I am on day 11 of TAX 1 (3 more to go) and I cannot stop eating ! - it’s been like it for 2 days now
I just feel permanently ravenous
anyone else the same ? is it temporary?
thanks everyone
I am on day 11 of TAX 1 (3 more to go) and I cannot stop eating ! - it’s been like it for 2 days now
I just feel permanently ravenous
anyone else the same ? is it temporary?
thanks everyone
Am on EC, not TAX, but on days 4-9 I have my nose permanently in the fridge, Then it passes off. Actually it is carb craving, is it anything in particular you seem to want or just ANYTHING edible?
Louise x
Hi Louise
I am just so hungry and it sems to be unsatisfiable -
I would say I fancy anything other than veg … fruit, choc, meat, carbs - anything
it doesn’t taste great but I am HUNGRY …
I really really fancy cheese but don;t have any
I can eat a plate of food and then feel immediately hungry - it can’t be hunger though …
mmmmmmmmmmmm …
thanks Louise love FB XXXXXXXX
have just read another thread about something else and have realised that I am not drinking what I was
as I have gone off tea I have been drinking less
think I may need to drink more - will try that and seee what happens
cheers all FB XX
yes and liquid will fill you up and keep your mouth from being like the bottom of a parrot cage! What about something to suck on (so to speak!), ice lolly or someone suggested lemon sherbert on another thread?
I know what you mean about not feeling satisfied, am going through that myself, it is awful and I feel embarrassed if other people are there
Louise x
Hi Fizbiz
I’m on epi-cmf and craving all the foods I normally would never touch, Things like crisps, bacon butties, in fact the saltier the better.
Have decided that if I’m craving them my body is telling me it needs them. Also making myself do the healthy friut and veg and drinking lots of water but these taste so bland compared to the unhealthy stuff. Hope its just a chemo thing and not permanent.
Hi FizBix
The nausea that came with the FEC for the first 8 days meant I ate hardly anything. Day 9 onwards I could eat my body weight in anything you put in front of me. Absolutey craved vinegar which resulted in more than one trip to Frankie & Benny’s for full rack of BBQ ribs with xtra BBQ sauce. Also craved cheese [and still do] which was bizarre cos I didn’t like it before chemo.
Went for a curry with OH, he said shall we share a rice [we always used to share a rice] I said get lost get your own flippin rice. My family said they were like Ross on Friends “I lived with Monica, you ate fast or you didn’t eat at all!”
It was worse with the TAX cos I had to take more steroids and the nausea was a lot less allowing eating from day 1. Still its all done now and appetite has gone back to normal thank goodness.
I met a lady at LGFB who had been a veggie for years and was eating red meat as if her life depended on it during chemo.
Hi FizBix
I am on day 11 after 2nd FEC and eating like a stable of horses! I can usually take or leave chocolate but have had such a craving for it (infact just eaten 6 chocs from a massive box of milk tray) and its only 10.45! This morning I have had a bowl of porrige, 2 slices of toasted fruit loaf and 6 chocs. I am going to be the size of a heiffer if I am not careful. Like the rest of you ladies…fruit and veg do not have the same satisfaction.
looks like WeightWatchers after the chemo!!
Just had second Taxotere…im cant stop eating!! Im hungry 24/7 and will eat anything!
Ate ok on FEC back in 2005 (mainly craved salty things think theres a pattern looking at some of the replies).
But i got up at 2am this morning and ate a topic and a cadburyd creme egg and had to stop myself from grabbing a bag of quavers (just had them typing this!).
I get up and have about 3 things for brekki including BIG bowl of bran flakes (makes me feel better cause of all the crap stuff im craving) then ill snack all the way til about 1pm then im craving ham cobs (buns baps) a pastie, bag and crisps 2 pack of fruitellers, then snack again all the way to a massive tea at 7 when my beloved gets in. Them midnight hits and im starving all over again!!
Im gonna be the size of a house after all this lol
Oh well
I have a passion for little food. I know it’s daft but I love buffets for that.
Have any of you ladies tried just grazing little things all day and drinking half a pint of water between each little meal?
My mum pointed out (quite correctly it seems) that people often mix up cravings for food and water and that most of us eat too much and not enough water.
But I say when I’m on chemo I’ll worry about the weight later, but I’ll drink as much water as I can bear.
I’m just the same - just after chemo (FEC) I want buffet food rather than a full meal. I want stuff I can just nibble on all evening. My diet has IMPROVED with chemo - I now want lots of fruit etc. Usually I’m a chocaholic, but I prefer satsumas, bananas, satsumas, grapes, satsumas, and the odd packet of Mini Cheddaries (that’ll be the salt requirement!). A jam sandwich is good too!
