January 2025 chemo starters

Hello all, I finally got the go ahead after elevated liver enzymes and a two week delay, so 2nd EC on Thursday. I didn’t have it easy but hoping this time it’s slightly better. I’m cold capping, hair shedding a little but not too bad. Let’s see what 2nd EC brings :crossed_fingers:t4:


If it’s next week @jnra , we start our second on the same day. :slightly_smiling_face: So glad to hear that you’re back on the road again :grinning::crossed_fingers:t3:

Thanks @indigo2 its tomorrow. It’s so frustrating when you get a delay but at least we’re both getting back on track. Just praying no more delays. Roll on summer :sunny::sunny::sunny:


@indigo2 hi xx I had my first EC 6/1/25 and after 2 weeks my hair went a funny texture and formed into dread locks, my daughter tried to undo one and it was loose from my scalp and made me cringe, 2 days later glass of wine in hand I just took it all off, I’m still struggling with confidence going out totally bald and it’s cold so I am going to Leeds to get a wig this weekend with my daughter, for those days were we want to be just exactly us xx

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My once recommended home made made wash - teaspoon of salt and teaspoon of bicarbonate soda in a cup of water


Round 2 today - my hair started falling
Out last Monday so we shaved my head - feel tired today and a bit out of it - I’m hoping the side effects aren’t as bad as the first round but having done one I know what to expect and that it gets worse with each dose - hope everyone is ok x


Great recommendation, I was using salt water at first and then a friend in Australia was told to include bicarbonate of soda as well. There is a mix available on prescription but it’s so easy to make your own.
It helps to keep your mouth as healthy as possible.



Strange question….and I am seeing nurse tomorrow regardless of anyone’s answers….but after EC (had first treatment on 31/1/25) did anyone noticed changes in breasts? I have puckering in the breast that has calcification and pre-cancer cells, plus pain. No temperature or anything to suggest infection, but really blooming sore.

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….amd now I have woke up and it’s swollen, blooming awful sore and red. Will call and see if I should be going to see them earlier.

@fimac1 no advice to offer but just a virtual hug :people_hugging:

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Good luck for today @jnra

Thank you! Just sitting here waiting to be poisoned :joy: I really wish we could bring people in with us…


Oh no, hopefully they’ll get to the bottom of it. I haven’t had any issue with my implants so far but my arm where they took a few of my lymph nodes feels a bit tender… think I might need physio but might as well wait as they’re going to take them all out after chemo. Anyone else got numbness, tenderness following lymph node removal. Does it go?

I had a total node clearance and am completely numb in my armpit and partially down my upper arm / side of my chest. Asked my physio if it would ever come back and she said it can take up to 2 years but generally if nothing by 18 months, it probably won’t so it seems like a long game!

Woken up this morning and the skin on my face is awful :see_no_evil: I’m like a teenager! Does anyone have any recommendations for skincare during chemo? Wondering if my normal regime is too harsh for me now. I’ve just ordered the MooGoo sensitive calming balm as read good reviews of that online but otherwise I have no clue! Will ask the nurses at my second EC tomorrow too x

Call your team about your skin, some chemo drugs can cause acne. Your team will be able to prescribe something to help,



Oh I’ve have a few spots too, will have to mention that at my next appointment


@debly123 seems a few of us are braving the shave. I went out yesterday in public for the first time for lunch with a buff on and some people did look, it doesn’t help that I look white as a sheet because I’m fair as well! I went outside in the sunshine and took it off and it felt quite liberating, a bit like that ‘because I’m worth it’ advert but with a baldy head! :laughing:
Good luck with your wig fitting in Leeds this weekend :sunflower:

@jojey thanks for the bicarbonate recommendation, I will add that to the lotions n potions list. The antibiotics for my eye seem to have had a positive effect on my ulcers too so hope it stays like that!
Like @naughty_boob suggests, I’ll use the mouth wash mix as a preventative. Thank you’
Good for you for posting your photos, you look lovely and doesn’t it make your eyes and glasses stand out. The more sparce bits on my head look like little paths everywhere so had another buzz cut this week.
Hope you’re getting on well after you’re second round.:sunflower:

@fimac1 best wishes with getting that boob flare up sorted quickly, that’s all you blooming needed, the chemo seems to target any little weak spot. Hope to hear from you later how you got on :crossed_fingers:t3::sunflower:

@jnra hope the chemo went well today and the cold capping too. Crossed fingers for a smoothish ride over the next few day. Take care :sunflower:

@heya_25 Good luck for chemo tomorrow. Hope the Nystatin does the trick. @Shi suggested asking for the Fluconazole capsules, which nailed it for me so maybe worth a shot if it doesn’t go away.
Hope the wig fitting went well today. When do you get your new one?

Apologies for the long post folks, I read somewhere on here to condense them. I’m a chatterbox anyway! :roll_eyes: I wish we were all sitting round a big coffee table having a good moan and some cake (and possibly some Ondansetron!)
Take care everyone :sunflower:


@daxiedragon9 I had a huuuge breakout after my second dose - much much worse than anything I had as a teenager! I just used the mildest things (wash+moisturiser) I could find and after a few days it mostly cleared itself up so in the end didn’t raise it with the team (by the time I saw them I was down to less than a dozen spots + some redness so not much to show them :joy:)
I guess better a spotty face than cancer though…

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There is a beauty despite cancer range by Jennifer young worth a look at. Few of us used the scalp care kit back in 2017. Can’t comment on any of the other products but might be worth a look :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


@indigo2 markers higher than they would like (although not concerning high) so starting antibiotics tomorrow. Also left the appointment with morphine for pain, laxative stuff and more antisickness tablets. Hopefully this doesn’t stop 2nd course of EC next Friday :woozy_face:

@jnra how did you get on today? Hopefully as good as it can be?