January 2024 radiotherapy starters

Hi @naughty_boob ,

Thanks so much for this. Very helpful, and yes it goes to show not everything runs as planned. How are you feeling now after radiation? You’ve been through a lot, hope you are having some time to rest and recover from it all. :pray:.

Take care,

Clare. X

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Hi @clare81

I’m really quite tired with sore chest and stomach ( feels like I’ve done 100s of sit ups!). Taking paracetamol and some ibuprofen (can’t take too much as it can affect my asthma). Feeling a bit better each day. Hoping that’s it but I may have more to come at 2/3 weeks which is from next Tuesday.

This is a good website from Sheffield Hallam Uni regarding radiotherapy and breath hold to chest wall or breast https://www.respire.org.uk/

Also Rad Chat on YouTube or Instagram.

The leaflet I received from Velindre in Cardiff was just describing the breath hold but I found the videos really helpful. As patients it shouldn’t have to be up to us to find these resources each cancer centre could share on their literature save the NHS a fortune!

Hope it helps :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Good luck :wink:

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@copperycat Great news that another stage completed and not feeling too bad. Keep up with the cream!! Good luck with the test results.

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It seems I will be joining the January radiotherapy group, starting next Monday. That would be 9 weeks after OP (WLE + 4 negative nodes).
Thank you to everyone that made the time to come and comment about their SE, feelings, ways to recover and feel better.

For those who had nausea, what did you do to feel better? Was that right after the rads?
Were you able to walk for about 45 minutes after every session or were you feeling already tired?.

Thank you.


@mlen Hi, I had 5 days of rads. Slight nausea but not enough to worry about. I was fine after sessions and walked or cycled each day. I am now day 4 days since and have not yet had any issues :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:in reality, I am waiting for something to kick in but making the most of feeling good at the moment. Good luck with your sessions.


Thank you Elsie.
It is encouraging to read that you have little SE so far.
I wish you all the best and lots of cycling sunny days ahead.

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Hi @mlen , I had 5 sessions of radio and finished yesterday. I have been able to walk for 30-40 mins each day. On day 4 I was very tired but I think that was more to do with travelling back and forward to the hospital each day as it’s almost an hour each way. Was fine on day 5 and again today . I’m expecting and have been advised tiredness will kick in about 10 days to two weeks after. Had mild nausea after each session but nothing major and didn’t need any meds . I’ve also lost my appetite which wasn’t great after chemo anyway but it’s noticeably worse. Hoping that’ll
Come back soon! The chest area I have had radio is quite tender and sore to touch but again nothing major. Hope that helps xx


Really helpful to hear everyone’s experiences of radio. I’m due to start radiotherapy on 31 January but was in hospital all day on Friday and it transpires I have COVID, which isn’t great as I’m still only two and a half weeks post-chemo. Obviously a lot will depend on how I’m feeling and whether I’m testing negative by then, but does anyone else know of a similar experience? Feel pretty rough today.

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Thanks so much for this @naughty_boob…hopefully the tiredness and pain passes soon for you. Xxx

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Thank you for replying. It is good to know that you were OK to walk for 40 minutes a day, I need and enjoy my daily walking dose.
That was quite a journey to get to the hospital, brave you for achieving the full 5 days. Nothing can be taken for granted I am learning.
Please keep letting me know how it is going for you in the following days.

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Hello Daffodil1, so sorry to read that you have covid at the moment so close to have finished chemo.
All the best for you to have a full recovery from it and be at your best for radiotherapy.

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I had nausea about a week after I finished radiotherapy. It was manageable and like the IBS nausea I get. I did eat ginger biscuits - that’s my excuse!
I have been exercising throughout and after the radiotherapy. It made me feel more normal again. My treatment is now over but I’m now tearful a lot. Im now just going with the emotions rather than having ‘a stiff upper lip’.
Good luck x

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@romabe99 Glad your treatment has now finished. I’ve finished radiotherapy 10 days ago but still have Herceptin injections until September with Letrozole. I can understand you being teary, I cried after the receptionist was kind to me on the last day and then during the last zaps of radiotherapy. I feel that I am still in treatment until September so I’m not ready to think of my new normal just yet. When I am I will join the course below. It may be of use to you at some point.

Breast cancer now and many other charities have ‘Moving Forward’ next steps type of courses. Moving Forward Online course | Breast Cancer Now.

You can also talk to your breast care nurse who can refer you in the NHS for some help if needed.
Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks, I think I’m going to look at the moving forward and some more counselling .
Now hopefully this will make you laugh…. My latest side effect only on the left boob (which was zapped) is erect nipple. Just one side though :rofl: and it really shows :joy::joy::joy:


Hi all. So, I am meant to start on Weds but I still haven’t signed my consent as my doctor has had a bereavement. I was meant to sign on the day of my planning scan 11 days ago but couldn’t and because if the circumstances I didn’t want to get shirty. It got to Friday 5.30pm and they still couldn’t update me on when I could do it. So now in limbo hoping they can get something in the calendar before 9am Weds :upside_down_face: Why is nothing with this bloody disease anything but full of stress?! I had been doing well getting myself mentally and physically prepared…and now I don’t even though if they will let me get zapped! It is 3 months since my op on Weds. Desperate to get going. Xxx


Thank you mlen, it’s not the best timing. My husband has also just tested positive for COVID. I need to ring the radiotherapy department soon and see what they say, whether they advise postponing etc…


Hi Blue, hope that all happens fir you before Wednesday. Will keep fingers crossed…

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Not good @blue80 , hope you get it sorted before Wednesday. I find throughout all of this that the staff are wonderful , it’s the systems that are awful and this adds to our stress xx

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Hey all, I’m now 3 days post treatment and I’ve woken up this morning and the area around my mastectomy is really firm and raised . It’s tender to touch. I don’t have a temperature and it’s not inflamed so I don’t think it’s an infection. Anyone who’s had their radio , is this usual ?