Doesn’t matter what weight we end up at, the important thing is to get through this, and if eating makes us feel better, so be it! No point in punishing yourself any more than bc is!
Sue xx
I too seem to have an increased appetite. So far I’ve had 2 cycles of taxotere and herceptin, and by day 4 find my appetite is starting to return with a vengeance. Find too that I’m also adding salt to food, which I rarely did.
Vertangie-I normally drink plenty of water anyway,and enjoy it, but will remember to have a top up before a meal too from now on! But, in all honesty, I’m feeling quite glad to be eating with enjoyment. Life is challenging, and if this part of it comes with ease, then I won’t complain.
Am eating pretty much the same as I used too-just lots more of it!!
I used to drink loads and loads of water but cant stand it now on chemo. I therefore guzzle loads of diet tonic with a twist of lemon
well ladies - thank goodness I’m “normal” - or as normal as all of you !! which i take as a compliment - good company
today I have drunk more - and like others have been CRAVING salty things …
today …
2 TEASPOONS of marmite ??? and i only just tasted it!!! - how could I ??? yum yum
a packet of crips …
some salty fish … not sure what it was - I was out
for tea I had … wait for it … fried onions (they tasted so sweet it was hard to believe I hadn’t put honey on them) … with SOY SAUCE on top … it was all I could do to stop myself swigging it out the botttle …
I had them with some tomatoes, courgette and a sausage which I really struggled to get down … I thought if i only eat onions I’m going to F*RT all day!!! - sorry!
… and then some capucinno ice cream - I’m not an icecream lover usually … ithink it was because all i could taste was onions!
so although it’s been really strange today at least I’m not overeating …
whoever mentioned vinegar … GOOD POINT … I have a ridiculous urge to smother everything in tomato suace - probably why … it’s got a lot of vinegar in it I think
my eating desires are far more embarrassing at the moment than the way I look!!!
lots of love
keep chomping everyone!
love FizBix xxxxxx
Another entrant for the ‘eating competition’: but it worries me a bit because I’m not exactly slimline to start with. I’m over 5’10" tall but I’ve stacked on nearly 20 kg since I strode down the aisle as a skinny, 20 years ago. I tell my husband he really got value for money, but I don’t like it. Still, it’s not a time to think of deprivation of one of the few things we are allowed & and can actually enjoy, so I’m cranking it up anyway - with some caveats.
Mega-quantities of liquids: herb, green, white and ginger teas, juice diluted with mineral water, the occasional glass of skim milk, lots of clean Finnish lake water straight from the tap. I’ve been even more focused on this for this second round of Tax and - day 3, still no ‘foul-mouth’. Every day a BIG mixed fruit smoothie made with a selection of satsumas, banana, fresh pineapple, frozen berries, grapes, stone fruit etc. with fat-free live yoghurt, wheat germ, oat bran and linseeds for breakfast. I don’t like fruit much - never eat it ‘whole’ - and this is a bit of a chore to get through. This has been on of my main diet changes and makes me lose interest in eating for a while. A good thing. Some time later I have rye toast topped with spicy skim-quark, sliced tomato, sprouts etc. Lots of salt. I’ve cut butter (a passion) from everything except traces in cooking.
Snack food is a range of jars filled with dates, prunes, nuts, seeds, dried apricots - sweet and crunchy - oat cookies and a bag of tiny individually-wrapped squares of high cocoa-content chocolate. These last two tend to be the midnight snack, unfortunately. Specially if I have cleaned my teeth already.
I don’t eat or serve ‘junk’ food - 20 years as a pro-chef before a career change means that home-cooking is a loved hobby and not a challenge, so I make almost everything from scratch. Soup has always been fairly low on my favourites list but, another innovation, I’ve taken to boiling up a couple of old fowl, and a pile of fish bones from the markets, every week and keeping the stock frozen - in separate batches, natch. So lunch is a huge bowl of soup with diced leftovers (chicken, pork, beef, veg, frozen shrimps, grilled salmon, whatever from night before) with lots of onion, garlic, chillies, and leafy greens (an excellent Asian produce store nearby flies exciting stuff in 3 times a week & I gorge). It has to be salty - miso works, with extra mineral salt. Or I tip up the soy sauce bottle. No bread because I like to see my teeth in the butter - right out. Once again, it’s a slow eat, that sort of gets boring towards the end. Having my dad here for the first month of chemo means I have lunch company, which has helped establish this habit (in the past it’s mostly been a buttery omelette, pasta with lots of cheese, or a pile of sandwiches with cheese, ham, butter & a bit of salad & sprouts for crunch) - I hope to keep it up after he leaves.
