This is the current list, but I’m sure someone said they couldn’t come because of appointments (Julie??). Not a problem, but my limited mental ability, scuppered by the evening with “the aunties”, means I haven’t been able to find out who it was, so please speak up.
If anyone else is coming (or not), please copy the list and add (or remove) your name.
Clare - star of the show!
ChoccieMuffin (Guildford)
Alesta (Laurie) (Northants)
JulieD (Brighton)
If there is anyone else who is thinking it might be nice to meet up but you don’t want to say anything in case you’re intruding, I’m sure Clare will forgive me for butting in and saying
It has already been decided that visitors will be providing all the food and refreshments and will be sprucing the place up before we leave, so Clare has NOTHING to do after we’ve gone other than put bits of left-over sauce in the freezer and smile at the silliness of the afternoon. So if you want to come along, add your name to the list and (as long as Clare’s ok with it) I’ll forward her address and postcode to those who are coming.
Right, as for scoff, I’m happy to provide the bol sauce. Someone else said they’d bring the makings of a yummy salad. Can ONE person please volunteer to bring the following:
* who said salad - vercors? Could be wrong, please correct.
* enough pasta for 10 (we are going to leave leftovers for the little Claredrops)
* cheese to go on top of the pasta and sauce
* something for pudding - 2 people with enough each for 5?
* drinks? Nice squash perhaps?
* drinks? if you like a wee glass of wine, perhaps a bottle of something nice?
* something nice for our lovely hostess letting us take over her kitchen for the day!
A total aside.
I had a barbie last year and lots of people donated towards the cost of the food. Anything that wasn’t required to cover costs went to BCC.
While Monday is very much a chance for us all to get to meet Clare and others, if anyone wants to make any donations towards the afternoon I’m sure we’d be able to make a payment to BCC.
THIS IS NOT COMPULSORY, just a suggestion from me. I know I’ve had massive support from BCC directly and from the forums they have provided for our use, so it’s just an idea if anyone else feels like saying thank you. I suggest we stick a pot on the table somewhere and anyone who wants to can stick the odd 5p coin in if they feel like it. There won’t be anybody watching or actively collecting, and there will be no pressure on anyone to contribute as the point of the afternoon is to get together, not to do BCC fundraising. If that happens as an aside then that’s great. But NO PRESSURE, honestly.
Just thought I should mention this, so nobody feels pressurised or embarrassed about it. As I say, there will be a pot knocking around for contributions, but there won’t be anybody “watching” the pot.
(Sincere apologies if anybody feels uncomfortable, that is absolutely not my intention. Just thought I’d bring it up “up front”.)
I’m really looking forward to seeing you all on Monday, I have a silly grin on my face at the thought of it. I was bad enough when it was just Clare and Twinky, but lots of people I haven’t met yet, and I’m like a little kid.
See ya Monday, and chat on here on Sunday.
Sweet dreams all,