January 2024 radiotherapy starters

@copperycat good to hear you’re doing ok. Itchy rash can be annoying. Hope you continue doing well. I just know will see oncologist 6-8 weeks after radio. Feels really odd as if should be celebrating but rather an anticlimax :thinking:


Interesting @mlen is seeing oncologist after radiotherapy. I have been referred back to the breast care nurses with the surgery team at ‘local’ hospital. ( it’s now moved another 20 miles further away now an 40 miles trip to the breast team for our local health board in SE Wales!) the oncology team discharged me from clinics after chemotherapy but I’m still under the cancer centre for several years due to Herceptin and Zolendronic acid infusions for 3 years (bisphosphonates/ bone health). I can call an oncology nurse if needed but that’s it.

Take care all :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Anticlimax is definitely my emotion. I know I have a lot to be thankful for but does feel a bit “what now”? Xxx


Don’t forget the Moving Forward course on Breast Cancer Now.

I don’t feel ready yet as I still have months of Herceptin injections. Haven’t finished my treatment yet, although I feel I have been let go by oncology team.:smiling_face_with_tear:



I am in a different health care system as I am currently living in Spain. We don’t have BC nurses here, I wish we do.
They scheduled appointment with radiotherapy Dr one month after the end of sessions.
Gynecologist appointment 3 months into tamoxifen.
Oncology appointment with blood test 5 months after op results.
Surgeon appointment 1 year after surgery.
I should contact GP for everything else.


Thanks naughtyboob for encouragement. Hope your shoulder eases up soon.
Mine has been so bad today and yesterday, feels like I have a trapped nerve in shoulder and arm. Coping by taking paracetamol and ibuprofen regularly. Not looking forward to more radiotherapy tomorrow. I wonder if position plus radiotherapy plus perhaps overdoing exercises has done it. Fed up though xxx


Elsie and coppery I really hope your rash and itchiness settles soon too


Hi mlen
That sounds like a better system. Unfortunately the breast care nurses here have not been very helpful at all, was given about 8 names on a card and always got someone different calling back. Haven’t bothered since surgery as one in particular was quite unfriendly. The oncology team were much better where I am.
Hope your fatigue is improving Xxx


How horrible for you having this pain as well as having radiotherapy. It’s a lot and no one could blame you for feeling fed up. Can only suggest talking to the team about it to see if they can help with the pain. Hope you’re being kind to yourself too , having little treats afterwards and letting people take care of you xxx


Hoping everyone is doing well.
Just to keep the self record: two weeks after finishing radiotherapy the tiredness is gone.
Swollen breast continues though, it has the same size as the other one and feels harder, a little pinker, not hot. The nipple is much darker and itchy, I keep using moisturizing cream.
Cording is less visible, armpit keeps feeling numbness.
My last period was on January 12th,same day I started tamoxifen. I used to be regular (every 24/28 days).


Hi copperycat, thank you for your good wishes, thankfully the shoulder is a lot better.
Quite achy and sore generally and skin just starting to blister a little.
Last scheduled session today - session 15.
Not sure how to feel/be. All seems very strange. Going to speak to Maggie’s next week. Hope you, and all if you, are all doing as well as possible.
A little more hair growth, now look like a skinhead!


I hope all is ok with you
My itchy rash continued until after 5 weeks and new areas appearing the radio review nurse decided that I was reacting to the Aveeno!! 3 days with just water and no moisturiser and I am finally feeling more comfortable :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


That’s interesting @elsie1 ! I’ve stopped using Aveeno as I didn’t think it was as good as some other creams I have used. Glad you are feeling more comfortable. Did they suggest anything else for you to use once it settles down?

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@daffodil1 Hope you are ok. Did you get some help at Maggies? I’m up and down at the moment, but don’t live close to a Maggies centre. i keep saying I should do the BCN moving Forward course , but I dont feel I have the energy :frowning:

On a different note, I have had an itchy back for the past week or so - high up across my shoulder blades. Not sure if its the radiotherapy after effects or not. Anyone else had this? it’s very annoying :smiling_face_with_tear:


@copperycat they suggested aloe Vera but I react to that. Just going to stick to water for now and if needed try using EPIMAX original that I use anyway :crossed_fingers:. Just strange with the Aveeno as used it for a month before on both breasts without a problem. After radio continued to use on both sides but guess the right is now more sensitive.


Anything itching is wearing!! I have had stabbing pain in back but no itching- if it keeps on, get it checked. I kept putting it off but glad I contacted the review radiographer in the end. Good luck

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Hi @copperycat

Maggie’s is not close to me either, it’s 30 mile trip.

Did you know you can get counselling through MacMillan? My breast care nurse has also said she can arrange clinical psychologist via the NHS.

I’m not ready for the Moving Forward course either, I’m still having Herceptin, so I feel I’m still in treatment until September. Maybe soon.

I haven’t had any itching just pain from radiotherapy as they treated both sides (double whammy of radiation!). Could you call the radiologists or your breast care nurse? If not BCN nurses may be able to help on 0808 800 6000

I really found the Radiaderm R1 and R2 wonderful if anyone in future wants a recommendation for cream/gel to use. I was lucky enough to be gifted it via a competition with Dr Liz O’Riordan but I would buy it if I ever needed radiotherapy again ( I hope not)

Take care🥰


Hi copperycat, how’s the itching going now? Hope it’s a little better.

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I wanted to ask you all a question if that’s ok. I’m supposed to have had 3 weeks radiotherapy on right chest wall and levels 1 to 4 lymph nodes, which include the underarm/axilla. Strangely I have a nasty rash and itching and light burns on chest wall but nothing at all in the underarm area. Has anybody else experienced symptoms in one area and nothing in a different area which has been blitzed? I’m worrying whether the underarm was actually done…

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Hi romabe99
A quick update from me…. I’ve had my RT follow up appointment and…. No further treatment required!! Hopefully this chapter in my story can close off now :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:
I will have annual mammograms which is I think the norm for all of us on this pathway but I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all the wonderful people on this forum for sharing your experiences, supporting me throughout and helping with tons of advice along the way! You have all been amazing!!
I wish everyone all the very best going forward, take care Anita xx