Last night we had chicken breasts stuffed with goat cheese & fresh basil, wrapped in bacon and grilled, with ratatouille and steamed broc tossed in pesto. The night before it was rare roast beef, bok choi with sesame, sweet potato gratin, tomato salad. As much as you want. I’ve stopped buying dessert ingredients altogether. OH & son are sports addicts, but they don’t need the sugar-fat combo any more than I do. I’ve been a bit sloppy with ice cream and pies in the past - sorry guys, off the menu, along with big bowls of creamy pasta, home-baked pizza, sausages and every kind of potato except baked or steamed.
And the weight keeps creeping on. But I have to say, I get a lift from these meals - a palpable raising of spirits and energy that doesn’t go with a big bowl of carbonara & cheese or a slab of pizza, even of the wholesome, home-baked variety. And the ‘regimen’ has kept the tubes in excellent working order.
Now I’m starving - dad & son still asleep so I don’t want to turn on the blender for the smoothie - another pot of mint and ginger tea & then I’ll take a slow walk to the bridge just up the lane to see what the ducks and a pair of nesting swans are up to on our little estuary. Another lovely early morning here in Finland, though the afternoons tend to cloud over at present. So do energy levels, for that matter.
Bon apetit to all, M-L xx
well ML - I am gobsmacked!!!
I thought I was doing sooooooo well in having a huge slice of pineapple with my toast and ham at breakfast …
… and you made it all sound so delicious!
I think I might try an ML-smoothie at night - I get hungry after dinner and never know what to eat before bedtime
I will try very hard to eat more veggies today … buy them but never get round to eating them!
you have inspired me …
lots of love FizBix xxx
M-L - you have depressed me…what a domestic goddess! Shall just sit in bed and sulk now, and chew on Jelly Babies (a new craving - something good in the gelatine?)
Sue in a sulk… xxx
Hi All
So glad I am not alone ! I too have become a salt junkie.
I seem to be hungry all the time. I do drink lots of water but cant seem to stay satisfied. Minestrone cup-a soup I find quite tasty & have gone through loads. I never added salt to my meals before but I cant seem to taste anything without it. Very bad - I keeping thinking that I will pickle myself at this rate.
Do love fruit & have eaten loads of grapes, apples etc & find that a del-monte 100% juice ice lolly can hit the spot for bird cage mouth.
I will definately be on the Weight watchers trail once this is over
Take Care
Tips x
After posting yesterday about all the unhealthy foods I’m craving I thought I’d make a new start today and be a bit more disciplined, that was until I read emelle’s
post … my mouth is watering…can you package them and send them over the airwaves? It takes all my energy to do beans on toast these days.
Oh well back to the crisps and bacon butties.
Happy eating all
You’re making me feel like a boastful prat - but I’ve got used to that when it comes to food/cooking etc. I dropped out of law school in Sydney when I was 20 and moved to London where I got a job at Leith’s Good Food wrapping cheese and biscuits, portioning mint jelly & mayo etc. for fancy dinner parties and director’s lunches. I just sort of slid into the mainstream, learning as I went and was soon part of the team. I loved it and it’s let me work all over the world - managing a restaurant in Gib, working for diplomatic families, owning restaurants and catering companies in Sydney, London & Helsinki. I went back to uni for a PhD about ten years ago, but food & cooking is still such an integral part of my life I don’t even think about it - my friends get retail therapy in clothes and shoe shops, while I bliss out in food wholesalers, delicatessens and produce markets. And meditate in an offhand way while cooking at home, sometimes for hours.
Tonight my ‘student team’ who help me do food for my department bashes at the university served a three-course sit-down meal to 99 guests (an odd number, but there we are). Without me! This is NOT my paid employment but I can’t stand seeing poor hospitality offered on departmental occasions & I’ve taken the job on along with rather more conventional academic work. So I dragged myself & them around the wholesalers last week buying the dry-goods and discussing what they’d need in the way of fresh and frozen & I’ve been on the phone all week, and all evening giving them blow-by-blow instructions - oh goodness! to have been a fly on the wall tonight. It’s a passion!
It’s late at night here, and everyone in bed but me as the last of the cortizone leaves the system - so I’m babbling. But I’m really behind the wellbeing that results from upping the fruit & veg and lowering the sat & trans fats dietary content - and I’ve had to find ways to make this palatable, even enjoyable. I’ve not been very careful with that in the past - love my dairy, can’t stand gas-ripened fruit, adore good, sticky, complicated desserts, luckily love veg & salad - but that strong chicken stock with veg and a little protein in it just does something great to my mood and attitude. There’s medical support for the chemical contents - blowed if I can remember the name of the miracle ingredient this time of night, however.
It’s a bit expensive, but there’s not much else to spend on at the moment. Hairdresser, anyone?
Love to all, M-L