January 2024 radiotherapy starters

Hi dear, I am sorry to hear you have COVID, hopefully you are feeling better. I had never COVID and I am so worried about.
How you managing this virus, are you feeling bad? Poor you, it wasn’t enough the cancer treatment and now COVID :disappointed::gift_heart:
I am sending you big hugs :revolving_hearts: and wishing you fast recovery both.
Drink lots of water and rest lots

Hi @daffodil1 i am much improved thank you for asking . The swelling has gone down and I feel less tired. It’s been 6 days since I finished . I’ve been walking each day and getting my appetite back .will see how next weeks goes as that’s when they say the tiredness might kick in.

Hope you’re recovering ok from Covid. Fingers crossed you get going with radio on Monday :crossed_fingers:t2:xx

That’s not great @naughty_boob that the councillor didn’t call. So bad , I hope you can get seen by someone else soon.

@Camy_Radika so pleased you are finding some normality again. Enjoy the birthday party , and have lots of helpers ! Fond memories of my own kids parties but hard work :sweat_smile:

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Hi @daffodil1

Are you recovered from Covid?

I have been very anxious about catching bugs as being asthmatic I can go from cold to chest infection to pneumonia at the drop of a hat, that’s with out being immune suppressed. I tend to wear a mask in busy places especially ones with poor ventilation.

I hope your radiotherapy starts Monday.:crossed_fingers:t2:

Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hi Cami, thank you, it’s not nice having COVID. I am improving but a bit worried that I might go downhill again yet as can sometimes happen a week or so in. Hopefully I will be ok to start radiotherapy on Monday.
COVID seems to be everywhere here at the moment…


Thanks coppery, fingers crossed.
Great to hear you are much improved, that’s really good news…


Hi naughtyboob, yes sounds sensible to take those precautions.
Fingers crossed for Monday! Resting lots today to try and help COVID recovery…


Just finished day 3 of a 5 day course. Not feeling too bad. A bit tender but only other symptom is left side of my throat hurts a bit. Not terrible but it is a bit niggly. Anyone else had this? Xx


Hi @blue80

Well done for completing 3/5. I had bi lateral radiotherapy so it was double treatment. I had a sore throat, told the team and they said it is normal. Take paracetamol as needed.


Hello Daffodil1.
Hoping you were able to start this week.

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Hi mlen
Thank you so much for asking. How are you doing?

I did start on Monday so I’ve had three sessions so far. Already achy and feeling very tight inside in underarm and chest wall. Also a bit swollen. Weirdly I don’t seem able to sleep very well either, did radiotherapy affect you sleep wise?

I’m a little concerned that I feel like this after only 3 of 15…

I am also feeling a little down generally…lack of sleep is not helping. Have to try and get myself up as it’s half term next week …


Hi @daffodil1

So pleased you have started your radiotherapy.

I only had 5 sessions but on both sides. I was very achy in the chest/rubs and was advised to take paracetamol. On day 4 I struggled to hold my breath and they could tell I was uncomfortable. I’m 3 weeks post radiotherapy and the achyness has reduced but not totally gone. One of my boobs swelled up but they said that was normal.

Speak to the radiologists about your symptoms.

Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This is very good news that you have recovered and been able to start radiotherapy.

I had the 5 sessions plan and started feeling my breast in pain and swollen on 3rd as well. I was low energy since the first session, nearly a week post rads today and still feeling tired.
I slept a lot and had to place some pillow around.
Wishing you the best for the rest of the treatment. Keep us posted.

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Hi naughtyboob
Lovely to hear from you.
I remember you saying you felt achy and took paracetamol. Really glad to hear your symptoms are reducing.
I had my 4th session yesterday (2 hours delay) and I have to say I am aching a lot too despite the paracetamol. It feels like the days after surgery though this time my shoulder is aching too. I will be glad of the weekend off after today’s session. I’m a bit concerned I won’t get through 15 days…


Thank you mlen. I think fatigue is very common isn’t it. That has not hit yet, it’s more the ache and feeling hit by a truck.
Really hope you start to improve very soon…some Spring weather would be lovely!!


Hi copperycat
How are you doing and how are your energy levels? Hope ok


Hi @daffodil1

Sorry to hear you are still achy even after paracetamol. Speak to your team they may suggest adding in ibuprofen by mouth or gel direct to the skin, if you can take it. I have developed a sore right shoulder since doing radiotherapy, I think it was the positioning that has tweaked it, it was the arm I had my PICC line in so was hardly above my head for 15 weeks. I now rub some ibuprofen gel into it and do gentle stretches that I was given after surgery.

I wouldn’t be surprised if you are still more fragile because of the Covid infection.

You are doing great, I hope the weekend provides some relief for you before next weeks treatment. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi @mlen

I’m now 3 weeks post radiotherapy and still struggling fatigue. Hard to know if it’s post chemotherapy, radiotherapy or the Letrozole I started taking 3 week ago. Hot flushes wake me up and sometimes keep me awake, so lack of sleep doesn’t help.

As always we have been through a lot and need to be kind to ourselves. I enjoy having Epsom Salt baths, Westlab are usual on offer in the Supermarket or Boots.

Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi all, I’m now 2 weeks post radio and have itchy rash/spots on area zapped, lack of energy generally and some days tiredness just hits. Been taking Anastrozole for 2 months now, hot flushes can be annoying, dry mouth and some leg pain but manageable so far. Hope you are all doing ok.

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Hi, I’m ok thanks for asking. I’m two weeks post radio and generally feel
Ok. I have an itchy area with a rash on my chest. Fatigue hasn’t hit as yet but may well do so anytime soon! I have a horrible cold which is making me want to sit on the sofa with a hot water bottle but otherwise not too bad . I have a follow up appointment which is by telephone in the middle of March, I think that’s because some issues can arise a few months after radio.

I feel I’ve got off a bit lightly compared to some of you but this could change! so sorry if you have been affected by radio in an adverse way. I hope the SE’s are short lived .

Spring will be on its way soon and hopefully we will be all feeling a lot better xxx