I'm so frightened

Hi pink!!!

Just got back from london and wanted to check how it went!!! FANTASTIC lets hope it soon settles and you never need know worry like that again!!!

Sending you a big hug and am so pleased for you

lots of love

xxxloubyjane xxxx

brilliant news pink !!! The emotions will settle, mine have now.

Lots of love Danni xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Pink

Fantastic news. I am so pleased for you. You can now go and relax. Lots of love to you.

I today have had my lump removed, bit battered and bruised, but ok, was pleasantly surprised at how well I felt after surgery, apart from feeling like a dart board - my veins are notoriously good at hiding away! They couldn’t get the cannula into the back of my hand, so after a good digging, decided to put it in my arm, which after 3 or 4 people giving it a good slap was eventually successful. The staff were really nice, we had lots of laughs, which helped me enormously. Normally anaesthetic (is that right), makes me feel so sick, but today I just felt like I had had the best sleep ever!

Just got the dreaded 10 day wait for results to come back. Here we go again. Sorry to have hijacked your thread.
lots of love
rosegarden xxx

good luck rosegarden hope you’ll feel ok again tomorrow and that the next 10 days wont be too hard xxx

lots of love

LJ xxxxxxx


we’re with you all the way, hon. I’m away for the next week but I’ll carry on sending love and hugs to you, as well as all you other brave and beautiful ladies!

Take care, hon,
beano x

Good luck rosegarden

Glad to hear all went OK today with your op - hopefully you will be fine and back to normal tomorrow. Hope you don’t get too stressed over the next 10 days, but we will all help keep your spirits up with you. Fingers crossed the results are good.

Take care

hi pink , just read all your posts and it seems tuesday is a lucky day for appointments mine is next tues can i tag on to the good luck?,congratulations on your good news, back to normality!!..angie xx

Thankyou all again. Lots of love and good look to you all.
Harmony-yep lucky Tuesdays-take care.

hi harmony i will hold you in my prayers hon for good news

we have had a roll for a while

bless you

good luck for tomorow harmony babe, fingers and eyes crossed for tomorow hon

Brilliant news. God bless