep tonight and the meds do their job!
Love fran xx

Hi Clare, hope you feel a little easier tonight, and are able to get some sleep. Thinking about you take care and keep warm, love junieliz x

Oh dear Clare, that’s really what you DON’T need at the moment.

At the risk of sounding like a nag, I’m going to repeat what the others have said - keep warm and look after yourself. Don’t try to do too much right now - save your spoons for a few days time when the cold’s on its way out. At least the weather isn’t quite so bitter now.

Sending hugs and warm thoughts,

Jane xxx

More hugs from here, Clare.

It’s lovely of your XOH to offer to sleep in the same room as you in case you need help, but if that means you don’t get a proper rest because you worry about disturbing his sleep (bless your little cotton socks for being so caring!) then it’s not a good solution.

I have a suggestion: send him to B&Q to pick up a doorbell where the dingdong bit plugs into a socket and the button the visitor presses is just a small thing you normally stick on your door frame. You hang onto the button, he plugs in the dingdong thing wherever he is, and you can call him if you need to but you can also cough and splutter as much as you like in the night without worrying about disturbing others. IIRC they’re not expensive, but could give you a bit more control of things, which would be good for you. Hope that’s not too presumptuous.

I hope you have a restful night’s sleep and that you are still tucked up cosy and warm while the weather outside is cold.

Sweet dreams,


Hi Clare,

Did wonder if you’d manage to escape catching the cold and sorry you didn’t manage to avoid it. Glad you got Dr in and hope that meds help get shot and nebs and puffers make you more comfortable and able to breath more feeely - it is horrible and scary being breathless specially at night time so I am glad to hear your XOH is being considerate - CMs idea sounds good to me.

Still got snow on ground and cold in Sussex, hope you are nice and warm. Hope you manage to get some undesturbed sleep and you feel loads better really soon.

Lots of love xx

Dear Clare,
You just rest and sleep through this one whatever the time of day or night. You will get there…
So no guilt about what you ought to be doing you just focus on yourself and let your XOH deal with the children and household issues whilst you fully rest. You’ll recognise when you’re feeling a little better…and maybe then need some distraction.
Glad that medics were supportive in prescribing you so promptly. I trust it all helps you feel more comfortable.

At this moment you’re probably feeling too hot or too chilled! These infections cause more angst than we all realise and they do make you feel quite weak and wobbly, don’t they?
I’m sure fighting for breath was very frightening indeed!
Hope the nebuliser will help reduce that fear tonight.

Accept my very best hugs whilst you’re fighting this chesty infection. It sounds really horrid.


Hiya Ladies,

thanks for all your hugs, just what I needed, XOH is being the man I married, nice to have him back, Kind, thoughtful and loving…I said to him last night to him, isn’t it nice just being normal and how we were together before we vroke up and many years have gone under the rockie bridge…he agreed and said too that it is like having the old ‘me’ back too…no gruges, no arguments, just us being nice to each other.
My cold has come out tonight…made me feel almost normal…Your right about feeling a bit more wobbly welsh girl, I shall have to watch my step, can’t remember if I said that I fell over on Sturday and poor XOH couldn’t get me up, so called my friend to ask her hubby to come up, he’s strong and used toheavy weights…I’m still 12 stone, I saif=d to xoh that I shouldn’t eat so much, cuse then I would be easier to put back on my feet, I’m frightened his back will go as there wa no moving me that night!!!

I do have a nice burley prison officer next door, who I can call on too :o)

Wont think of that at the moment, XOH has taken the week off so I should have a real pamper time…I didn’t know he ever knew a school holiday, never ever took one before ( thats catty…meow…)but true!

Hope you all sleep well, sent with luv and hugs back, your all such a support and I thank you :o)

Clare xxx

Morning Clare
Sorry to hear you’ve been having a rough few days, I’ve not been on the site for the weekend and had to drop in straight away to see how y ou are. I’m hoping the cold has hit its peak as you say and all the meds etc help with the breathing, I agree it’s very scary and then that anxiety doesn’t help either! Also hoping that something can be done about your poor feet, ouch :frowning:
I’m glad XOH is helping so much and you have both been able to enjoy each others company, just as it used to be I expect. Have a good week if he’s around and your daughter is off as well, but take it easy, no big tumbles this week please :wink:
Nicky xx

Hi Nicky,
I hope you had a great weekend if you were away…anywhere nice?

