Jade Goody

Hi all,

I really felt the need to start a thread about Jade, even though she has cervical cancer rather than bc. Personally, I was absolutely gutted to hear how poorly she now is. To be honest, although I don’t know her from adam, I cried when I read how her cancer had spread and how poorly she was. I feel so sad for her and her family. Having lost both friends and family to this awful disease I can well imagine what they are all going through right now. As a young (ish!) woman diagnosed with cancer I can totally empathise with Jade. The fact the she is unlikely to see her babies grow up into men is absolutley tragic.

Not much else to say really, except how sad this all is. No matter what anyone thinks of Jade, I doubt that anyone would wish whats happening to her on their worst enemy. Its so very sad,


Hear Hear Kelly I feel for her as a woman and as a mum her celebrity is irrelevant.Love Valxx

your right i never rellay liked her as a celebrity, especially after the BB fiasco. But i feel so sorry for her and good on her for telling it like it is, not covering up how awful this disease is.
i will remeber her and her boys in my prayers.
M xx

I cant stop thinking of Jade feel so sorry for her and her two little boys… this disease knows no boundaries, it is so unfair.

thinking of her and sending her best wishes x

Jade was apparently sent 4 letters telling her she needed cancerous cells removed, which she ignored. I can well understand her wish to ignore them and hope it would all go away - my mother did the same. I feel terribly sorry for her (Jade) but isn’t this a lesson not to ignore symptoms when the consequences of doing so are so devastating?

I have just read this short comment in the Observer by Kathryn Flett. I agree with her:

"Last week it became clear that Jade Goody’s struggle with cervical cancer is unlikely to have a positive outcome-a tragedy for any 27 year old mother of two, but for Jade somehow particularly poignant. As her own ability to edit which bits of her life are suitable for public consumption presumably diminishes, it’s probably time to save poor Jade from being judged any further and still found wanting.

Even more than most celebrities a reality-telly star needs the public to excerise the right not to know every detail of their life, so for the ongoing reality show that is The Jade Goody Story it is surely time for viewers to hit the metaphorical off button and give this young woman the space and peace she may not actually want but certainly both deperately needs and deserviees."


Just got further on in reading the Observer and there is more (so guess there must be loads in other Sundays.)

A piece by Tracy McVeigh headlined "Why Jade’s struggle for life is a tale of our times’ and a commentary piece by Jenni Murray: ‘Are only the chattering classes allowed to make money form a ftal illness?’ Both interesting.

After reading this lot I think I’ll stick to my free access blog…but then cancer blog is another feature of our times…


I have just read the articles Jane referred to and am so pleased that Jade is getting some support for being paid to have her cancer story followed in the press.

I saw the other day some of the vile comments written about her and was astounded that people were wishing her dead. Okay, she did say some things on Celebrity BB which I am certain she sincerely regrets but she doesn’t deserve any of the appalling messages I read.

On ‘The Wright Stuff’ today Matthew said that there has been an increase in the amount of women now taking up cervical smears as a result of the publicity surrounding Jade and her illness which is one good thing to come out of it.

On another note, I’m not sure exactly what to believe about the circumstances of her diagnosis. I’ve read a post on here that said Jade ignored letters asking her to attend for smear tests. However I also read in a women’s magazine many weeks ago an interview with Jade herself where, she was told on the third occasion that she was diagnosed with abnormal cervical cells that she could not have laser treatment because she had been treated twice previously. I have also read an article where a lady Consultant said that the NHS had repeatedly failed to diagnose Jade’s cancer but that Jade wasn’t angry and did not plan to sue the NHS but just wanted to get on with being treated.

I just hope that Jade gets the support she needs to help her at this very difficult time and that her children will know in the fullness of time what a very good mother she was and how she loved them and worked so hard to give them the wonderful childhood that she missed out on.

My love and very best wishes to Jade and all her friends and family.

Just happened across yesterday’s Daily Express (not my paper of choice) in Cafe Nero today and read and article by Vanessa Feltz…a bit similar to the Jenni Murray one…ponting out that when middle class people write about their cancer expereinces (John Diamond for example or Terry Pratchett in the case of Alzheimers) they are given a lot of approval but when working class people do the same thing they are often villified.

So good on you Jade for making money to ensure your children do not want after you have died.


