January 2025 chemo starters

Well done on completing round two.
I have had a harder time immediately after the second round but am starting to feel a bit better now. However, the filgastrim injections have not affected me as much this time.
My head hair is mainly gone now.
PICC line going in before next round of EC, which I am happy about now as my cannula sites and veins hurt. I am worried about coping with the PICC, keeping it secure and getting it flushed etc.
I have had a few moments where I have felt so bad I have thought of asking to stop treatment and I am dreading the next round.


Hi @pickle

Sorry you have had a harder time following your second cycle. Honestly this is such a roller coaster ride. It is difficult to predict. Taking each cycle at a time.

I fully understand you dreading your next round if you are having a rough time, but hopefully as you start to feel better you will also feel stronger to face the next cycle.

Lean on us ladies if you need a chat or just a rant.

There is no rights or wrongs on how we navigate this journey, but knowing that others share our ups and downs helps.

I too was a little freaked out about having a PICC line, but have to say it was much easier than I expected.

It is a bit of a pain having to wear an arm cover in the shower but it hasnā€™t been as much of an inconvenience as I expected.
I have real trouble getting the cannula in and giving blood, so the PICC line has made life much easier.
I hope you find this too. X


Hi jacsm, thanks, yes good advice about taking it cycle at a time. I have had a much better couple of days so I know it does get better.
That is good to hear about the PICC line, I have had difficulty with the cannula and have come to hate having bloods taken so it will make things easier.
Iā€™m getting ready with waterproof and other covers so I can shower.


Glad you are beginning to feel better.
It really takes a while to bounce back and feel human again.
Fingers crossed the PICC line works well for you. Definitely makes the bloods etc easier.


Hey Diddlydi1

I also had lots of pain in my lumpectomy boob - may be some nerve tension! Faded quite quickly but too me off guard as that was unexpected.


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It got worseā€¦.by 7pm I was really sick, only 15 minutes after taking an anti-sickness. Thankfully I felt better after that. Today, not too bad, just lacking energy. Managed to get 2 washing done and 2 x 15 minute walks with the dogs. Taking notes as it may be the anti-sickness isnā€™t working for me.


Hi @checkpoint44 thanks for the reply, that is so odd it was in your scar area.
Iā€™ve been doing a bit of research this afternoon and seems it could be tumour flare, can happen after first and second chemo or immunotherapy as cancer cells react and break down.
I did ring the 24 your telephone line from chemo unit but they said it was probably the filgrstim causing tightness as my obs were all ok. All these strange symptoms, so scary,ā€¦
Good luck to you on your journey :crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover: x



Ive kept a bit quiet last few weeks. I came out in a rash on 80% of my body. 2 days before my paclitaxel chemo and so this treatment was cancelled. I was upset and blummin annoyed as i have been fine otherwise. I pleaded to go ahead but quite rightly they said no and put me on steroids for 9 days running. They think it was the paclitaxel and so changed that to another chemo but also it could have been the immuno. Anyway we skipped a chemo seession and on friday I began cycle 2. Immuno, carbo and abraxane. Fingers crossed no more rash but iā€™m worried. I think day 4&5 are my bad days but see what this cycle brings.

Ive decided to stay off work even though on im pretty well so far. Extremely grateful when we took out a mortgage many years ago we were strongly encouraged to tske out critical illness.

Also im on the waiting list to apply for PIP. Macmillan will he helping with the form filling. I hope every knows they can apply for this. Its not means tested so they dont ask about income or savings.

Welcome to the new ladies. The group none of us wanted to join. But i find it less lonely reading everyones updates. If anyone has tnbc i have joined a wonderful group on facebook too.

My daughter is struggling with bad dreams and going to school at the moment. Drop off is the issue. Sheā€™s fine once sheā€™s in. She is having one to one with a teaching assistant. School have been great and working with Velindre cancer centre, Cardiff. Any advice with kids greatly appreciated. I have 3 children 11, 8 and 4. 11 year old has buried it and doesnt want to talk about it, which weve accepted. 4 year old thinks i have a bad arm and chest and daddy is home to look after me sometimes.

Sorry long post, i love a chat and i suppse its been a busy 2 weeks! Take care all xx


Hi Jacsm, well done, glad to hear your plans and definately recommend a) yu keep your hands and feet cool if you want to avoid neurotherapy; i found regular exercise of those areas and even having reflexology in ther 3rd week help avoid this condition, which they donā€™t tell you if its bad may affect yur abiity to drive. Heated throw brill idea and one i was advised to have. i took my own snacks and found especially when on Doxetaxel some buttered burnt toast, took away the toxin, and improved my appetite. Cold cap is a bain, but much better than waiting for your hair to re-grow. I took my own conditioner and a towel turban for use afterward, whilst i sat in Maggies having a lovely hot brew, before heading home. The plus side of cold cap is the curly hair afterwards and some even get a change of hair colour.
you will get through this and it is a great idea to read back what others have done before you. Iā€™m 2 years beyond this now, but feel free to ask questions, lol Moonsox, xxx


So ive now lost 80% of my hair (was cold capping) the rest went into birds nest syndrome and i got it chopped off!

