January 2024 radiotherapy starters

Well done everyone who has finished already! I have done 13 sessions so just 2 more to go and i am feeling quite sunburnt today! I was given doublebase gel by the team which is a very light moisturiser and was recommended 99.9% aloe vera to help with the burning sensation so will give that a whirl. The tiredness has definitely started to hit! Good luck everyone for next week’s sessions :slight_smile:


Last rads session today. I feel that I should be celebrating but it seems a bit of an anticlimax after having changed and just left the hospital.


Yes I imagine it does feel a bit weird. I am starting mine next week and am glad to get on with it…but then there is the feeling of “so what now?”. Hope you are feeling ok and not too tired or sore. How have you found it all? X

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@blue80 definitely an anti climax after waiting to get to this point. I was on 5 sessions, slight pinkness some evenings but used lots of Aveeno and ok next day. Some soreness on SNB scar area and pain n back of ribs but generally good so far. Taking advantage of blue sky to do 20 mile cycle ride while I feel ok. Just waiting to see how it goes and taking a day at a time. Good luck with next week, how many sessions are you on?


Wow 20 mile bike ride! That is impressive :grin: I am 5 days too. Want it over but bit anxious of side effects. I am not superfit but have a good level of general fitness so hoping I will be ok… but will def look forward to a bit of chill time when I can manage it (when kids at School!). I hope your energy levels keep up and that the pinkness doesn’t keep bothering you too much. I have my Aveeno at the ready! X

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Brilliant about the bike ride. Doing exercise has really helped me mentally with recovery. It’s felt like getting a bit of me back!


Glad you have finished, another milestone ticked off. I finish on Friday too, not sure how I feel about it tbh. I am expecting to maybe feel tired in the aftermath. Nurse told me its because like chemo, the radio damages the good cells as well as the bad. And when they are repairing themselves our bodies feel tired. I have also been reading a few people say they have issues a few months later, so maybe its important to keep up with the moisturising as long as possible. We should have shares in Aveeno!


I’ve just been to the dentist and told him about the tamoxifen dry mouth side effect. He told me that this may cause tooth decay. I just felt a bit sad, so BC is even going to impact on my teeth! I know it’s a small thing but sometimes at the moment, small things feel big.
Hope everyone is ok.


@romabe99 oh no! Anastrozole is also giving me a dry mouth despite drinking what feels like gallons of water!!

@romabe99 definitely felt good after the cycle ride- even better as the sun was shining. I guess it’s early days in terms of fatigue but feeling good atm. Pickle ball to look forward to tomorrow :grinning:


The dentist prescribed me Duraphat toothpaste to help this.

@romabe99 useful to know for my next dentist visit, thanks

Good for you on the cycle ride! glad to hear you are feeling good atm, hope this continues. I am finding it the same, not too bad as yet. I’m hoping to take Pickle Ball up when all this is finished! :smiley:


Hi all, I’ve got 2 more booster sessions to go before ringing the bell. I’ve been self-consciously recording a short video after each session hoping it might be useful for others preparing for RT. I don’t want to put them on instagram. Any other suggestions? X

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Dear Elsie,

Well done for getting this far with your treatment. I always found when I finish a treatment we feel a bit down. I think really what happens we’ve lost another comfort blanket but I’m sure in a few days you’ll be fine.

Wishing you lots of health and happiness going forward, we are all here for you on the forum so please keep posting and let us know how you’re doing.

Let’s hope the Sunshines for you this weekend

With love Tili :pray::rainbow::pray::rainbow:

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Thanks Tili
It’s been such an emotional roller coaster that the logical part of my brain knows there’s still a lot to process. The sunshine definitely makes me feel good and I have been cycling and playing pickle ball. No real side effects so far :crossed_fingers:( know it’s early days) so making the most of feeling ok.


Had my final radio session today. I was quite relieved tbh. Mild nausea, and a bit tired so far, and no appetite. but nothing major. And using gel and moisturiser seems to be helping keep everything cool and supple. Have an MRI on Tuesday for my spine and hoping to have some answers when the results come though :crossed_fingers:t2:


Great news @copperycat that you have finished radiotherapy.

Take it easy I🥰


Hi Ladies,

Its been great to have this thread to get an idea of whats ahead of me. I have my first appointment with the radiation team next thursday. From what I gather here, there is a bit preparation involved … tattoos, breathing technique? Tour of radiation clinic etc.
Im just wondering how long after first appointment does the treatment usually start?

I was told I need 3 weeks of treatment, 15 sessions. Im hoping to book a much needed holiday for end of march. Just hoping I would be finished by then if my first appoinmemt with consultant is 1st feb. Cant get through on any of the phone numbers.

I know every area is different but im assuming they would have me started within a couple of weeks ??

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Hi @clare81

I finished chemotherapy 14 December and started radiotherapy on 10 January, was told they like to start 3/4 weeks after chemo but longer of you’ve only had surgery. I had my planning CT scan and tattoos in November as they had hoped to do the radiotherapy before Christmas but I got an infection during chemo so all the dates got pushed back. Remember not everything go smoothly.

I had 5 days on both breasts, so double the amount of radiation. I was advised that 2/3 weeks after finishing I could get very fatigued. Everyone is different depending on the amount of radiation and the number of days.

Hopefully you will be able to get more answers on Monday. The breast cancer now nurses may be able to help on 0808 800 6000 M-F 9-4 and Sat 9-1, so too late for today.

Hope it helps a little. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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