January 2025 chemo starters

Anyone finding eyesight a bit weird.
I have a prescription (only about 3 months old but pre chemo) for computer and books etc but finding eyes don’t really want to focus for distance…just sort of tired. Don’t particularly want to focus on books etc either, with or without glasses, but better on.

Just another weird side effect?


I would call your helpline and ask for advice.


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@fimac1 I find during the first few days when I have chemo head and can’t focus on anything, I find it harder to focus on small print and don’t really want to read. That goes away when my head clears. I have just had a change in prescription though and collected my new glasses today so will see if that still happens next time around.


Thanks for responding. Yes, just the first few days so hopefully ease off again

Hi there
Yes I have been thinking my eye sight has deteriorated, I will get booked in for a eye test. X


Hi how are people dealing with nausea please? I’m now day 6 post 3rd EC and every evening I’m feeling sick. Was about to take a metaclopramide, but it says not to take for more than 5 consecutive days.
I have tried ginger thins and queasy sweets but they’re not working this evening.

I’m right there with you. Feeling really yuk this time. 6 days post 3rd EC cycle.
Was on Metochlopramide 3 times a day but wasn’t working so I called the helpline and they gave me Ondansteron and back up Cyclizine. Bit better today but I’m still sitting here feeling really queasy tonight. Was joking with the girl getting chemo next to me who I’m in touch with, that we got a bad batch!:nauseated_face: :slightly_frowning_face:

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@indigo2 Yes it all seems to have hit a bit harder this time, unless I’m just good at forgetting the previous…?!
Think you may be on to something and they’re sharing that dodgy batch out to all of us!
Thanks though, I’m still feeling rough so I will see if I can get some different meds like you mentioned. Hopefully we get some rest overnight and tomorrow starts to pick up… :crossed_fingers:

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Oh my gosh, @debly123 I thought I was losing it!

Yes I’ve had trouble focusing on small print too! Ive been constantly cleaning my glasses and cursing them for being greasy. :joy:

Just thought I’d pop over from Feb starters to have a read up. I’m glad I did now. Forgive the pun, but I will be keeping an eye on this. :grin:

Thank you @fimac1 for bringing this up :+1: x


Yippee! After a 4 week break i have finally resumed my chemo. No longer on antibiotics and the ulcer on my leg is healing. I still have to see the practice nurse twice a week for dressing changes to both my leg and the cyst on my dog ear. Feels very strange but everyone at the unit was lovely. Three down and 5 to go.

Hope everyone is ok and trying to keep positive xxx


:heart:great news your legs ok and you can restart chemo dragonfly2 :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


@dragonfly2 great news… onwards and upwards! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sunflower:


Hi yes I’m on the injections too so they are probably the reason for this then Thankyou :blush:

Hi @fimac1 I had some extra sickness tablets this time but the sickness seemed to be worse but I will mention it next week before my next chemo. I had red wee which was scary and I have a nosebleed every morning. It makes you wonder what it’s doing to your body but as long as it’s killing the cancer I’ll take it.
I hope your next chemo will be better for you.
Thankyou for your advice :blush:


Hi @sacha

I’ve had two cycles of treatment and have noticed that I’ve been having a bloody nose at week 2. Started off with a runny nose then it was blood stained and now it’s so dry it bleeds. I’ve found Vaseline applied carefully up each nostril with a cotton bud does the trick.


Hi there
I’ve just been prescribed Naseptin cream for the nose thing as it’s getting worse, think it is antibacterial and anti inflammatory. I’ll let you know how I get on.

A group hug to everyone trying to check the days off and keep their chin up. We’ll get there! :hugs::sunflower:


I think with a dry nose and no nasal hairs there’s a potential risk of infection. Your nose ointment sounds a good option :nose::man_bald:t2::face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


I had my 3rd cycle of EC yesterday. So far holding up but definitely got chemo head. I had to phone the helpline last night as my temp was low, but by the time I spoke to them it was going back up and I had no other symptoms so they said to monitor. A couple of hours later I was back over 36°. They said I’d done the right thing to call though.

I’ve been given a mouthwash now for if/when my mouth gets painful. So far it’s not. I make a mouthwash with salt and bicarbonate of soda every day in a bottle and use it after each time I eat.

I haven’t had nose trouble yet but I still have nasal hairs so it looks like another possible thing to look out for.

This time round I’m feeling a bit more fed up with the tediousness and not being able to focus on anything.

Hugs to everyone :hugs:


Thankyou @mrsjelly I’ll give it a try. I feel better knowing it’s not just me it happens to. I’ll try the Vaseline Thankyou :blush:

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Please mention nose bleeds to your team. I was on Paclitaxel and was told it could happen and to let them know if they were heavy and frequent.
