I am in a really surreal place.........

Hi Clare,

I don’t know whether my area’s occupational help is efficient and helpful, but I’m sure glad yours is. As you said some regions do appear to let patients down, which is very negligent and uncaring.

I did try to sleep but it wasn’t happening, I’ll try again soon. I hope you’ve managed to get back to sleep, Clare. We three (you, Lulu and me) seem to be addicted to BCC, don’t we?

Sweet dreams.

Libby x

I should have added you too CM to the ‘addicted’ list.

That’s so kind of you to offer yourself as chauffeur, I hope Clare’s not too proud to accept because I’m sure it would be an honour for you.

I take it you can’t sleep either, isn’t it frustrating?

Libby x

ChoccieMuffin that is just sooooooooooo lovely! xx

Clare I live quite close in Brill which is six miles from Bicester. I have my bug machine grandchildren coming this week end plus a Barn Dance on Saturday night but after that I am fee to take you. Is Beaconscot only open at weekends in the winter? I have plenty of room for wheelchairs etc. You can chose from a Volvo seven seater or a Range Rover. Whichever you can get into most easily. I can toddle off while you are there and visit the delights of Beaconsfield shops to get some respectable clothes for my cruise. I don’t think my tatty cords would go down too well at the Captain’s table.
Please see this as a genuine offer really I would love to take you.

Cackles - I just (shhh) googled Bekonscot (bekonscot.co.uk/ ) and it seems it’s now open daily til November. Happy memories of a childhood visit from school when I lived in Northants.

Oh so that is how it is spelt!!! Oops.thanks RevCat Right Clare name your day. P.M. Me I am a retired Macmillan Nurse so Nothing that happens will phase me.
Cackles x


I can’t offer practical help, just a big warn fuzzy ((((((HUG))))))), some virtual spoons —O —O , and warm wishes that the nasty bug gets nailed soon.

My Mum had a stroke 15 months ago and OT in her area were really good. My Dad was all prepared to go out and buy the kit she needed, but they wouldn’t hear of it and provided a raised seat with handles to fit over the loo, a ‘perching’ stool, chair, etc, etc.

She’s continued to make progress and has now dispensed with much much of it. The only thing that they have invested in is a good lightweight wheelchair (she can’t walk for long distances), prompted by them going to Greece for a hol.

Hoping you have a lovely day with all your visitors. Don’t let them tire you out tho!


Cackles, sounds like you’re a more suitable chauffeuse than me, with your experience an’ all.

And I’ve no idea where the “fable” came into it - posting from a phone in the middle of the night isn’t as easy as it should be…

Hi Clare

Trip out with your son in the back of Cackles’ Range Rover sounds pretty good to me! (And getting her out for some new kit so she doesn’t embarrass us all at the Captain’s table to boot!)

I think it’s great meeting up with folk from the boards. I met up with Pat (Trash) before Xmas in Leicester and have been following her tales of her nightmare hospital stay on the bone mets thread and on FB. I was out for lunch at the Buddhist Centre in Kelmarsh yesterday when I got a message back from Pat, telling me what ward she was on, so I scooped up some really yummy home-made cake, popped in to see her and met her daughter too which was lovely. Seeing her was certainly a tonic for me.

If you’re feeling up to it, go for it :wink:

Laurie x

Hi Clare
Hoping you have managed to grab a few more hours sleep and that they make you feel better. So sorry Hun that you are feeling so low but the extra cold on top of everything else, and we know what ‘everything else’ is don’t we, must just get you so down. A busy day today for you but I hope all your visitors bring you something to enjoy, especially the oxygen lady lol. How lovely of Cackles to offer, and what a suitable lady to offer :slight_smile: Couldn’t be better positioned or qualified in my eyes!
Have a lovely day, hoping you have plenty of spoons in the drawer and you do get to beaconscott, I remember it well from my childhood so can understand why your son would wish to relive some fond memories.
Big hugs
Nicky xx

I never cease to be touched by the love & friendship offered on these forums. I am sure much of it goes on outside of the posts here - but how lovely that Cackles has offered to chauffeur Clare. Could there be anyone more suitable and with the right gear :). If Clare takes you up on it I hope you enjoy your retail therapy and the ‘Captain’ won’t be diappointed lol. Hope you grabbed some more sleep Clare and enjoy the surprise that awaited you here.


Cackles and CM what kind hearted souls you are…

Clare i hope you will take Cackes up on the offer as its so good to have special memories for your family and this sure sounds like it would be a lovely memory for your son to have a special day out with his special mum.

Cackles I’m sure you will be beautifully dressed at the captains table.

I think I went to sleep not long after I posted but like Clare if I wake up I think ill just have a wee peek and see what’s happeneing… Anyway I stayed up later but then slept through til 5.30 when I was woken by 3 squealing cats (2 are mine and the other is the local EvilCat), but after scaring bad cat away I went back to sleep until 9am… Best sleep iv had a for a while… I didn’t actually go to bed but slept on the sofa bed with out OH snoring! Think maybe that is the answer LOL

Clare enjoy your day xxxxx

Hello Clare,
Do hope your ‘stream’ of visitors didn’t tire you out today…
The 02 lady I’m sure will be very much welcomed whenever she arrives.
As will the occupational support.

I recommended this thread to a ‘new’ poster who has just received a terminal dx. (You also spoke to her.) And I realised when I was praising your worth that I should really tell you too!!!

You are a shining light in reminding ‘us’ about what is really important. I am not in a good place at present but read your posts with a determination to treasure my world with a bit more appreciation. It doesn’t always work but I do think you should be on prescription! Your sunny outlook puts me to shame but I will endeavour to follow your example when I can…
I wish I could give you the length of life that you so desire without discomfort in exchange for your constant glow of sunshine.
I definitely think one needs both.