I writing this after browsing through the forums… i am taking my 29 darling daughter and mummy of 3 year old for letz to remove cancerous cells in the morning…i can cope with my own b c but not with my daughter having anything nasty…i just can not read any of the articles on jade especially as my daughter has already had laser treatment…incidently her letter never arrived after her last biopsy and took a phone call to check where they were for her to know anything was wrong. oh i do hope jade proves them wrong…and responds to treatment.

Just want to add that being old enough to be Jade’s mum, I wish I could just make things better for her. It’s bad enough facing things at 45 but 27 with kids is terrible.
Even when she was making her mistakes, I couldn’t be cross with her as she has had a pretty strange life all in all and has had to discover wisdom through her own life experiences. There is a lot of good in that girl and the way she is sharing her tragic story with us all in order to help her kids is very brave. It may also be her way of ‘dealing with it’.
I think of her often. Good luck and God bless.

I’m really sad to hear about Jade’s cancer spread, I believe it is her choice to do exactly what she wants to do with either telling the press or not, its her choice!

If being in the public eye makes young girls have smear’s regularly then that is a good thing.

At the end of the day it’s about a young lady, and mum who has to face the awful truth of her disease.

I wish there was a cure for us all!!

After starting this thread only a week ago I was horrified today to learn that Jade’s cancer has now become terminal. I first read it in the newspaper this morning and have since heard it on radio news bulletins. I’m so sad for her and her family. She has always been so full of spirit and definately seems to be a ‘glass is half full’ kind of girl.

Now Jade is hoping to go home in the next few days, to receieve palliative care from the macmillan team. A wedding is also imminent as her boyfriend proposed yesterday. I can only hope and pray that Jade’s last few weeks or months are filled with fun and laughter as she spends quality time with her adorable boys.

I am properly gutted for Jade, don’t know what else to say really!

Take care all,


Hi Kelly

me too, i cried this morning as i read the news, i know i dont know her personally but like a lot of us have followed her since Big Brother, watched her shows on Living etc so feel as if i do know her ! Heartbreaking that yet again another young mum is going to leave behind two little boys.

I dont really know what else to say either, just so sad for her and to all the people who find themselves in this terrible situation.

x x

Dear Jade

If you are reading this thread, I am so sorry that they have told you that your cancer is terminal. You are an insperation to others by telling your story for so long people have hidden their cancers, after all it is not anyones fault they/we get this rotten disease its just bad luck. I wish you and all your family strength at this time and peace be with you all. Keep smiling

To everyone else suffering good luck and best wishes be with you.


I am so very sad for Jade and her family, its a very cruel world.

I think Jade is very brave. Her little boys will be very proud of her in the future.

She is so natural - calls a spade a spade - and I like her for it.

I am so sorry that it looks as though she will lose her fight to live but a lot of positive things will have come from the way she has dealt with it - publically - her way. If there is now more awareness and more ladies are having check ups, then this is positive out of negative. Also perhaps there will be more donations for cancer research as a result of her making the condition more public and then hopefully we will be nearer to finding the cures we all need.

Thinking of you, Jade.

I have really been very upset by Jade’s story. I was 28 when I was diagnosed and I just think when everyone else is watching a story that you know a bit more about personally, you just want to be able to make it better for her in some way. I really hope that her family are stepping up for a change, and she has real and genuine friends around her who love her and just want to make everything ok. It really is ever so sad. x

Dear Jade,
2 weeks after secondary diagnosis Ian and I got married at Tregenna Castle, it was the perfect day. When we exchanged our vows all you could hear was the rustle of paper hankies. A truly bitter sweet moment.
As we did not have long we decide to celebrate each month as if it were a year. Twenty five months later we had our silver wedding and both laughed. In June we will have been married 5 years My wish for you is that you too have as many, if not more with Jack and that you are as happy as we are.
Congratulations .

Love Debsxxx


I too just wanted to add how gutted I am for Jade and have watched her show and cried tears for her. I think she is very brave and I dont blame her wanting to secure her boys lives for when she is no longer around.

It is heart rendering and also brings home how vulnerable we are suffering secondary cancer. My children are 5 and 2 and I am gutted to probably know that wont be here to see them grow up.

I hope that Jade has a fantastic day to day and manages to keep going for as long as she can to enjoy it. My heart goes out to her and her family, and also her mum, who must be suffering so much, but not trying to show it. When she cried on tv the other night, it made me cry.
