July 2017 Radiotherapy



I have started a new thread for those ladies who are continuing into July with their radiotherapy and for the new ladies who will be starting their rads in July.


Hope you are all well.


Helena xxx

I start on 17th of July with 4 weeks. Will finish the day before I go on holiday. Hope all June ladies are doing OK xx

Hi Helena, Thanks for setting up new thread, only three to go now & just to wish all the ladies starting in July all the best. It hasn’t been as bad as expected , the tiredness hasn’t been too bad & my boob is just a little pink, but I have slathered on aloe vera gel mainly, but with Epimax moisturiser as well.

I have met some lovely people on my journey in waiting rooms & in the Heatherwood hospital when I had my lumpectomy.

Now to start on the hormones, which is what I am not looking forward to, but heigh ho, sure the side effects can’t be too bad !



Hi Helena, Thanks for setting up new thread, only three to go now & just to wish all the ladies starting in July all the best. It hasn’t been as bad as expected , the tiredness hasn’t been too bad & my boob is just a little pink, but I have slathered on aloe vera gel mainly, but with Epimax moisturiser as well.

I have met some lovely people on my journey in waiting rooms & in the Heatherwood hospital when I had my lumpectomy.

Now to start on the hormones, which is what I am not looking forward to, but heigh ho, sure the side effects can’t be too bad !



Thank you for opening July thread, havent been on for a couple of days, My infection is clearing slightly but am finding it difficult due to fibro going into flare and arthritis in back getting worse I think it is the awkward way I have to lay in when having my rads, myboob is going a nice red colour and is hot I dont know if any of you have to wear a shell for your rads but everyday it seems to be getting tighter due to swollen boob and have come out in very itchy rash as well and the shoulder is really uncomfortable but having the rads are fine and the ladies and gents in the dept are great and very caring hope everyone is doing well another 7 to go 


Thanks ladybowler found fridays rads really hard it was longer as they were taking loads of images and developed a really dry cough, had a coughing fit when having my rads had to stop as my shell undid due to the coughing dreading tomorrow as I cant go more than five mins without coughing the amount of water im drinking as well my bladder is not coping with the coughing lol and someone asked about headaches I have a really bad headache about half hour after rads and feel nauseous I had my blood pressure checked as they were concerned and my bp also goes up then stedies again cant wait for it to be finished totally shattered all the time, but I have come a long way in a short few months x

When do I put in cream. Got squirty new spray e45. After, before, after and before?? Do I need to get kitted out with anything else please?
Thank you in advance of your pearls of wisdom!!

Hi ladies x

My first session is tomorrow, feeling really anxious about it to be honest xx


I started Letrozole a week ago and so far so good!

Sandra x

I started my Tamoxifen and I’m currently on day 29 I’ve had a few “off” days on it but apart from the severe constipation I’m experiencing it’s been not too bad so far xx

Congrats Diane. Enjoy those bells xx

Hi all, just for info I have had bad reaction to rads, burns and huge swelling. I finsihed last Friday.


Have found Medihoney barrier cream and gel really helps. I use dressings but place tiny spread of cream on skin first, its very soothing and highly rated for burn and skin problems. It was reccoemded by another member thankfully so sharing here.


I had allergic reaction to adhesive dressings, so bear that in mind if dressing does irratate you.


I got larger cotton bras but have had to put bra extenders on as so huge.


Use pillow under breast for support when possible to ease pain.


Cool aloe bera gel in fridge before use, and I have found getting a cooling gel pad, wrapped in cloth so soothing over bra.


I use electric fan next to bed, rest breast on pillow and allow the air to cool and dry the skin.


Gives me some releif at night.


I was assured by Oncologist today swelling will eventually ease, skin will heal, I was so worried it was all due to cancer.


I so hope these things may help those who sore, it is depressings at times, such a long journey. But it does end and we will heal.








Hello all had my last but one rads today one to go on Monday cant wait, well done to all those who finished their rads, my last few have left me feeling nauseous but think its due partly to having to wear the shell which is very tight now as breast has swollen and is very burnt and sore underneath and gone from pink to a light brown all over,they have been brilliant at the centre they have given me dressings to go underneath which burnt a bit at first but are okay now also skin has blistered a little I knew I would have problems skin very sensative cant wear plasters or adhesive pads for long or I come out in nasty rash, due to having fibro  and having lathargy with that I find im sleeping a lot now they said the next two to three weeks that the breast will swell more and to expect more blisters, but it will soon be over, on week six of tamoxifen and now the flushes and night sweats have appeared and joint are aching more but a small price to pay for keeping the cancer at bay Hugs to you all and Meri keep your chin up x


Hi Saphire

Not long to go! I bet your counting down the minutes lol
Have you been given anything to ease the burning? I have to admit reading some of the rad effects is worrying me so much although I realise everyone reacts differently. I’ve only had 3 so far but noticed some breast changes already. I’m so happy your almost over with I can’t wait until I can say the same but I’m only just beginning my rad journey. Onwards and upwards for us all xx

Fee xx

Thank you ladies everyone is different I started seeing changes after my third session,they have given me Mepilex pads to go under the breast they cushion and stop rubbing also they have stuff on them to heal the skin the problem is when I put them on I get really bad burning sensation so dont know if my sensative skin likes them I have tried to keep wearing them as the skin does look a bit better, but having really annoying shooting pains in the breast which keeps waking me up and also noticed my breast has shrunk quite a bit compared to the other breast so my bra is not sitting right, going to have a word with my breast nurse as I think you can buy shells which fit into the bra to even size difference out, last one at 10am and they are giving me a present I can keep my breast shell that I wear when having rads lol x


Hi Welshlady

I hope the pads do their job and help your skin, I’m also quite sensitive to certain pads and creams so I’ll have to be careful. Good luck on your last one today. This might sound silly but what is your shell? lol I’m guessing it’s something to do with your radiotherapy but I’ve not had anything like that yet.


Thank you Fee70 I had to have a plastic shell made as im quite big busted they took a plaster cast of my boobs, then from that make a plastic shell, they put it on when on the radiotherapy bed and it attatches to the actual bed so there is no movement its very restricting and a bit uncomfortable a bit like wearing a corsette lol, Just got to get through the next two weeks now as they said that is when the sweeling and redness will start to disapear and then healing should be complete in the following four weeks, what shocked me most is that I wont see anyone now until a year to the day of my diagnosis  which is febuary its like all the support I had has just been taken away feels a bit scarey, but going to try and move forward. Hope everyone does well with their rads will keep popping back and forth to see if I can help anyone going through the same x


I know to avoid deodorant during rads but can I use soap when showering? x

Thanks ladies!

I have be told to use aveeno as a moisturiser! I will probably get some aqueous as well! I have pre warned hospital transport that if its hot I might get whiffy! Lol!

Silly question can I use perfume at the weekends? x

Hi xx

Welshlady, I have already been booked an appointment with my nurse for September so 6 weeks after my radiotherapy to check on treatment and check how I’m doing on the tamoxifen … saw GP and she’s given me some new stomach tablets to see if I can eat any better, got blood tests to get booked tomorrow to see if I have that tummy bug, feeling pretty awful tonight between my stomach, my boob and this back pain … I need to book in for a complete service I think … I’d deffo not pass a human MOT right now??

Fee xx