Evening all .
Chocciemuffin If Clare still wants to go perhaps you could come too which would be lovely. I think the only qualification is we both would enjoy taking her, and meeting each other. It might lift both of us out of 'the blues ’ to have the outing and meet up. The cars are not posh we have had them for years. They are just necessary where I live which is down a steep track also the OH is an architect and goes to muddy building sites.
So if you still want to go Clare no pressure just PM .

“Posh” is not a word I have EVER used about any car of mine! “Dirty”, yes, “four-wheeled dustbin”, most definitely. But POSH?! I wouldn’t know what to do in a posh car, it would scare me! (Had a ride in a police car earlier today, but that’s a completely different story.)

Clare, the offer is genuine, so please let us know if it’s something you feel up to doing. Even if it’s just for an hour or two, or the whole day if you feel like it, or just to take a drive there and sit in the car and watch the world go by for a little while and then go home again, whatever is comfortable for you and your wee boy. I’m sure both Cackles and I (or one or the other) would be honoured to take you.

Can’t wait to hear about all the bits and pieces your OT people provide for you. With luck they’ve fixed the loo problem which will be a great relief (pardon the pun!) and it’s great that they’re getting a bed for you. Any time I’ve had a night in a hospital bed I’ve found them very comfy, so that should help you catch all the snooze dust you need to keep you going during the day.

Anyway, after a rather stressful week I’m going to gather myself up, take myself, kindle, phone and squirrel-murderer up the stairs and crawl into bed. Just have to hope I don’t see any of you on the Up All Nighters thread because I’ll be safely tucked away in the Land of Nod. (Well you can’t blame me for hoping.)

Night night, sweet dreams - to all, but to Clare especially.


Hello again…

I am positively overwhelmed by your kind offers of a lift to Beckenscot, I don’t quite know what to say…apart from the darn obvious…how gracious and giving you are Cackles and CM and everyone else too.

I know you live in Guilford CM and would never ask you to drive all the way up to me, as it would take you half a day to get here…so kind of you to offer though, you know I really appreiciate it. You are welcome on a visit but not to drive me another hour in the wrong direction for you lol…

Cackles I live the otherside of bicester 8 miles, near deddington, you too are very welcome, as is everyone I have had the privilage to meet here. I do have to say though, I can’t really accept your kind offer as I got rid of a 7 seater volvo cause I couldn’t get out of it lol. It would be nice to meet with you though if we can sort out sometime :o)

I had a nice day with Jane, my sister…Late as usual but she had a doc’s appointment that delayed her, not her bed this time lol. I think she is finding the situation tough, to say the least, all cobbled together with what life throws at you. We really didn’t do much, she helped clear my room so that its ready for 9am tomorrow so that they can deliver my bed. The OT was good, she bought with her all the stuff I needed. Chair raisers, such a simple idea but so good as I can get up very easily now…a shower seat, just slots in but wont ruin the bathroom with handles and all that stuff. A perching stool which helps if I am at the sink or doing something at worktop height which isn’t too cumbersome and in the way. All sorted too in the Loo department too CM, so no need to worry :o)

I have another visitor tomorrow, a dear friend of the family who has agreed to talk about me at my funeral, I know what its called but can’t spell it, eulogy, I guess… Its a bit more difficult as he is briging his wife, who I am not so comfortable with, I like her, don’t get me wrong but I used to confide in Michael when I was a teenager and was hoping to do so again, we shall see.

Your blushing Revcat, on the other benchland thread, think what my cheeks are like, positively glowing form all your kind words and thoughts, I can’t thank you all enough but I am just me…

Hope all sleep well tonight CM hope not to see you tonight as we both need some sleep as does Twinky who I hope has lots of TLC on the cards…

Night all, luv to you

Clare xxx

Clare, I would have no problem at all in driving to yours. I quite enjoy driving and have been known to drive to Bristol for lunch (which reminds me, must do that again, it was fun). So Bicester, wherever that is, isn’t as far away as Scotland. Would a Ford Fiesta be easier for you to get in and out of than a range rover?

Edit: just looked at the link and it’s just round the corner - half a day, my eye! Might be if I only had a horse and cart, perhaps, but these newfangled motorised chariots are scarily swift and speedy.

Lol choccie you do make me laugh out loud!

Clare glad you had a good day with your sis… Hope you manage to convey what you need to with tomorrows visitors… Enjoy your new toys and your new bed when it arrives… I have a shower seat too and I love it.

Lulu x

Evening all. Why are we all awake tonight? I have been so good this week, lots of zzzzzz’s Clare any time you need anything don’t hesitate. I often go through Deddington so it would be no problem.
I hope you find your aids useful. It makes things so much easier to get them before there is a real need and crisis.

CM did you have your surgery in Guilford ? I spent some time at the Jarvis a few years ago. It is a lovely part of the country.

Lulu you seem to be awake twenty four hours a day. Alesta is quiet tonight. Hopefully she is nodding gently
Time to try and get the elusive shut eye.

Forgive Me

Please forgive me, for I really didn’t know
What a wonderful bunch of people are out there
Overwhelming, to say the least, your support has increased
with each day that I live on you are all still there

You all give give give…no questions asked
To learn the except…now that is a task
A hard one to struggle on, I know for us all
It doesn’t mean giving in, its means aceptance thats all…

Accepting help is one of the hardest thing for me to do
as I’m sure it is for all you strong ladies out there
But I guess that all comes with age and more focus
Well my age maybe help me, as your never to old for young tricks
(or is that just if you were a doggie)

Perhaps all my ramblings are making me older and wiser, like an owl
I’d like to think so, else it would all be for nothing
So I’ll sign off for a while as I ponder the why’s and hows
of this life That I have been given…

Clare xxxx