Other half is off too for the week, he never used to know what holidays the kids have :o) I think he’s planning a trip to oxford to see some gallerys with Aisling, He can’t drive so its on the buses for him :o) He does drive me mad though, never gets up till 12 pm or later, so the days wasted. I may be a little jealous, of course in the fact he can sleep.

Still feel a bit rough and sleepy, so may go back to bed later, just doing some chores…dull, dull, dull.

Clare xxx

Hi Clare
Thanks, we did have a great weekend away. OH and I stayed in the Cotswolds and did a couple of lovely walks. The villages are so pretty there, quite unlike our Hampshire style of bricks and occasional flint. First walk was very uphill, in a good way LOL, and the views were gorgeous. We felt like we were having an alpine break with the clear, crisp air - and temperatures to match.
I hope XOH has got up :wink: and gets out to Oxford with Aisling, a nice time for them to spend time together and maybe you won’t be so annoyed with him if he’s out from under your feet for a while? I don’t know what it is with men but why can they do only one thing at a time and also sleep in for England? At the weekends if OH and I are doing some house or garden stuff I keep going whilst I have my mid morning cuppa whereas OH has to stop, sit down, read the papers, hmmmmmm.
Hope you have had a nap and give the chores a miss :slight_smile: I’m on my usual boring Monday’s worth of chores as well c’est la vie
Nicky xx

Hi Clare

Glad you’re feeling a bit better, hope the improvement continues. It’s a lot warmer in Shropshire than it has been, but a rather grey and ‘mizzly’ day. Returning to bed sounds like a good idea.

Keep warm, take care and enjoy the pampering.


Hello Claire, am also popping in to see how you are, having a few days in London with OH. Sorry you have been so under the weather, hope you continue to feel better noe that the cold has come out, don’t venture too far though- it is still very cold even though the temp is supposed to be on the up! Take care, Mo xxx

Hi there,
I have had a lazy but productive day today. I’ve organised a hospital bed, only takes 3 days. one of the doctors sugested it, to help me sleep better. Also have an ocupation therapist coming to assess me and see what I need.

Have also got an appointment with my doctor to get a nebuliser to use at home.

Mum is coming tomorrow, she wanted to come today and stay but i thought as XOH was here, it would be a waste of her time and it is easier to sleep when there is no one else in the room.

Feel really grotty still, OXH is making me a cuppa then I’m off to bed.

Hope you all sleep well

Clare xxx

Thought of you tonight as I ironed three beds worth of sheets… visitors over the w/e! Loved the smell and the result if not the exertion!!

That’s good news - you will be more comfy and be able to play with the controls if you get bored!! Do you have Red Cross in your area? When I was in in the Midlands I know they were really helpful at lending/supplying useful stuff which mean better life quality.

Hope you get rid of the cold soon.

Sleep well and wake refreshed.

Hope you manage to get some sleep tonight, it really does help. Good idea to have hospital bed and hope that gives you needed rest.Get that nasty cold and chest sorted out and enjoy playing with the bed buttons.

Glad you’ve got OT coming round, I found mine very helpful and got all sorts of aides from them, do let them know what you struggle with and I hope they’ll provide you with lots of things to make life easier.

Have a nice day with Mum tomorrow. Keep snug and sweet dreams tonight,much love, Julie xx

That’s great news Clare - the hospital bed and OT paying you a visit to assess your needs, I hope you get whatever you need to help make you more comfortable.

Have a lovely day with your mum, and I hope you are feeling better in the morning.

Sleep well Clare.

With love Libby xxx

Morning Clare
Just popping in to also add that I hope you did have a good night’s sleep and that all the sortings out you did yesterday help you be more comfortable and make your life a bit easier. Have a lovely day with your Mum and I hope you are feeling better.
Nicky xx

Hi Clare
Well done on getting everything organised, bed etc hope it makes you more comfortable and gives you better nights.

My daughter is not well, so today (and tonight) I have my two year
old grand-daughter with me. She wanted to go into the garden and play. We had a walk around and I pointed out the bulbs that have green shoots and the snow drops that I inherited when I moved here. I told her that I know a lady called Clare who “just loves snowdrops” when we walked to the back door to go inside. She grabed my hand and wanted to “see the Clare Drops again”. So here in this garden you have a flower named after you.

As many others have said you will always be remembered for being you but especially when the Clare Drops pop up.
Love Diana x