Have a great time with your sister, I hope you managed a good nights sleep, you need all the rest you can get to natter and chatter ten to the dozen with your sis. I’m looking forward to hearing about your day together.
I’m a fan of what I call ‘peacock colours’ too - turquoise, (or teal as they seem to call it nowaday!) electric blue, purple… I will try to remember this so that one day, hopefully not for ages yet, I can wear my peacock colours in solidarity kind of thing. Hope that’s not too morbid/maudlin/sordid.
Take care, and don’t feel you need to be inspired or inspiring… we are just hungry/greedy for your vivid descriptions and honest reflections.
Take care
Oh yes, here’s a shiny silver spoon with delicate filigree on the handle for today: -----O
Hi Clare
I hope you have a lovely time with your sister and have managed some quality sleep as well. It’s a shame not everyone understands how tired you are (visitor yesterday in particular) maybe you should have left a printout of the spoon posting out ;-). I hope we are all helping you offload on here, you are a lovely caring person so I hope we are giving some love back. Your last poem was beautiful and I’m so glad you got to hear how brilliant your daughter is, but I guess you knew that anyway:-) Wishing you strength, from another turquoise/teal lady
Nicky xx
Maybe you need to work out a signal with your daughter for people who are overstaying their welcome.
Have a fab day with your sister. It’s great when we have folk we can say anything to. I have a friend who always jokes with me about my BC and death. The last time she was on a trip, she called me to see if there was anything I needed - “Chocolate, nice fruit, coffin, cure for cancer?” Morbid to some perhaps but with her it’s a nice change from the considered concern of other friends!
Hi Clare
We exchanged a few posts a while back over similarities in diagnosis and treatment. I find everything you write an inspiration - your attitude is admirable and your determination does you credit. Do hope you had a good day today
Love Sarcath
Just to echo what everyone else has said. I hope you had a happy and wondersful day with your sister. I also loved your post about parents evening. Such a joy to get news like that about your daughter. Love Mo xxx
Hi Clare, just back from a weekend away nd checking out how yours was. I do hope you have had a lovely time with your sister! Here are some spoons esp designed to help getting up and about the house (small for awkward spaces) -0 -0 -0.
Morning all :o)
Another good nights sleep, I could get used to this…
Another good day too :o)
My sister came in her usually rush and whirl, totally late, but then thats just her, I guess.
I had in mind ( for her ) a little retail therapy as there were such bargins to be had in Debenhams, so off we went, unfortunately Ashy (du=aughter) decided at the last minute as she wasn’t part of my plan and stayed at home lol.
We had a great laugh, trying lots on, sister cann’t go in a cubicle with less than 10 things, so it was a good session after a few trips in and out.
On my ‘tick’ list is get something for ashy to wear at my funeral…I know the thought is quite sad but I have had visions of my poor mum 75 trying to get her something decent to wear and having a really frustrating time for both. Ashy would have gone along with whatever, so she wouldn’t offend Mum but its easier, this way and nice for me to see her dressed up too :o)
As luck would have it, there were some fab things for her, so I bought her a dress/tunic, quite funky to wear with her standard uniform of black military, braided jacket and knee length boots.
I bought her a few sweetners too, a hoody £7 down from £40 and a great jumper for £10, those I knew she would luv…then I showed her the tunic and she was totally delighted with it…down from £60 to £15. So all is good and one less thing to worry about. :o)
Isn’t it funny that all the practical things come into your head, I’m so lucky to be able to sort most of them out, while i can.
Pysically I feel fine, just weak, my insides of my body change everyday, they seem to move around and change shape, I guess the liver is getting bigger so its all on a shift…but up instead of down lol. The only pain I have is the ‘burning’ on the soles of my feet and my hands keep locking in one place for moments. I am taking morphine 40mg and do wonder if I went down a dose to see if I really need it. Oppps I think I need a higher loo seat…now where do u get those from, I guess, the red cross. Just got stuck, couldn’t get up…thank goodness everyone is out!!!
The poor dog has me for dog walking as my son was out last night, he will give her a better one when he arrives.
So i’ll finish breakie and get out of the PJ’s and go for a hobble in the fields…
Hope you all have a restful day, I intend too and I’ll uuse the special spoon you sent Revcat for a treat later on, lets see whaat the day brings :o)
Luv to all
Clare xxx (not an agent for Debenhams…really )
Wow Clare, how amazing are you to transform what could have been something awful for your daughter to have to face into something you could both enjoy? I secretly hope there’s a hint of turquoise in there too… When she wears the tunic for you she will be able to smile through her tears and remember this special day. And I’m sure your mum will be pleased not to have this to think about!
Enjoy using your special spoon… I am on the look out for another one for you… any designs you espeically fancy?
Sounds like you had a fab day out with your sister.
With regard to the ‘getting up’ problem, would it be worthwhile asking the Mac nurse to get an OT to see you about getting a higher seat? Or maybe this is something that someone in your healthcare team could sort out for you. No reason to struggle if you don’t have to!
Hi Clare - Thank you for giving me ideas of things I would like to organise when my time comes. It is helpful appart from anything else!! Thank you for sharing and - Happy Monday!!
A contact of mine has recently been treated for lymphoma which left him with a broken pelvis. He had a triangular cushion that he could bring with him to sit on, and that raised him up a bit too so he found it a lot easier to get up off a chair. Don’t know about the loo seat. Would a zimmer frame be of any use to help hoosh yourself up with? It could stand discreetly beside the loo. As suggested, occupational therapist should be able to help, your BCN might be able to help get you things you need. Good luck, and well done on such a fab day with your sister. Sounds like the retail therapy day was just what was needed.
With regards the raised loo seat your Macmillan or district nurse can organise this. Can even get have rails fitted and bath or shower chair too. I love me shower seat makes life so much easier.
Sounds like you had a lovely day with your sis and managed to get some bargains and sort out practicalities to boot! Well done!!
I have bone mets and had a OT round (arranged through Macmillan if I remember correctly). They arranged a loo seat (I’ve since bought a high toilet myself)rails by the loo and in the shower, plus all sorts of other bits and pieces, they might be able to get help with rising from chairs too - well worth asking about. You shouldn’t have to struggle.
Thanks for sharing. Take care and here’s to another god nights rest,
lots of love and blessings, Julie xx