Hi all. So I’ve just been for an ultrasound and it is showing that my lymph node lumps have shrunk. I could tell this already as I can’t feel it in my armpit anymore (how I originally found it), but amazing to have it clinically confirmed!
They couldn’t say about the areas within my breast which I found odd, but is something to do with seeing calcifications instead…
Anyway, it’s shrinking, so I wanted to share as it proves all this that we are all going through is totally worth it! Roll on c4 on Wednesday! xx
Hey, I’ve just had my 3rd EC and the cold cap was so hard for me too. It’s so weird. I’m going to post on the paxman Facebook group and get their opinion. Made me want to give it up. How’s your hair holding up? I’ve lost some around my ears and it’s thinned a bit but you can’t tell. Just don’t know how I’ll cope wearing it for 4/5hrs with paclitaxel. I’ve made an appointment with wig shop just in case…. Xx
Hey @indigo2 how you feeling? I had my third EC yday. I felt sick all the way through and the cold cap hurt. I took a levomepromazine (anti sickness) when I got home and slept from 3pm until 4am. Woke up in between feeling really sick and dizzy but today hasn’t been too bad in comparison. I’m exhausted but nausea is much better. Fingers crossed just hoping it doesn’t get worse when steriods stop
@jnra was the cold cap painful all the way through? I’m doing it too and am thinning, but like you, it’s not noticeable (yet) and am wondering whether to continue when I start paclitaxel.
Are you taking painkillers before you start? And can your unit try on different anti-sickness?
It was bad at first then bearable then towards the end felt really tight and sore. I went the toilet so I don’t know if that interferes!
My nausea has got much better as they reduced my dose and meds but I think just being in the chemo chair, the infusion and having the cap on made me feel sick. It was really stressful and I broke down when I come out. It’s so hard and still got 5 to go
Me too. Coped really well with my first 2 cold caps but felt sick and claustrophobic with my third.
My hair is coping really well so far. Thinning a bit but not really noticeable. Lashes and eyebrows holding up too.
I am changing to Docetaxel for my next 3 so will be interesting to see if this continues. Had EC for first 3.
Fingers crossed it improves for the remaining 3. I really don’t want to give up the cold cap but did question it after last time.
It’s so much isn’t it… A lot to process and you’re not alone having those moments when it just overwhelms us.
I think with the cold capping our heads must just get to the stage of having had enough? Its quite a long time isn’t it… It’s like when you’re out in the cold and it gets in to your bones!
You have given it a good go, if you decide not to carry on then you still have the benefits of what you have done so far. But def contact paxman to see if they can suggest anything.
Not long home, last EC, yay. That little celebration may be a bit previous given the last fortnight! Have a triple anti sickness cocktail and I’m drinking loads and loads this time and plan to eat even smaller and more regularly. Nurse tells me sickness not common with Pax, so crossed fingers for the next 4
@leelee1 thats such encouraging news, a wee boost for us all that the stuff works.
@jacsm so glad you have the omeprazole now. I’ve found it more difficult to swallow in general, don’t know if that’s a sicky thing or a gullet lining thing As for going to the gym, I laughed at your description, the shower is enough for me!
@jnra another one down, yay. I totally agree, the session itself is so stressful it can make you unwell in itself. I felt sick today just going into the unit.
Good luck with your wig fitting.
So now for that feeling of just waiting to see how it’s going to be this time!
Have a nice weekend when it comes everyone!
Well done everyone for keeping going. I am starting to feel better from the 3rd EC round. My lovely sister is visiting and vacuuming for me.
My throat is worse this time, it affects swallowing but not so much that I can’t eat or drink. I have been given difflam mouthwash which helps and it is getting better.
I have one more EC then will be switching to Paclitaxel every 2 weeks so I’m interested in how the side effects will be different. I have an appointment with my Oncologist next week so this is one thing to discuss.
Anyone advise me? Was due round 3 on 28th Feb but ended up getting emergency dental appointment to remove tooth so chemo cancelled until Friday 7th March. Now I have developed a head cold with a chesty cough. I know it might be clear by Friday but are they liekly to cancel chemo again because of the cold/cough?
I started with a dry tickly cough last Sunday which persisted all week. Was due 3rd cycle on 28th too. Rang the ward to ask if I could have my treatment and was told no. Had to wait ti see if I recovered or if it turned into a full blown cold. Still have the cough
Now waiting for new date and form to have bloods repeated. I’ve felt fine in myself. In fact I feel like my old self and have my taste back. On a positive I’ll get to keep my eyelashes and eyebrows a bit longer, my head feels clear and I’ll enjoy eating.
Hope you soon feel better and your cough goes quickly. X
Check with your team. They will do your bloods and if you feel ok they may still go ahead. From my own experience it was all down to the bloods being ok.
Morning, how is everyone? Third EC side effects weren’t as bad but still rubbish and I feel my mental health is really beginning to suffer. I’ve decided now that I’ve had three I’m going to move on to paclitaxel. I’ve weighed it up. I’ve already had a double mastectomy, I’ll be having a full lymph node clearance after this, plus radiotherapy, tamoxifen and an inhibitor. Surely I’m covered. The issue I have with my oncology team is they don’t really give you a bespoke regime, so they can’t really give me any real stats on what one less EC will do. It’s not their fault, the nhs is just a shambles!!! If all goes well, I’ll be done with chemo at end of April. It feels like a dream
@dragonfly2@indigo2@jnra same here, last EC yesterday. Now to wait three weeks until first paclitaxel (12 weeks of that with phesgo).
We’re slowly but surely getting through it… xxx