@indigo2 what a shame you were ill after going out, this is the gift that just keeps giving (if it wasn’t food poisoning)! Hopefully it settled and you are feeling better now.
@fimac1 hope you’ve slowed down and all goes well with oncologist today.
I’m going to have a lazy one today after a busy few days and third EC yesterday, hope everybody has a good day.
@jnra I really hope things improve for you. @indigo2 I hope you feel better and chemo wasn’t delayed. I’m a teacher so I can’t work which means I can take things easy. I really need to for about the first 5 days after EC. Feeling more lively today but worried about bone pain coming back today or tomorrow .
I am going to brave the shave tonight. The handfuls of hair shedding are annoying me but I’m still sad about it. A friend is going to do the deed and a couple of other friends are coming, their role is to distract me with witty chat.
Hi I had my second chemo last week, I was ill with my first one and I only had one good week which was the week before I started this chemo so I know what to expect now. Has anyone had aching bones and spine after chemo x
I had mixed emotions. Was glad because of the hair everywhere, do feel like a cancer patient now though and have to stop scaring the Amazon delivery guy each time I go to the door cos I forget I’ve nothing on my head! Hope you can make it fun with your friends
So the same as you re the first week post chemo. A bit yuk, headachy and then a bit of back and bone pain with the jabs. Had it yesterday, so another one down
@sacha a lot of pain seems to be related to the Filgrastim home jabs if you’re having those. I personally do feel achy before I start them though.
Im home after chemo today. Didnt expect it to go ahead today as been full of cold but bloods were fine and so decided to go ahead. Really hope that this wasnt a mistake and the week ahead is manageable🤞
Re the filgrastim injections i took paracetamol to ease any aches. My first 2 weeks were the worst and couldnt keep still. They are easier now to cope with.
Also since someone mentioned periods so ive had 5 out of 6 chemo sessions so far, i did have a period in Jan but not had one this month and wondering if they’ve stopped already. I was told it would likely push me into early menopause. I know its early days but does anyone else think their period may have stopped already x
I had a period in late December, nothing since I started chemo. Had my third EC yesterday, moving onto T next time. I was warned that my period would likely stop so I have not expected one.
Thanks. I had a wobble before the shave, but feel so relieved and much more comfortable since. It was definitely time and it is strangely liberating. I had a lovely evening with friends putting the world to rights so it wasn’t just about me and cancer and hair, which was so nice.
@heya_25 That’s great to hear you had a good night with your friends. It ‘is’ liberating, I felt the same, a bit like taking control back! I recommend Moo Goo Restore cream to keep your scalp tip top.
Day 3 post Cycle 3 EC, floored this time. Did start a raising awareness fundraising thing online for my unit yesterday so I’m really whacked but feeling very nauseous, don’t think I’m drinking enough. Had last Apprepitant today, now on metochlopramide but reckon I’m heading for the levomepromazine which they gave me as a back up.
Anyone else been needing extra sickness meds?
I have had the ondansetron removed and changed to apprepitant. The ondansetron was not really working and was making me very constipated. I also had a small dose of lorazepam on the day of chemo 3. I still have the metoclopramide three times a day on top of that. Last day of meds today and I am always happy when the three days are up.
Hey @sacha, I was really sick after first EC but they gave me meds to take on the morning of chemo an hour before I went in. Was night and day! No sickness and managed to eat small meals. This is day 17 (or 3 on 2nd EC). My bones are ok after injections from last time, but 1st injection on this round.
Was given Appepitride this time too….night and day. Have Ondensetrone as standard and metaclopramide as back up (all spelled wrong I think )
My concern is the scalp pain! I have a pixie cut but I flushed what looked like a whole kitten down the toilet this morning which I collected from the shower . I think I have about 1/3rd to 1/2 hair left but no patches. Will shave once I have patches but the scalp pain is bad. Almost like when you have a pony tail all day then let it down. Apart from paracetamol any tips? Can’t even think about putting more medication into me
@fimac that’s a brilliant description of the hair thing! I was trying to explain to my daughter that it was a bit like getting highlights in the olden days when they pulled hair through the rubber cap, she just looked at me as if I had two horns!
