I hate this new "forum"!

I agree with all that has been said about this forum - it is very difficult to navigate
I have seen better amateur websites, it’s not like BCC are under funded! - they
should be able to afford the best web designers for our crucial support!

Yes, it seems as though everything is back to front. Oldest posts first, topic headings a bit confusing, or is it me?! I used to just go to ‘Latests Posts’ and scroll down to look at anything relevant/interesting to me. Now I’m not sure what’s where and who’s posting. Hopefully these are just teething problems and that soon we will be able to navigate with ease. I thought the previous site looked and felt more ‘friendly’.

Ho Ho Ho

How many of you out there are coming up as anonymous when
you post? And how many of you have to try over and over again to post? I keep
getting mine thrown back at me BUT I WILL NOT GIVE UP.Agree totally with Kevinj …even tho he appears to be a techie bloke…

and also why can i not open active forums once i have navigated away from it unless i leave the site completely and come back to it? its anonymous again…

I’ve now tried to reply to this thread numerous times…I give up if this doesn’t post. Shambles, Rubbish, Useless…that was the gist of my message.

I can’t even post on my pc how stupid is this site grr

i agree with all that hs been said. I hardly use this now and I am looking elsewhere. Why has BCC not communicated with us about noting our concerns and trying to address these- it’s just radio silence

I am a Techie bloke
sorry this site will have been updated by an outside
Consultancy Company I am sure and that is the problem they don’t understand how
much the Ladies of this site need the companionship of their fellow Ladies,
genuinely I am livid how this site has been allowed to just meander
along with all the bugs left

. I agree with the comments here.
I was always on the “old” site but am becoming more and more frustrated with this one and feel like leavign it altogether.

I’ve been using the forums for over two years and have really struggled with this new format. One thing I find upsetting is that you don’t just get the latest post, you are directed to earlier posts, and the first post, on a thread. that might not be seen as a problem, just a slight inconvenience, but it’s more than that. I have found myself suddenly faced with old posts from friends who are no longer with us, which shakes me up and upsets me. Previously, if I wanted to see these, I would actively search through a thread for them, not just have it unexpectedly jump up at me. It knocks you back. And I’ve had my own earlier posts from difficult times pop up which I really don’t want to see, unless I am looking for them. I used to check in every day or so, and have been trying hard to crack this site, but it’s just not easy to navigate , it isn’t intuitive, and as I have explained, it’s actively upset me because of it’s new structure, users are using this forum because they need support and are vulnerable. I really do appreciate the work and money and good intentions that have gone into the new forum, but please could you have a rethink ASAP? Thank you.

…and still nothing from bcc.

Can’t save fav threads…why , oh why, oh why!!!

Please some answers!!! And CHANGES NOW!!!



Here is a link to an update on the forums.

June, moderator

How long has it been now?

Five weeks, yes - five weeks since the new forum was supposed to have been ready for use.

I’ve tried and tried but i cant find my old support group. This format is bad and actually works against the people it is supposed to support. I think I will be one of those who no longer will try to get back into this site. I feel let down by those who think they have improved the service sorry You DEFINITELY HAVE FAILED. To any of my old group sorry I couldn’t find you or our old forum. Sad to go after 14 months of extended love and support from you all. Chris

I do so agree. Having been so encouraged and supported and being able to return this in turn to the threads, now the forum seems in dissaray .
The threads are the wrong way round and the oldest is first.
Navigation around these threads is so difficult I feel sorry for newbies coming on here
Please sort this out

This is the first time I’ve seen this thread. Probably because it wasn’t one of the 10 latest posts…

I know of several people who have left the BCC forums because of the disaster that was the “update”, and that’s just so sad. I also don’t know how to get to some favourite threads that I used to keep track of. So if you haven’t heard from me it’s not because I’m deliberately ignoring you, just that somebody’s nicked my map. And I got great comfort from giving support to new people (guilt complexes do have their uses!) but now I don’t even see their posts so can’t send words of encouragement. PLEASE fix this, WE NEED YOU!!! For goodness sake, a standard off-the-shelf package like phpBB would have been MILES better than what we have now.

June, I’ll be taking a look at the latest news, but frankly I don’t expect it to have a great deal of good news in there.

Friendly waves to anyone who knows me (if anybody actually sees this post if it drops out of the top 10).


Waving back to you Choccie. I go into the site every day but what bugs me most is the lack of feedback and understanding from those at the top. They know just how upset me feel but the feedback is poor and I worry that we will lose contact with the women who have kept this site going. If it wasn’t for the knowledge of the members the site would not be what it is today…or should I say what it used to be. I had 50 emails that I didn’t request or want from BCC in my hotmail account. This has been going on for weeks now. So I sent an email to MIke this morning. Guess what? No reply. Do they really care? I would thave thought that the support we give out to so many women and men would have been more appreciated but I gather they think that donations are more important. Go to the top of everypage and there is the box. Missing lots of friends who are keeping away until this is fixed…or will they ever return? Val

I’m not very computer literate and am finding this new layout very difficult. I may just give up. The old site was manageable and I always got replies to my postings. I don’t know what has gone wrong this time. My posting has had no replies of which I have noticed many others are in the same situation. I also didn’t really know what heading was most appropriate so this may be part of the problem. Please, can someone tell me why I can only see a page of the latest postings. Is this the new layout? Does that mean if we only use the site say twice/three times a week, we lose sight of what has been going on?
Many thanks.

Well I am computer literate, Jeannie, and I also think this site is incredibly badly designed.

I especially agree with you about the latest posts thing - it’s worse than useless. Apart from being only one page, it’s not even set out properly.


Just keeping this thread on the front page. Being an insomniac can have its uses.