Hello again…
I am positively overwhelmed by your kind offers of a lift to Beckenscot, I don’t quite know what to say…apart from the darn obvious…how gracious and giving you are Cackles and CM and everyone else too.
I know you live in Guilford CM and would never ask you to drive all the way up to me, as it would take you half a day to get here…so kind of you to offer though, you know I really appreiciate it. You are welcome on a visit but not to drive me another hour in the wrong direction for you lol…
Cackles I live the otherside of bicester 8 miles, near deddington, you too are very welcome, as is everyone I have had the privilage to meet here. I do have to say though, I can’t really accept your kind offer as I got rid of a 7 seater volvo cause I couldn’t get out of it lol. It would be nice to meet with you though if we can sort out sometime :o)
I had a nice day with Jane, my sister…Late as usual but she had a doc’s appointment that delayed her, not her bed this time lol. I think she is finding the situation tough, to say the least, all cobbled together with what life throws at you. We really didn’t do much, she helped clear my room so that its ready for 9am tomorrow so that they can deliver my bed. The OT was good, she bought with her all the stuff I needed. Chair raisers, such a simple idea but so good as I can get up very easily now…a shower seat, just slots in but wont ruin the bathroom with handles and all that stuff. A perching stool which helps if I am at the sink or doing something at worktop height which isn’t too cumbersome and in the way. All sorted too in the Loo department too CM, so no need to worry :o)
I have another visitor tomorrow, a dear friend of the family who has agreed to talk about me at my funeral, I know what its called but can’t spell it, eulogy, I guess… Its a bit more difficult as he is briging his wife, who I am not so comfortable with, I like her, don’t get me wrong but I used to confide in Michael when I was a teenager and was hoping to do so again, we shall see.
Your blushing Revcat, on the other benchland thread, think what my cheeks are like, positively glowing form all your kind words and thoughts, I can’t thank you all enough but I am just me…
Hope all sleep well tonight CM hope not to see you tonight as we both need some sleep as does Twinky who I hope has lots of TLC on the cards…
Night all, luv to you
Clare xxx