I'm so frightened

Hey Pink, just wondering how you got on hun

yes pink where are you hon we are praying for you

Love and prayers, Pink. Let us know how you got on.

God bless.


I don’t want Pink to feel we are pressuring her but it would be good to know how she got on. Seems we’re all a bit concerned about her.

Pink, if you read this thread and you feel brave enough, please let us know how you’re doing, hon.

We’re with you all the way.

beano x

Hi pink,

I really wanna echo what beano says. No pressure at all, just please know that we are all thinking of you. If the news was not so good then remember that we are all going through the same thing and will totally understand what you are going through right now,

Thinking of you,

Take care,


Hi Pink

Same thoughts as everyone else. Hope you OK and let us all know.


Hi Pink

ditto above messages. Sending you love and hugs.

Ladies, I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say I’m more than just a little concerned that we haven’t heard from Pink yet. Maybe we should make a concerted effort to keep this thread going for a while so that if/when she visits the forum it’ll be right there for her to see.

Bucketfuls of love to everyone,
beano x

Best Wishes to you Pink,

Please let us know you are ok sweetheart

claire xx

Oh my!!! I have now tried TWICE to post a reply in the last 3 days (just switched to wireless-few probs)- so here goes-3rd time lucky.

Thank-you all for your support- I am overwhelmed at just how much love and support is on this site. Had my appt on Tuesday and have been given the all clear! The relief is so immense I can’t describe it. I have been told that i have glandular tissue inflammation of some kind. I don’t know what causes it- they have suggested hormonal changes- the lump is about the size and shape of a mussel (the seafood type)- so quite large. I still have the associated discomfort/pain occasionally and haven’t been given any advice on how to deal with that. They have also said that it may or may-not go away. Anyone any ideas/similar diagnosis? GUESS WHAT???-I lost a diamond out of my wedding ring down the bloomin hospital sink while I was there!- Do I care?- NOPE! I have decided to rename that day-‘D-Day’-Partly ‘D’ for Diamond and partly ‘D-cup’. Every time I look at my ring now- I will have a liitle reminder of how blessed I am, how supportive you have all been and how you- my mysterious, faceless friends helped me- a complete starnger. I feel very emotional and will continue to check in on these forum sincase I can ever help anyone else. Claudia- hope it all went well for you- I will check the new posts in a min to see how you are doing.
Sorry for the long post. Best wishes to all of you in all of your different situations xxx.
Love Pink xxx

Sorry- I felt the need to post again now- I have just read ALL your posts and I’m sitting here crying my eyes out. I know I’m emotional already but I can’t really put into words how overwhelming your support is.My god- thankyou from the bottom of my heart. ALL MY LOVE to you all. xxx


It’s so good to hear from you and I’m so happy you were given the all clear.

I’m feeling emotional too! Just goes to show how strong love really is!

beano x


thank god you’re ok. I am sooooo pleased for you, what awesome news! I’m so glad you’re not joining ‘our club’, we certainly do not need any new members (no offence!!).

You take care of yourself,


Me again, Pink!

I got so carried away with the relief of hearing from you, I didn’t actually address what you said in your post!
I was told that my problem was probably hormonal. I was advised to take Evening Primrose Oil but warned that it takes about 3 months before it has any effect. For the pain, that is constantly there to a greater or lesser degree; (somtimes I wonder if I’m just getting used to it!), I’ve been prescrbed Co-codamol (very disappointed that they don’t taste of cocoa!) and Ibuprofen. I try to minimise the amount I’m taking of both because I’ve been on them now for nearly a month and I feel a little uneasy about so much pill popping. I’ve found that it does get worse when I don’t take them though. I still have some swelling, though it looks as though it may have reduced a bit and the pain/discomfort is in my armpit and shoulder blade area as well. Does any of that sound familiar to you?

beano x

Hi Pink

Wow congratulations on your news, I am delighted for you and wish you well for the future.

Take care and go and enjoy your life.


Oh Pink,

I think we were all beginning to panic when we hadn’t heard from you. I’m so pleased it was good news for you. Oh look, youv’e got me crying now and I’ve made a mess of all my work, sniff!

I have my appnt on Tues, so hopefully will keep the good news trnd going!

Love to you!

heidi xx

Phewf!!! I’m so glad you contacted us!!! Was consdering sending you a private message just to check you were ok! Glad you are. I am too!!!
I have started taking Evening Primrose too to help stop my lumpy boob creating anymore cysts!
keep in touch

hi pink
i,m so pleased you got the all clear, i,m so thrilled for you, I would say that if the lump becomes troublesome ask to have it removed, you know ladies we do worry about you all and we walk the road with you and when there is no post we dont give up worrying

so it is wonderful that you posted pink, you cry with relief sweetie, my thoughts and love are with you

and hiedi we are with you for tues hon

Brilliant news, Pink!

It really is great when someone gets that kind of result! Go celebrate!!

God bless.


hi babe,
what on earth is wrong with him, try not to worry he is prob just having a senior moment lol

you def need the hol so get packing and have a wonderful wonderful hol, you deserve it

as for your health take it up when you get back, i think you need an mri scan hon cos there is something causing the pain???

babe here are 2 big bucketfuls coming your way and a big cuddly hug

get the bucket and spade out and have a ruddy good time babe

oh will calm down on his own mine does that too and it will come out just dont fuel it hon