Chemo no.3 was due monday but has been put on hold as Iā€™ve got 2 cysts. One on my mx dog ear, which was lanced on Friday and the other on my calf burst this morning in the shower. Ive got antibiotics but so fed up. This week has been one upset after another :upside_down_face: :sleepy: :unamused:

Sorry moan over.


@dragonfly2 that sounds awful! I hope it all comes together and you feel better soon x


Moan away. So frustrating to have a delay. Are you weekly or 3 weekly? How are you coping otherwise? Hope your children and managing well too.

Sorry about the hair loss. Mine is slowly shedding but nothing noticeable yet.

Ive just rung the helpline as i think my rash has worsened since chemo Friday. Annoyingly they said they arenā€™t too concerned yet and said ring tomorrow if it worsens. Basically thereā€™s no assessment unit open on a Sunday it seems.

Friday was the start of my cycle 2 and im definitely more dozy this time.


Im fortnightly and was due no. 3 in monday xx

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@letsdothis Iā€™m surprised they have said the assessment unit is not open on Sunday as I was also under Velindre and went in on a Sunday due to a temperature and was then admitted back in November 2023. Maybe they have staff issues or they arenā€™t too concerned at the moment. Keep an eye on it and if you feel it getting worse call them back.

As far as your children, I have worked in primary school for over 20 years and Iā€™m so pleased your childrenā€™s school are working with Velindre to help support them. From my experience in a variety of situations where parents/carers have been poorly itā€™s best to be honest with the children and let them talk and ask questions when they need to. Be guided by them. There are a number of books out there that can support children with family having cancer treatments.

The Huge Bag of Worries is on YouTube, itā€™s a lovely book that can encourage children to deal with worry and anxiety.

Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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@letsdothis keep an eyebon your rash. I have a dotted line in permanent marker all over the red area on my leg surrounding the cyst. Its all ao frustrating as the hospital aay the gp should be keepong an eye on me and the go osnt interested as im under the care of the hospital. Dressing needs changing tomo and loks like the only option is a&e xx


I have been in on a sunday and staffing was an issue. I saw a jnr doctor and wasnt happy with the service and did feed this back. If they wont prescribe me steroids today theres little point me going in to be honest. Im a little paranoid about the rash but its no worse than this morning. If need be iā€™ll go in tomorrow and they are fab, couldnt fault them last time. Hopefully it wont come to much overnight :crossed_fingers:

Thanks for the information about the kids. Im really pleased with the support from the school and with velindre. My 3 kids had a vip tour of the hospital, which took away so much fear and the specialist nurse was lovely with them. My 8year old.has fully embraced her worry monster and is communicating really well. Im proud of her.


I am thanks. Ive got antihistamines and using a dermol cream that was prescribed last time. Im just extra paranoid as i dont want to miss chemo.

Thatā€™s rubbish they are sending you to the gp. Iā€™d not thought to contact my gp for anything and id have assumed they would have arranged district nurse changed your dressing.

Do you have to wait 2 weeks for next chemo?

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I am booked in for a week on Monday, but that is depending on how my cysts have healed. Not sure who makes the decision. I guess they will decided at the bloods on Friday (not holding my breath). Its total pants that its been delayed as i had Easter as my end and the children have been focused on that. They have both been so good but we all just want it over with now xx

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Hi, I am on day 10 of my first cycle. I have inflammatory breast cancer, ER/PR + HER2-. First treatment is chemotherapy and I have started with 2 weekly cycles of dose-dense EC-taxol. I had massive anxiety before and for the first 5 days or so but that has lessened having hopefully got through the worst this cycle.

I have a PICC line, I was basically told I needed to have it as the EC is not vein friendly. So far it has been fine and it makes it so much easier then a cannula all the time. The other advantage is I am getting the dressing changed and line flushed weekly at the unit and I find it reassuring I can touch base and ask questions then.

I am not cold capping. Again told by my oncologist and the nurses it wasnā€™t worth it as I would lose my hair anyway. Waiting for that to happen.

I had terrible bone pain on the last day of my filgrastim injection, luckily it was gone after 24 hours.

Iā€™m hoping next week is going to be a ā€˜goodā€™ week before the next round on Friday .


Hi @heya_25 Iā€™m on day 3 so read your update with interest (we are only 7 days apart) and I am so much further behind lots of the others on here with having my first CE on last day of month, Iā€™m not cold calling either. I feel like my hair wonā€™t bother me as much as some of the other side effects. Plus I think the extra time and sensation of cold capping just wasnā€™t for me.

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