Morning lovelies, just ordered my adaptive tracksuit from primark. £36 and it has an opening for my picc line so perfect. Quick order before they go. They only come out today!!!
A couple of nice basics. I spotted the range coming a couple of weeks ago. Sadly Scotland isnt trialling the click and collect so need to just chance going and trying to get them. A really great price too
Hello everyone, thank you for the answers about Herceptin versus Phesgo debate, still not sure how they choose.
Hello everyone,
So today was day 1 of cycle one, IV Docetaxel, Carboplatin and SC Phesgo. Had an allergic reaction to Docetaxel just as it started so they quickly gave me more steroids and piriton and then just ran it through very slowly, very scary as thought my heart was going to burst it was thumping so hard!! And I was bright red over my face and chest…
Anyway I’m home and feel ok except keep burping but not sure what to do with myself, had some leek and potato soup but not tired (huge dose of steroids IV pre-chemo, feel like I’m waiting for side effects, any suggestions? Please and thank you xx
Hi, well done that’s 1 cycle done, sorry you had an allergic reaction but pleased it was dealt with quickly. Your team may reduce the dose or process slower for the next cycle. It’s very common for reductions to happen.
As far as the burping, it could be indigestion, I was prescribed antacids to take the day before, the day off and the day after chemo. ( I had Paclitaxel which is a taxane chemo similar to Docetaxel). It didn’t happen to me but it may also be linked to nausea side effect of chemo, have you got and taken your anti nausea tablets?
Listen to your body and rest when you can. Steroids do tend to make people a bit wired. If something doesn’t feel right ring your helpline.
Thank you @naughty_boob for such a quick reply.
I hadn’t thought it might be nausea, I’ll take a metoclopramide that they gave me as tablets and get some antacids tomorrow.
Thanks for sharing your story too.
It’s a strange feeling isn’t it being weird and tired at the same time, glad I’m not a body builder!! Xx
I would ask your team or GP for antacids as most prefer to prescribe everything you take rather than you buying over the counter. I was given them in my ‘goody’ bags of drugs each cycle.
I hope the metocloperamide improves your symptoms. I started on that drug but I needed to change to Cyclizine, which worked better for me. There is a number of anti nausea drugs they can prescribe.
Hi everyone. Was just thinking it’s very nearly the end of the month and so we will all likely have had our first round (or maybe two!) by now.
We’ve made that first hard step, I hope everybody is doing ok and isn’t finding it all too tough. xxx
Well that’s my bloods done this morning and booked in for 930am for my 1st round. Was initially told 3 weekly but they think I’m fit enough for fortnightly. Worried that I won’t have any spells of feeling normal when they are so close together.
I am now bricking. Think after seeing the unit it’s just made feel it all real. Was also told today about injections and other meds I need to take. So now researching all of that.
@fimac1 get this first one out of the way and you will feel so much better about it. You know what you are dealing with then.
If you feel you can’t cope with fortnightly, tell them - it’s your treatment and if they can change it then I’m sure they will. However being fortnightly does mean it will be over sooner…! I would suggest seeing how you get on this time, then make an informed decision.
Try not to stress too much this evening, and good luck for tomorrow!
I feel like I’ve been watching from a distance for a long time, patiently waiting my turn
This time tomorrow the first one will be done
Good luck and big hugs for tomorrow. Just think, one down and the relief you’ll feel tomorrow night will be immense!
I’m doing fortnightly cycles and a few common side effects but doable so far. I’m lucky that I’m not working or have kiddies at home so trying to behave and rest so I can hack the pace!
Hello to everyone else on the group, hope you’re coping and getting through.
All in this together!
Hi Lovely Ladies
Had my second cycle of EC on Tuesday and have to say it was much easier on me than the first round.
I didn’t suffer the dizziness and nausea this time and have been less tired.
First round gave me a migraine for 4 days but have taken migraine tablets to prevent and it has really helped.
I had a reaction to the injections last time, chest pain, nose bleeds numb face. They have changed my injections to just one on day three, another brand. Fingers crossed all is well.
Perhaps our bodies are more prepared for the chemo and it isnt such a shock to the system the second round.
Here’s hoping this is the case for you ladies too.
We can do this x
Well that’s number one completed! Feel better now I know what happens as no surprises now (except the red pee ). Heading home to lie on sofa as I feel exhausted after waking at 330am
I’m still on round one. Two week delay but booked in for next Thursday. My side effects weren’t great so good to hear that it may get easier…
Hi, aged 38 and new here. Just started chemo last Friday for Stage 3, Grade 3 ER/PR+ HER2- Had a mastectomy and full ANC in early December where they found more than they thought initially (80mm tumour and 16/26 node involvement) but still got clear margins during surgery so now starting ‘preventative’ treatment. Having 4 x EC, then 4 x paclitaxel at 2 week cycles via a PICC line followed by 15 x radiotherapy / hormone treatment - currently also having ovary suppression injections alongside! Phew…. Think that’s everything just looking to connect with others going through this 🩷
Hi everyone, welcome to the new ladies above, it’s so strange to know we are all part of the same group going through such awful things at this moment in time but good to know we are not alone.
I had my 1st chemo (HER-2 positive on Docetaxel, carboplatin and Phesgo) on Wednesday and felt very nauseous for the last 3 days but keep taking the extra anti sickness which is helping a lot.
I just wondered if anyone has this as I felt my bad boob today and it feels really hard and sore since I’ve had the 1st chemo, no temperature but really strange, anyone heard of this?
Any information or advice please? Thank you
Hey @daxiedragon9 wekcone to the chat. I’m almost exactly the same ans you although I haven’t had my ALNC yet as they wanted to get me on chemo. So I have to have another surgery then wait then radiotherapy. Hormone and parb inhibitor as I have the palb2 gene honestly, I was hoping it would be a lumpectomy and tamoxifen and I’d be on my merry way…if only!! But hey ho, we’re nearly there… happy to chat anytime
Hi @daxiedragon9
Welcome to the group.
I’m a week ahead of you and I had the same tumour type and grade but smaller at 43mm. I had a mastectomy and partial node clearance with clear margins. It’s like a different language!
On the same chemo and radio regime too.
Please feel free to DM me if you fancy a chat.
Hi @indigo2 how are you? How was your second EC? Were the side defects any easier? I forgot if you’re cold capping, any shedding yet? I’ve only had one and very mild shedding. My hair is really thin anyway so not much to shed trying my best to look after it though xx
Also, is anyone working in between treatments? I decided to do approx one week in and one week off, wfh, but last week was so full on and had to deal with all types of crisis situations. It’s hard because I want to work and keep myself busy when I’m feeling good but at the same time, I don’t want to put an additional pressure on myself. I’m not sure what to do going forward…
Hello folks, I’m just calling in. I had my fourth treatment yesterday. My hair started to head south this week (I’m not capping) so I am sorting out my scarf game. Our daughter found that a bit hard so I gave her free reign on choosing styles (questionable parenting decision in retrospect, at least style wise) and when I went into work this week I wore a scarf because she said it made me look healthy. I felt pretty self conscious, but I put on my boldest lipstick (my mum used to say, ‘the darker the day…the redder the lip’) and it was actually fine. I’m just seeing how much will shed before I cut it, but I think I’ll do it sooner rather than later, our drains and vacuum will thank me. I did buy a wig, but I’m reserving judgement on her for now, her primary function is to scare the heebies out of me during nocturnal bathroom visits when I catch a glimpse of her in the corner of my eye. I hope you’re all feeling good and you have lovely weekends. x