July 2024 chemo starters

@lilo1973 @debi1 Pleased you are both not feeling too bad after your chemo. It is really good for me to read that as I know everyone reacts differently but it is giving me hope that I may not feel as bad as I do now with future treatments. It’s good to see positives. :blush:
I feel a bit better today, headache isn’t quite as bad and not feeling so dizzy and light headed but my constipation has turned to diarrhoea (TMI!) so will get in touch with the helpline to see what they suggest.


Hi @bex1

If you think you may have a UTI, please contact your team or GP, you may need antibiotics. The sooner it’s treated the better. You’re not being a pest or a nuisance by calling and getting tested.



@olli3 @booklover1 good luck today :heart: @loobyloo1 hope all went well yesterday. Sorry if I’ve forgot who’s started or starting this week. Sending bid hugs :people_hugging: :hugs: :heart:


Please do phone your unit with your throat and possible uti you might need fluconzole if you’ve got thrush mouth starting and the uti if you have one might need antibiotics :heart: I had a uti with no temperature and it required antibiotics :heart:keep safe :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Hello everyone, I start chemo on Friday (19th) 3 cycles of EC and then 3 of Docetaxel. I am just waiting for an assessment phone call. So many of you mentions ports and picc lines but no-one has yet mentioned anything to me from the hospital. When are these usually offered/fitted. Feeling a little nervous as the day is getting closer and closer.
Sending everyone well wishes and thanks for the very informative posts so far x x


Hi @ronnies
Good luck on Friday for your first treatment. You can speak with the chemo nurse about the port or PICC but it maybe that you don’t need it. I’m having weekly chemo for 12 weeks, then 4 x 3 weekly. So they advised I get a port to save my veins.

I have only just had it and I started 2 weeks ago.

I hope this helps. For me the anxiety was worse than treatment but everyone is different. Good luck x


I’ve had my pic line put in today ready for tomorrow but like above I’m scheduled for 12x weekly then 4 x fortnightly. Maybe as you only have a few doses it’s not necessary? Please ask at your next appointment to settle any nerves xx


Hi @ronnies hi. Im on the same treatment plan as you. Ive had one session. I had my treatment intravenous through the back of my hand. Was told would do it that way unless there were any problems with the veins. Hope this helps. It was fine. Good luck and let us know how you get on xx


@kerrylou1 good luck tomorrow x


Little update - have had pre assessment and am having a picc but as the chemo was scheduled quickly it will be done in between the 1st and 2nd cycle x


That’s when I was due to get mine but managed to get in via a cancellation before my 1st chemo. I think like everything it’s about how the hospital do things I was surprised at the voucher for a wig as my nhs hospital voucher is for 78.00 whist others are so much more

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I haven’t even got that far yet. Although I think I’m going to go wig less and with scarves for the main part. But we will see x
Hope you aren’t feeling too poorly x

I do feel a bit anxious and have A LOT of excess energy. I’m having a final fling week :woman_facepalming:t2::joy:

I am going wigless too not sure what I could get from that . I have had great 1st cycle with hardly any symptoms but we are all different and fingers crossed the next will be the same but I won’t get my hopes up. Enjoy life when you can I think this is our wake up call I just can’t wait to go out and have fun again I feel like I have been house bound since my operation in May and can’t go out now till end of chemo around October time so little wins are victories take care x


Good luck @ronnies @kerrylou1 with first treatment this week (and anyone else I’ve missed)

I declined the port as having 4 (TC) but after the monster of a bruise that’s appeared im wondering if I’ve made the right decision.

After ropey days 3-5 I’m feeling “ok”.

Managed a long walk yesterday after wfh and worked half a day again today.

I did my first hair wash today & have to say I’m dreading “the big shed”. I’m cold capping but from what I read/ hear it’s to help regrowth.

I’ve asked my husband to find the clippers and I will do the shave when the time comes with my kids. Now that I’ve had my first cycle this is seems to be my next big fear. :pleading_face:

How is everyone faring with the messages from friends and family checking if you’re ok? Is it wrong that I feel kinda too drained to respond? Esp when they calls come during “lie down” … just want to blink and wake up 11 weeks from now

Anyhow fab to see the side effects aren’t too miserable for all. We got this! :heartbeat:


@idcand49 take advantage of the Do Not Disturb on your phone. Don’t feel bad about not taking calls or responding. Sometimes you won’t have the energy and just want to rest and be quiet.

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Thanks @deb1 I had my first of chemo & immunotherapy today. It all went well although nurses struggled to get a canular in so they have said it will be worth getting a port fitted before the 2nd or 3rd cycle.

I cold capped and that wasn’t so bad. It was very cold for the first 10 minutes but they just felt a bit heavy. I did take some paracetomel before they started which helped.

I am feeling ok at home a bit tired and a little bit nauseous but have taken the 'if and when" tablet to try and keep it at bay. I was disappointed that my neutrophils dipped below the range before I have even started treatment so I will need to do the injections from day 4.

I know its going to be up and down but all in
all today has been ok & the nurses are lovely.xx

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@idcand49 glad you’re feeling better now lovely. Yes definitely turn your phone off if you need to rest. I bet all your friends and family that are messaging wouldn’t expect you to get straight back anyway. Try not to worry too much about cold cap working, is does work for some. Im doing it but got some hats and wigs just in case but for now im trying not to think about it. Having said that i will prob go to pieces if it happens :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t3:. @booklover1 glad you’re ok hun. Take care ladies x

Hi @idcan49, sorry that you didn’t feel too well at the start of the cycle but good to hear you are feeling stronger. I hope your team is able to change your meds & the next cycle is easier. That’s really great that you got out walking and have been working too :heart: .

I totally get about dealing with calls from family & well wishers. I am really grateful they care but it does take a lot of emotional energy toox I hope you are able to get some restxx

Good luck for the next one & good luck to anyone starting this week x :heart:

I’ll give a mouthwash a go. Everything tastes so strong though. Which one are you using? x