I reported my nosebleeds last time. It’s not profuse. They were not concerned. Bloods were fine.
Hi @mrsjelly, That is my experience as well- thanks for the tip, I’ll be trying it tomorrow. Be well everyone.
Great news @dragonfly2 that it is finally healing. we’ve all got this even with the rubbish that gets thrown at us
Glad others have the runny nose, yet dry and sore Will definitely try the Vaseline.
Everyone in the house has lurgy so trying to avoid it by dipping us all in hand sanitiser Keep spraying all the touch points. Whilst I hate the Red Devil, I do not want to miss round 3 this Friday.
Keep well everyone, we’ve got this
Ive used this cream, it was very good. Hopefully will work well for you. X
Well girls I have succumbed. Rough ride this time with sickness and fatigue and I’ve realised (eventually!) that I’m doing too much. We are all different and I’m not a woose, just one of the unlucky ones who is going to be completely floored with the pattern of a temperature and debilitating fatigue. I’m usually a really busy bunny and I’m hating it.
As I’ve said much earlier in the thread I totally admire you mums out there, if you are on own and with extra infection problems.
Thank goodness for this thread to read you’re not alone and to have a good moan!!
Have a nice Sunday, it looks like I have an appointment with the sofa and my Kindle
Morning all and happy Sunday!!!
How is everyone. It took 10 days to get over my last EC. Side effects were awful and I really didn’t want EC again. My liver enzymes went through the roof again so had another delay. They want me to decide whether to stay on EC on a reduced dose or move on to paclitaxel. They obvs want me to do EC but I’m just not sure what to do. If all had gone to plan, I would have had my fourth EC by now…
Shall we have our 4th EC together jnra? Let’s nail these baddies and give ourselves a better chance of survival. We could glean all the top tips from these pages, promise to chill because resting is mending and support each other.
We are not alone in our quest, are we ladies?!
Day 3 of third cycle and I’m struggling to do anything much. I can just about look after myself but mostly I am wiped out and just needing to rest. It’s all so rubbish isn’t it?
I keep having the same temporary low temperature drops! I’ll have short periods where I feel quite unwell with a sicky headache and my temperature will be below 36 (lowest has been 35.2) but they only last for about 20 minutes so usually by the time I speak to someone, it’s back above and I don’t feel unwell anymore. They just say to monitor and they seem to come to nothing so I haven’t called the last few times and just waited to see if it’s come back up (which it has). No idea what’s causing it although mine seem to be mostly towards the end of week 1 / week 2 of my 2-week cycles when I’m otherwise usually doing much better generally.
Sorry everyone has the lurgy, don’t forget to ventilate your home, fresh air dilutes the germs making it less likely to spread. I also believe masks work, I worked in a primary school and masked with covid positive staff and pupils and didn’t catch in the classroom. I did catch it eventually in what I thought was an empty room that I ate my lunch, to find a covid positive pupil had been in a small group that morning with the windows closed. The bugs had lingered in the room. I used to always open the windows but needed to balance the cold winter air with ventilation.
@indigo2 @jnra @heya_25 sorry to hear you are struggling so much. Try and stick with it if you can, (I know it’s easier said than done), but you have got so far already.
You can do this… xx
Hi @naughty_boob
I am a huge believer in fresh air. Bedroom windows open day and night….means sleeping with a wee cap on to keep my baldy head warm. I am also using a mask everywhere outside the house as just don’t know who is around. Trying to get a 10 minute walk outside daily (when not pouring)
Thanks @indigo2 toure so lovely and positive! I’m usually a glass half full girl but EC is so hard. I’ve decided to go for my third EC and they have reduced the dose by 25%. I hope it works! I’m going in today so we shall see. Hope you’re good. When is your next EC and is it 3 or 4? Xx
Good luck, hope the dose reduction helps. I have been more tired with 3rd cycle but the other side effects haven’t got any worse so I hope you are able to manage ok.
@jnra great news, a good compromise,hope it went well and you’re doing ok.
Number 4 EC tomorrow. Let’s hope for a smooth run for everyone this week!!
Hi Ladies
I haven’t been on for a week and just wanted to say Thank You all for sharing your experiences.
I had my 3rd EC last week and have felt more tired and wiped out than before. The cold capping was really tough this time and i have felt like I had lost a little of my positive momentum.
Reading that I am not the only one who struggled a little more after 3 EC’s has put things back into perspective and thanks to you lovely people I am back on ‘the positive train’ again.
I too have found my eye sight a bit blurry and have suffered indigestion after eating.
My next 3 rounds I will be changing to Docetaxel so no doubt new symptoms and challenges ahead. Oh the joys !
Keep going ladies. We have got this x
Big hugs @ jacsm, the fatigue is full on, I feel like I’m wearing a lead suit!
Are you on omeprazole for your heartburn? Very worthwhile pursuing if not.
With you all the way!
Have just started on omeprozole. It is weird, not really heartburn but feels like food sticks under my breast bone. Massage my breastbone and I burp. Classy chick eh?
I have managed the gym most days on week three but made the mistake of trying it on day 8 this time
Lay on the mat like a floundering fish and decided a coffee and cake with my gym mates was a much better idea…… don’t know what I was thinking !!
Ever the optimist