Thank you so much for remembering Helena! I’m now in Greece went straight on holiday. It’s upsetting not being able to swim and sunbathe but I am loving the chance to relax. Hoping I might be able swim in a week. V sore still!
Diane x
Glad you are finally getting somewhere … I’m feeling very fed up at the moment, called breast nurse today so I’m hoping she will return my call so I can go through with her how I’m feeling. So tired of feeling unwell sick of the sight of tablets that don’t seem to help, my whole digestive system seems to be struggling in and out … then to top it off I started bleeding today not heavy but need to find out if that’s expected on the tamoxifen … I’m also fed up listening to myself complaining lol xx
On the plus side I joined the gym and went twice this week and walked on the treadmill for a little bit … they say exercise can help recovery so fingers crossed. Take care and I hope you get something to help with your symptoms xxx