I have an appointment 6 weeks after rads with my oncologist! I am hoping to get signed off before my holiday!
I am on letrozole week 3 so far so good! x
I have an appointment 6 weeks after rads with my oncologist! I am hoping to get signed off before my holiday!
I am on letrozole week 3 so far so good! x
I am going to ring breast nurse tomorrow as I thought the oncologist would have seen me in a couple of weeks to check how im getting on with the tamoxifen , I do feel a little bit abandoned, I am really sore tonight got the dressings on but it seems to be burning more with them on might have to stop using them it might be the adhesive on them my skin is so sensetive has anyone who has been sore used anything that helped as cant sleep because of the pain
Last one done, go to see the consultant tomorrow then back for review in 3 months.
I am very sore, tired and swollen but thats only to be expected, hopefully soon life will get back to some sort of normality I know its not going to be easy its been a very bumpy ride.
Big Hugs to all those still going through treatment,
Christine XXXXX (I will still be here daily for a long while to come) ???
Congratulations on finishing rads saphire xxxx enjoy some well deserved rest now.
Hugs and bells ding donging for you xx
Thank you so much Ladybowler and a big Thank you to whoever created this forum, without it, it would have been a very frightening and lonely journey. You are all amazing,
Lots and lots of Love and Hugs to everyone.
Christine ?❤️??❤️??❤️??❤️??❤️?. XXXXX
Good morning everyone ?
Just popping in to say a quick hello before I head off for day 6. Have a good day everyone.
Good Luck Fee!
I hope Day 6 goes well! x
Mornings ng Fee, good luck for today xxx
Well, that’s my first session done and I’m duly equipped with a big tub of E45-type cream! My big question is how come everyone on here seems to get blue tattoos? Mine are red! I feel cheated ?
14 sessions + 4 boosts to go. It seems a long way until the end but hopefully I’ll get into the swing of it all ok.
Hi Karen,
I’ve been given Zerobase to use if I need it, I did ask about moisturising daily but because my skin is sensitive and I don’t normally use creams I was advised to just see how I got on without it.
I’m on Day 7, tomorrow is 8 then weekend off ?
Hi Fee. How are you finding it so far? Any tiredness? X
Hi Karen,
I’ve been ok so far, I feel a wee bit tired today not sleepy tired but like I’ve overdone it sort of tired. I’ve been getting a wee headache each day after my radiotherapy but don’t know if it’s just tension or if it’s anything to do with the treatment, it’s not a big thing just aware of it xxx
How are you getting on? How was day 2?
Day 4 post rads and been awake all night with burning sensation it has been quite mild till now, I have really sensative skin and cant have most dressings as I am allergic, the dressing they gave me at the hospital mepilex and when I put them on under the breast it would burn for about half an hour, well this morning try to remove the dressing which adheres to the skin and the dry skin came off leaving raw skin and it bled the burning sensation was quite bad, rang doctor and she said to go down straight away,she told me not to put anything on it apart from gauze as it needs to breath and the doctor has given me antibiotics as she is worried cellulitus is coming back, got to go to wound clinic on monday to have it checked but relief since taking the dressing off the burning has subsided so looks like my skin dont like most dressings bar gauze lol, so hopefully now I will heal onwards and upwards hope everyone going through their rads are coping okay.
Hi Fee. Day 2 was ok. I feel tired but I think it is emotional exhaustion from being anxious! My main problem is a funny tummy every day, presumably due to my tamoxifen. X
Hi Karen,
Yeah my tummy been a bit off too, doctor gave me omeprazole to take twice a day but they didn’t help. It’s like indigestion but not acidy everything I eat makes me feel s bit quiffy.
Welshlady I do hope you start to feel a bit more like yourself soon xxx you do seem to be having a rough time of it xxxx
Hi everyone! Just done first week of rads, 3 to go. Just read I should be drinking more water! I did so much research before chemo (3 months taxol finished 6 weeks ago) I’ve been more relaxed about this. So far skin ok but are there any tips I’ve missed? Have aloe Vera and moisturiser.
Hi welshlady,
So sorry to hear about your daughter’s boyfriend & that she found him. It really does sound like she is in shock, which is wholly understandable & of course, you’ll be there for her.
Heaven only knows why people do what they do, but it would seem he was in a place at that time, where he could not be reached.
love & best wishes to you both.
ann x
Congratulations on finishing your radiotherapy today, time to sit back relax and have you time, make sure that you carry on moisturising, keep your fluid intake up and rest.
Ringing the bells for you today xxxx
Thanks ladybowler ? Feels odd - good but weird! Thanks for all of your support xx