If it’s any consolation, I shaved 17 days post first chemo and my scalp pain went about 1-2 weeks down the line.
The www.cancerhaircare.co.uk had an online webinar which suggested using Dr. Organic Tea Tree face wash as shampoo for a sore scalp and I use the Moo Goo wash products too.
Hi all hope we are all managing. Been busy reading and catching up and just wanted to add i shaved my head 10 days after first chemo - it was starting to come out - went for no 2 guard but was still seeing the hair fall out quite a bit so did it again without a guard. My scalp is itchy and sore to touch mentioned it when I saw the consultant and he recommended a hair mask - I picked up a cheap one from B&M and it helps loads - I put it on first thing and leave it on - I tend to apply another coat late afternoon then shower it off before bed - don’t sleep in it it can damage follicles apparently. I also was experiencing horrendous spine and breast plate pains - day 5 of injections - I managed to get through with paracetamol and ibuprofen (alternated every two hours), again I mentioned this and he is going to give me the single injection to take home next time - it’s not a guarantee of no bone pain but he said it can help - round 3 on 26/2 for me and then only one more to go! I haven’t been as bad after the second thankfully - take care all x
Hi folks,
I’m just getting up to date with the threads. I had number 6 on Friday and managed to use the port. It was pretty straight forward and my poor beleaguered veins heaved a sigh of relief. I decided last week that the hair had had its day (well, it somewhat took the lead on that decision as I woke up on Sunday morning with one big dreadlock) and followed the advice in this video https://youtu.be/4_iUz_TGR2k?si=D4vOBu353KFPqOTy I wanted to share it because I found it really pragmatic. Xx
Evening everyone I’m back from the pits of hell!!! Second EC was even worse than first. The nausea was intense even though I was taking various anti sickness, but the weird thing was I was craving food so bad so I was ordering pret daily!!! The shots were also more painful and my whole body felt bloated and bruised. It was so hard! Anyway, went for a blood test and enzymes through the roof so my poor liver can’t take it and clearly why I’ve been so bad.
So I’ve decided I’m not having 2 more EC. They have mentioned maybe reducing the dose but honestly I can’t bring myself to do it again. I’m seeing them on Tuesday and will hopefully be moved onto fortnightly paclitaxel which I’ve heard is much better it’s hard and I am worried but I have a full treatment plan beyond this which has been designed to stop it coming back
@mags3 Thanks for the video link, I’m going to be getting the lint roller on my scalp to try and remove the hairs!
@jnra I hope you manage to find a way forward with your team. Our poor bodies and what we are having to put them through with so little choice or control, it is really tough.
I’m hoping for a few good days now before round 3 of EC on Friday. I’m wondering if the accumulation is going to make it tougher.
Sorry to those of you suffering with nausea… that’s the worst part of this, it really just floors you. I managed to avoid the acute night 1 nausea I had in my first cycle by changing the timings of some of my meds, but it still caught up with me on day 2. I keep having weird little episodes during the second week of my (2 week) cycles. I’m mostly feeling ‘normal’ in the second week other than fairly regular, constant headaches. However, I keep having periods where they become really intense and make me feel suddenly quite ill and a temperature check will show me below 36 (varying from 35.2 to 35.8). I’ve called the treatment helpline on a few occasions when these have happened but, within around 20 minutes, my temperature is back up above 36 so they just tell me to take medicine for the headache and then monitor. I’m going to mention them at my clinic appointment tomorrow but has anyone had anything similar? It happened twice during my first cycle and has happened 3 or 4 times this cycle - they’re too similar on how they feel and the way they progress each time to not be being caused by something specific, I just don’t know what!