January 2024 radiotherapy starters

Sorry to hear that your husband now has Covid @daffodil1, hope you both make a speedy recovery and you can continue with your treatment soon. Are you feeling ok or is it worse maybe because of being immunocompromised? It can be nasty even at the best of times . Take care xx

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I hear you, emotions are all around.
Thanks for the ginger biscuits trick, I will bring some with me.


Hi @romabe99 Until you mentioned your erect nipples I didn’t even notice mine and have just realised I have the same but both sides and I’m wearing a soft tshirt bra so pert nipples ( the only pertness about my boobs!) through the tshirt :rofl:. Mine are also a bit itchy. Not sure if that’s because they are erect or just skin changes after the radiotherapy


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Oh dear @blue80 i remember signing my consent form during a clinic appointment at Velindre, the clinic was running very late so the radiographer grabbed us for the explanation and I signed the form then.

It’s s shame it couldn’t be done at your planning, I would have thought that the decision about how much and how many days would have already been decided by a MDT meeting. If you doctor is not available then surely someone else can take over. I hope you get your answers soon so your treatment can go ahead.

Thinking of you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi @copperycat

I have two wide local incision so can’t comment on your mastectomy, but I would call the radiotherapy number they gave you after treatment for advise. Or the treatment helpline. Best to get it checked.

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Hi coppery, I would imagine that’s probably an unpleasant, but not uncommon, side effect of treatment. Ladies with remaining breasts say their breasts feel tight so I imagine may be the same for us with the skin on our chests. And I understand the effects are worse in the 2 to 3 weeks following treatment…RT affects skin elasticity as I understand…

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Hi copperycat, thank you. I’m really not sure if it’s down to being immunocompromised or not…but unfortunately RT is being delayed…


Hi Cami
Just wondering how you’re doing further down the line from finishing your radiotherapy, know you also had a long treatment. Hope you’re doing OK


@romabe99 @naughty_boob
Day 6 post rads and my nipple is also erect and sensitive :thinking: wearing a soft T-shirt with out bra when I can as I have a slight rash mostly under bra band.


Yes it feel like I am growing a boob! I’m sure it’s normal , just unpleasant. And hopefully will go down.

So sorry your radio has been postponed. Hope you get started soon , it’s a relief to get it over with xx

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Hi dear,
Thank you for asking,
I am doing well, I expected to be worst, they said radiotherapy is working a few weeks after i finish, but nothing new, my skin is red but not to bad.
Physical I am better, not tired as before, a bit bones pain but after long waking, mostly as a muscle pain, hopefully is only because a I start walking daily and nothing to worry.
I was busy with the children meetings.at school, and I am trying to keep a diet with no sugar and carbo.
I am still fluffy from steroids or I retain water, not sure, but I have a few appointments coming with the Breast Cancer team and radiotherapy in February and with the oncologist on March.
I got 2 more months medical holiday :grin: so I don’t know what will be.
My hair start growing up and my eyelashes too, hopefully my scalp will be fully covered by hair now doesn’t look nice😞
My nails are growing to, so I seen now the difference, chemotherapy damage nails, colouring in yellow and are very thin.
Generally not to bad.
I start the tamoxifen a week ago. I don’t feel anything yet and I hope I will never feel any serious sides effects. Zoladex injection from next week.
Saturday it will be my daughter birthday party, she’s is 9, and I promise her so she invited all class​:star_struck::joy:
Hopefully you are feeling well,
I send a big hug to all. :gift_heart::two_hearts::hugs:


I had 2 sessions already, on 1st skin felt as if I was tanned but no colour change and now after 2nd I don’t feel anything in particular which make me worry if this is working.
I keep ginger with me and sleep 2 extra hours a day.

All best to those starting today!xx


Hi @mlen
I think it works silently! My friend had no effects, another had extreme fatigue (though that was a brain tumour so they treated her head).
Hope you’re feeling ok today.
M x

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Had my 1st session today. Good to get started finally. Bit tired from an early start and does feel bit like I have been in sun but nothing drastic. Slathering on cream! Good luck everyone xxx


Hi @Camy_Radika

So lovely to hear from you. I finished my radiotherapy two weeks ago and felt quite rough with chest/rib pain, pink boobs, itchy nipples and sore scars. Tiredness and achy joints but unsure if that’s the radiotherapy, the chemo or Letrozole, which I’ve been on for two weeks. Hot flushes/ heat surges are a pain, especially night I can wake up 4/5 times. Talking of your fluffy or retaining water, I called the cancer centre about mine and they said I need to see GP as I may need treatment to reduce it. So another job to do!

I’m still signed off from work. Not sure how you manage with children as well as your treatment and all the travelling you had to do.

Good luck with your daughter’s party, I hope you get some other parents to help as I know from working in school a whole class is a lot to deal with at the best of times let alone after the treatment you’ve had not so long ago. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Had an online session with Penny Brohn with some other people with cancer which was nice to chat with like minded/similar situation but I became very emotional. Still find it hard thinking all the stuff I’ve been though in the last 9/10 months and still having Herceptin 3 weekly. I had arranged a chat via work with counselling team who were supposed to call today at 2;30 but I didn’t receive a call which is very disappointing. The Penny Brohn team encouraged me to sign up to theirs and somebody on the call recommended MacMillan as it were very quick to arrange. I’m so disappointed as it took a lot to pick up the phone to arrange and then they didn’t bother to call at the arranged time😕



I am glad for you to done with the radiation,
If I am thinking, I didn’t know I have so many bones :sweat_smile: I feel pain in all of them, I would said is the chemo and radiotherapy ,
We have to think from how long your treatment has been going so we need same amount of days to recover.
I am thinking to return back to work in two months, but that’s depends if my body on that moment and hopefully I will be strong enough, I found to hard to stay at home, I would like to do some exercise as fitness or similar, cardio, but nothing pushing me from the back, i am so lazy :sob:
Thank you for thinking of me :two_hearts: I really enjoy my days off from all this trips to hospital and I am thankful for being on my feet.
Hopefully everything will goes well for you too, big hug :hugs:
Wish to all the girls to have a well going treatment :gift_heart:


Thank you. I seem to be doing quite well, just a little tired.
They have been very nice to me today and explaining how radiotherapy works. I feel better now and less anxious.


Hello cami
It is very lovely to hear from you, thank you for replying. Sounds like you have done very well with radiotherapy and I’m so glad you have a couple of months before returning to work. Sounds like you are enjoying doing normal things, like organising your daughter’s birthday party. Hope that goes well, sounds like fun (and quite hard work!)

I’m still recovering from COVID and radiotherapy was postponed from yesterday, still hoping for it to go ahead on Monday.

Sending much love


Hi naughtyboob
So sorry to hear the counsellor didn’t call as arranged, that’s so disappointing and upsetting as we build ourselves up and prepare for these things. Hope you have more luck with other recommended routes for that…
Sounds like you felt quite rough after the radiotherapy. Must admit I’m quite nervous about it and it’s after effects, especially as I’ll be having 3 weeks of it. That said, I do just hope and pray it starts on Monday now and get through the three weeks. There are so many bugs around here

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How are you going copperycat, is it any better?

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